Barisone News

The judge would not allow a response because it was outside the scope. But, the cop never mentioned searching anyone.


It was objected to and not answered. The reason was that the hearing was about MB’s utterances and Miranda rights. That was more appropriate for an evidentiary hearing.


I don’t know re the dog. I was not in RG’s shoes (thankfully, I’d never want to he either, for a variety of reasons) so I cannot say exactly what I would’ve done. I possibly would’ve wanted the dog out of the way so all emergency responders could do their job. Just one less thing to worry about, so I can see why he went to bring the dog inside. Out of all things to find unusual, this isn’t so noteworthy, IMO.

Plus it was a crazy situation so the dogs behavior could’ve been unpredictable, depending on the dog. So best just to remove the dog from the scene.

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Thank you and @eggbutt for your response.

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Haven’t read all comments yet, but will answer before I forget. No, that isn’t the same thing.

Being locked means that the pistol has fired all rounds contained in the magazine/clip, the pistol is now empty (both clip and chamber) and the bolt carrier group (which contains the firing pin) is automatically “locked” to the back of the pistol. At this point, you can see into the chamber which is now empty. (This is in a normally functioning bolt-action pistol, without any malfunction happening).

The safety is a separate lever that you normally activate with the thumb when you are done firing.


Thank you!

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Wasn’t a comment made at one point that the gun jammed?

There was a FB comment that LK made that stated the gun jammed between shots 2 and 3.



Honest (ignorant) question
how could the gun jam between shots 2 and 3? I thought 2 were fired at LK and 1 fired at RG. So how were 3 shots fired if the gun jammed?


It could be cleared and then shot again. But I’m not sure how skilled MB is with guns to know if that was a possibility under these circumstances with the scenario presented in the way it is. It seems it was all pretty close range the whole time and clearing a jam quickly takes some familiarity.


That’s what I suspected if the gun did, indeed, jam. Plus it just seemed like an intense and possibly quick situation. So it seemed odd. Not saying impossible or what actually happened, just odd to me, a person somewhat but not totally familiar with firearms.


Good question. When a rifle or pistol jams, for safety’s sake, you should take what the military calls “immediate action” before attempting to pull the trigger again.

For a pistol, I would remove the magazine, attempt to manually lock back the bolt carrier group, and shake/dislodge any round wedged incorrectly in chamber or between chamber and magazine.

In a struggle with someone else, I can’t imagine being able to do something like this to un-jam the pistol. So, I too am confused about the pistol jamming between the 2nd and 3rd rounds.

ETA: Since that was my training, when I encountered jams (never in a struggle situation), I never actually tried to pull the trigger again until I had done the above and cleared the jam. I don’t see how a pistol could jam, correct itself and be fired again. From my experience, it would require human intervention first.

If we have any armorers or anyone with more firearms expertise, please correct me if that could happen. I was just a user: can take one apart, put it together, fire it and perform the above immediate action when necessary.


To my mind the scenario gets clearer.

There are investigatory irregularities for sure.

The burden of proof for attempted murder seems a heavier burden today.


Is there a danger of the gun accidentally misfiring when clearing a jam?

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If I have a dog that’s extremely protective of me and my family, they’re getting properly put away especially if there is an emergency in the yard. Dogs can be reactive to things like that, even usually well mannered dogs. I’d be afraid a cop would decide to take the dog out with a bullet. My dog was my family, if it took a few minutes to put him away from harm to himself or others, so be it.

Thanks for that clarification. That makes more sense now.


Yes that can happen.




I think we need to agree to disagree about this. I also put my animals above my life. That said, if a person I love is gravely wounded, it would take me 10 seconds to get the dog inside the house behind a secured door without my having to go in. Then I would be with the person I love doing anything possible to help them.


I would also think that if I were intending to murder someone(s) I would go there with a fully loaded gun, and it sounded like this gun was not? Then again, I’ve never intended to murder someone and don’t know the exact details of this situation.