Barisone News

I truly appreciate all your expertise commenting on this stuff, particularly in the other forum! So much of this is Greek to us who don’t have a Global Top Five law firm on retainer!


Those who have shared their knowledge of the law and how the trial process works are really appreciated!


He had a bit of a clash with the judge about the judge’s notes from the previous hearing. He had to go back and shuffle through the old stuff to find the relevant documents.


@FitzE looking at my notes I made a comment that Bilinkas seemed to be “strategizing” in his mind on getting things out that wouldn’t be objected to. I’m sure you realize Shellhorn already knew how Heymer would testify and he (Shellhorn) just wanted to skate the surface while Bilinkas wanted to go deeper.


Yeah, I had forgotten that part! And Bilinkas was correct!


Well, we have some real experts here and I’m not one of them as this is so far from my lane that I’d need to drive there! :rofl: But, I know the basics and I really appreciate the lawyers and legal professionals, especially those with court and procedure experience, dropping their knowledge on us so we can make some sense of things.

I can say that b/c I’m an adult, I’m good at what I do, I’m good with acknowledging what I don’t do and don’t know, and I am secure enough in my own person and professional status to be able to (i) know what’s outside my own expertise, (ii) seek answers in a respectful way, (iii) appreciate and acknowledge the expertise and experience of others, and (iv) have no issues whatsoever being corrected if I get points wrong.


The officer described him as incoherent, blank stare, and “just there” while he was getting up from the gun, being lead across the parking lot, and eventually handcuffed.


I am a trial lawyer, but not a criminal one. All of the above can be true at the same time. We have to think on our feet a lot, and although we are usually very, very prepared, that can also mean that we have that “I’m sure the judge is wrong about that… I saw that somewhere in the thousands of documents I’ve reviewed… I wonder where…” can give rise to a long pause, paper shuffling etc.

However I’ve also seen what I call the “bumbling schoolboy” effect used very purposefully by some counsel. It is frustrating as all get out! I know that person’s not an idiot, but they put on their best apologetic “gol darn it, I guess I just didn’t realize that WAS a rule, Your Honour” and they get away with it! This is like men who pretend they don’t know how the dishwasher works. Give me a break!




Excellent insight. As to your last point, there was a guy who did this in law school. We called him Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. :rofl:


My criminal defense attorney friend has a list of books she recommended to me written by Gerry Spence. He represented Randy Weaver in the Ruby Ridge case. Supposedly he has never lost a criminal case as a prosecutor or as a defense attorney. I’ve just started “How To Argue and Win Every Time”. Has anyone else read his books and did you enjoy reading them?

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Yeah, and they’re all (ALL) reading this wondering if you and these other “hard of hearing,” cothers were watching a completely different hearing. But, hey…… have fun kids!

PS- the hearing today was about admitting statements - which Bilinkas clearly forgot when he arrived in court today. That was the only “bombshell.”


Of course you and they heard it differently. It’s interesting that three of us have posted basically identical posts about the hearing. And yes, everyone wants to know why RG really went back into the house leaving you lying on the concrete.


Sounds like Encino Man :joy:

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I think it was a skit on that programme Saturday Night Live. :rofl:


Uncalled for


It is definitely of interest.

So would be a balistics report…


[quote]Of course you and they heard it differently. It’s interesting that three of us have posted basically identical posts about the hearing. And yes, everyone wants to know why RG really went back into the house leaving you lying on the concrete.[quote]



Does it make sense for MB to plot a murder and arrive on the scene with a gun with only 3 bullets?

In the last hearing one of the cops said he found a full magazine in MB’s pocket but that wasn’t mentioned at all today with all the chatter about the gun.


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You’re welcome.