Barisone News

They’re two photos posted next to each other, not a photo of the deer and dog in the one frame. The dog could be knee high though, I’d think.


And that’s the beauty of reasonable doubt. The defense doesn’t have to prove anything other than that “something” could have happened and the prosecution can’t prove a negative.

If the house/RG was not independently searched, no independent proof that there wasn’t a weapon on RG when police arrived. No independent proof he didn’t wash his hands. No independent proof he didn’t change his clothes. No independent proof he didn’t delete a video that showed MB being attacked.

It is problematic as well that RG said there was a video, and then suddenly there wasn’t. We’ve heard a lot of things on these threads, such as the fact that the cameras were only on when LK was gone by people claiming to be close to the situation, to justify the why the cameras weren’t working…most of them then make the fact that RG stated there was a video absurd. And then there hasn’t been much discussion that LK’s own statements here tend to contradict her sworn civil court related statements about the nature, location, and timeline on the installation of these cameras. One such that comes to mind is LK’s repeated assertion that when MB calls 911 he is making up them being at the barn at certain times as evidenced by her “cameras”…which according to her sworn discovery were not yet installed.




This is the main point for me. Taking literally everything RG and LK say as the God’s honest truth, the fact that RG was not properly handled (movement controlled, hands/clothes tested, etc.), that the LEO believed without independent verification his version of events (who the shooter was), and that there are minutes that he was inside that are unaccounted for, opens up all kinds of reasonable doubt.

To be clear, before someone comes on and blathers on about, oh, what are you imagining he did; do you really think he hid evidence/erased tapes; etc.: I am saying, from a POV of believe everything RG says AND believing he did nothing more than innocently put the dog away - the mishandling of his person and his movements could give the case away because all the defence has to do is create reasonable doubt in a juror’s mind.

Again, this is not pro-MB. I didn’t know this man existed before this case. This is pro-innocent victim. If someone messes up securing the scene and the chain of custody, the case could be significantly weakened. That’s literally all most of us are saying. We are not saying what did or even what could have happened. We are saying that sloppy work at the scene could muck it all up and allow the shooter to escape some or all consequences.


And that is assuming facts in a light most favorable to LK and RG. Funny how that works.

I do have to defend KM here,although she doesn’t need it, but she has an excellent knowledge of things legal, especially procedure. Things like why something gets dismissed, those are terms of art, well defined in the law. It’s often not lack of facts, can be subject matter jurisdiction, the statute of limitations has run, geographical jurisdiction…Most of those actually turn on facts presented, not missing facts.


I can see that maybe the LEO felt there was not much to investigate. Two people had already identified MB as the shooter, RG when LE first arrived and LK on the phone to 911 after she was shot.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t have secured the scene and followed protocol or that they should have immediately believed RG, but a small town and a group of people recently well known to LE……I can see that happening.

IIRC, quite a while ago—maybe in the very first thread—there was mention of the gun jamming. If there were only three rounds in the gun, it sounds like someone may have mistaken an empty gun for a jam???


No, there are several parties who are part of this whole deal. And besides that, she’s not a lawyer, so some of us are interested in insights on the case from actual lawyers.


Thanks @LiberalSnowflake for the pictures of RG/LK’s dog—cute face.


Possible. But then the sequence of events are being recalled out of order. And there is the competing claim of her perfect memory of the events.


So, am I mis-remembering??

Perhaps after the dog bit someone, wasn’t a stipulation of the dog remaining on the property that it be tethered when outside?


And they are tenacious and quite protective of their person, though usually a good judge of character.


And the ever changing number of shot to the chest, the window, etc


Like Comey with the “Lordy I hope there are tapes”, it was crowed that there were…


I would say anyone who thinks going into a sett to fight a badger is at the very least tenacious. :joy:


And the numerous statements that IM, presenting himself as close to both the prosecution and defense, made in direct conflicts with both LK’s statements (multiple topics) here and RG’s (about the video) to the cop.


I thought you were on the porch all day reading a book?


And then she went upstairs to get RG and bring him out to the porch. And she had to approach MB because she wanted to hear how he was going to “make things right”.


And he was inside for “minutes” according to the LEOs testimony the other day.
That’s not a fabrication of any MB fangirls…

As FitzE states, the point is, the possibility that the responding officer didn’t control the scene as he should creates big holes.


It is hard for me to understand WHY the responding officer took RG’s word that he was not the shooter/aggressor when he was the one sitting on MB’s back.


Agreed, the guy least injured, with the least amount of blood on him would appear to me to be the one behind the gun, not in front of it.:woman_shrugging:

But protocol should dictate officers draw zero conclusions. Alas…