My guess if that, contrary to Bilinkas’s claim, the dog did not actually weigh 50-60 pounds! Being skeptical of anything anyone says makes it a lot easier to put together a coherent picture!
A broken hand has more implications in the picking up and manipulation of items than pain. A broken hand also lacks strength and would hinder the manipulation of doors, for one thing.
Parties who are part of it how exactly? Are they involved in relationships with any of them? Family members? If not then no they aren’t part of it.
And yes I am one of the posters who wants to discuss the actual case, but currently there is no insight, just back handed comments by a bunch of nasty posters
I am quoting myself here for all those who think this is just group of “MB fan girls” picking on someone we are jealous of. Notice she did not respond to this post. Could not present one single post where I lied.
Nothing further from the case than being an “MB fan girl”! Have never met the man, wouldn’t know who he was if he showed up on my doorstep, could give a flying fig about dressage as it is not my “thing”!
But I do care greatly when someone calls me a liar. And not only does it more than once or twice, without a single post or fact to back it up. Plus, I am not the only post who has experienced this with @La-LaPopRider.
I find it extremely interesting that the rest of us are called to a higher standard than @La-LaPopRider. I understand she has experienced physical and emotional trauma. But dang, if you are going to accuse people of things, at least present information to up your claims.
Many of us had suggested she not post here IN ORDER TO KEEP THE CASE AGAINST HER ATTACKER STRONG. And guess what- those who have suggested that have been vehemently attacked by her, on the actual thread or through personal messsage.
When people show you who they are, believe them. Lies, false accusations, ugly nasty manners? Jump to your own conclusions, and I will jump to mine.
But @La-LaPopRider, if you are going to call me a liar, please back that up with something actually factual. You are not the only one with high powered attorneys!
Well that was an interesting veer into The Twilight Zone last night! I hate I missed the banter!
Back to the case…regardless whether MB’s utterances are allowed in the trial or not, it’s a guarantee RG’s statement about a recording, and then leaving the scene for any period of time will definitely be pursued with vigor creating all sorts of questions and reasonable doubt.
Gosh, I’m sorry you must have missed the first 100 or so posts of this thread questioning the disappearance of RG from the scene, the alleged recording that even on the day of the shooting was apparently not investigated, the weird idea of bringing a gun to a premeditated attempted murder with only 3 bullets in the magazine, all sorts of questions have been raised in the past several days that will, more than likely, be raised in the trial.
Picking up a struggling, barking, possibly snapping dog isn’t easy at the best of times, let alone one that is 50-ish pounds with a broken hand. But adrenaline may have played a role.