Barisone News

The one thing that stands out to me is: I don’t think the prosecution can make the definitive claim there were no other weapons present at the time of the shooting.


Maybe we will eventually know if gunshot residue tests were done on all three.


I was wondering if someone did GSR test prior to going into house. If you washed your hands after going into house or even handled the dog first. My understanding is all get tested (maybe not shooting victim as they would be receiving medical attention ) in a shooting. Im told it should be done prior to handcuffing-that the hands are covered with a bag to preserve evidence.

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The did not identify if they did anything special. The only clarification was if MB was handcuffed with hands in front or back.

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They might be able to use that for reasonable doubt I would think.


With only one cop there at the time, no one would have been there to test for anything before RG went into the house. That seems to have occurred within minutes, maybe seconds, of the first cop arriving and shortly before or after MB was handcuffed.


from watching too many bad movies and from the posted notes I saw it as the barrel sliding in an open position. That happens when the gun is empty, so you slide the new magazine in, and by sliding the barrel back the first round is inserted in the chamber. It has been a long while since I held a Ruger in my hand.
But this makes me go hmm…
again over the sequence of events.
Because nobody I know has only 3 rounds in a magazine, unless they just shot a bunch and such - bad movies, you know.
So there should be 5-12 bullets somewhere on the property.
Which of course, 2 years later…
And again I wonder who was actually shooting.

Alas, if the gun had the safety on…that is a whole different issue.
And then you wonder why RG went inside, and did not just chuck the pooch in the house and close the door.

(60 pounds is not a small dog though)


It’s possible that by using the term “locked” the officer meant that the chamber was open because the gun and magazine were empty. Some semi-autos will stay open once all bullets have been fired. So if there were only three bullets initially in the weapon once they were fired the slide would stay open or “locked” back. Not saying this is so, just looking for a reason he said locked instead of safety on.

Very interesting indeed, thank you for the posters taking such good notes.


Remember, their apartment was on the 2nd floor and down a hallway.


Right, but to get the dog out of everyone’s way all he had to do was toss it in the house behind the door, not take it all the way to their living space. Especially true as all the other residents had vacated as per orders, which I understand happened. Plus most were already out and living in the barn by that point, no? So he had no need to take the dog anywhere farther than inside the door.

I do not consider a 50-60 lb dog small. If it’s aggressive, even less so.


true, but GF is bleeding on the porch. the dog would not have been my priority.


Will that be available to watch online?


We all react differently to trauma.


Meh. If the dog was biting at the officer, getting kicked and we all know cops have shot dogs attacking them, taking a few seconds to put it behind a door actually does make sense.


Ding, ding ding!


It really isn’t us it has to make sense to, but a jury. When I put my unruly dogs up I don’t have to go inside with them for a few minutes, especially if there is an emergency in the yard.


A word about the discussion about the drugs.

The Judge and defense disagreed about a timeline of events. The defense pulled out one of the police reports and read off a quick timeline. 13:55 given 100 mcg of fentanyl; and 13:56 notes the comments about his life being destroyed. The judge and defense argued about the effects of this. The defense was asserting the pain medicine caused confusion and the confusion resulted in the utterances. The judge didn’t deny this, just stated it was a medical fact and needed a medical expert to testify to….and at this hearing that wasn’t in evidence.

My Dh is a CCU nurse with a lot of experience with fentanyl. He says 100 mcg is actually quite a bit, it acts almost instantaneously, and yes, it is realistic that it caused significant confusion within a minute of being given.

Also, the officer very clearly said RG went INSIDE the house. Also, the immediate follow up question was “was he searched”.


The officer stated on the second go around that he wasn’t very afraid of the dog.


Sorry if you already answered this but what was the response to “was he searched”?

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