Barisone News

There was a lot about his injuries, confusion, and statements. At the scene the officer used the word incoherent in his notes. The judge asked about why the officer used that word and the officer stated that his affect was a blank stare and that he wasn’t aggressive, just “there”.

Several of the statements were referenced as being made after the administration of pain medicine, one being fentanyl and the other ketamine. The judge argued about the effects of those medicines to cause confusion was for expert medical testimony to determine.

I know for a fact that IV fentanyl can cause confusion almost immediately. You can OD and drop dead from it before you can even get the needle out of your veins.


The trial is being moved until March because several other cases are older than MB’s and must proceed. MB must go to trial before May 8 or he will be released for trial later. Bilinkas told the judge MB did not want to be released, should the trial not begin by then, but wanted to stay until the trial was held. Judge Taylor was surprised at that request and said he’d never heard something like that before and hoped the trial would be over by May 8.


The judge also commented that he didn’t think MB had a choice in the matter.


Heymer also gave a clearer picture of the scene. RG and MB were approximately 5 feet from a small porch with a few steps. They were on a concrete pad. LK was a few feet to the left of the two men.

Once MB was secured, Heymer yelled for his medical kit to be brought to him from his car so he could apply bandages to two sucking wounds in LK’s chest and waited for the ambulances. He never clarified if RG was ever searched. This was Heymer’s first visit to the Farm.

48 Hours was at the hearing as were LK’s mother, father and sister.


Closing arguments characterized the gun as the one “purportedly” used in the shooting. Lawyer peeps….is this just stylistic like using alleged before the trial?

Also, key thing to note. The officer walked up on the scene and immediately believed RG’s statements about the gun/who was the shooter.


That’s very interesting. Weird to let anyone walk away until the scene is secure.

Very interesting!


Wasn’t the deadline supposed to be in February? I thought that was the date mentioned in an earlier account.

I can’t really imagine preferring to stay locked up if you had the option to get out, but I won’t claim to have any idea what it’s like to be in that situation.


@Sdel please correct anything I’ve posted if it differs from what you heard. I listen intently and took lots of notes. I’m glad someone else was also able to watch it.


I can think of many reasons to stay at this point. It’s already been over two years. His farm/home/animals are gone. Most of his friends are in FL or NC for the winter and spring and he would not be allowed to leave the state.


Especially for the way the officer was testifying. I’ll elaborate more when I can get home and look at my notes.


I was talking to someone who used to do child welfare visits. She said that she was trained to ask if any guns were in the home and to check how they were secured. (Gun safe or whatever-they did not handle the guns themselves though)

They would also ask people about their own childhoods and if there was abuse. She said most people, if innocent of the allegations, may be upset and scared but tried to comply with the investigation.


The defense and prosecuting attorneys will meet 12/8 to discuss evidence and what they want to admit to trial. The state psych report is finished and the defense psych report will be complete, hopefully within two weeks. The defense expert has met with MB 5 times at length and will be responding to specific points in the state report.

MB sat calmly and attentively during the hearing occasionally writing something and toward the end intently looked at several photos Bilinkas had (no idea what they were of).


I heard most of it, but with spotty reception.

One thing that surprised me was that I thought Bilinkas was not impressive at all. He had to search for papers, he had dozens of long pauses - not for dramatic effect, just for not having marshaled his thoughts or materials. He seemed slow and a bit lost.

LK had gone on a bit of rager here for awhile after he was hired to paint him as corrupt and even directed people to some video of him or referenced another case he argued - I can’t remember. She was presenting him as unethical in his tactics. So, I was expecting someone very slick and polished. This guy was like Columbo but without the big reveal (so far).

The judge also seemed really irritated with Bilinkas every time he spoke to him. Is that normal? He was chill with the other parties but just seemed very out of sorts with Bilinkas.


They were pictures of MB’s head showing injuries to both eyes, one ear, and at least one other place with lots of blood.


Did you watch the 48hours show of him regarding the Vertetis trial? I watched it and the only thing I did not like was he yelled sometimes when talking to the jury. I think that would get on juror’s nerves but maybe some do it to drive a point home.

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I think Bilinkas was being extremely careful and thoughtful. At the last hearing he was more animated and it was the prosecutor Judge Taylor chided. I watched Taylor’s zoom conference before this hearing and he was saying how swamped he is and backed up and running out of time…in other words, exhausted.


I did not. Is that the thing LK linked to in her posts about him?

He just seemed a disordered and confused for the most part. I get this isn’t the trial, though.


All makes sense. I bet any court-related position is a nightmare these past 18 months and didn’t start out as a walk in the park in the first place!


So we he was confused before he was given pain meds?

Is it possible he was high when this whole thing occurred?

Why does he want to stay in jail??? For time and a half? Do they do that in the US?

I’m so shocked to hear he wants to remain in jail. Is he having a psychotic episode of some sort? The confusion etc. This is very bizarre.


It was the episode “Moment of Truth” I don’t know if it is the same one LK referred to.

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