Barisone News

Does anyone else wonder if it’s usual to “attempt murder” with a gun holding just 3 bullets? If it was premeditated wouldn’t you want more bullets?

Thinking out loud here.

Plus add to that the whole in the middle of the day, farm having people and authorities near or returning later.


I think there would also be a question of what the officers would allow you to do in this situation for safety and for evidence. I understand the need to get the dog out of the way but it seems it would have to be done in a certain manner.


I think of all the things that seem inexplicable about the situation, the actions regarding the dog maybe come down the most to a person’s individual reaction. Some people might think of the dog first, some people might not think of the dog at all, and some people would fall somewhere in between.


I would toss the dog in the house and quickly shut the door, probably staying outside and returning to the scene in 2 seconds flat to join back with my beloved who is lying on the ground, bleeding.


I did not get the sense from the officer’s testimony that he was concerned at all with the dog. He certainly didn’t testify that he asked RG to remove it from the scene.


Just a military user, not an expert.

There are many different causes of a misfire (another term for a malfunction). The jams I experienced were usually caused when the magazine didn’t feed the round correctly into the chamber. The round was not in the correct position for the firing pin to hit the primer. In those cases, I don’t see how there could be a misfire since the firing pin can’t make contact with the primer.

Jams can also be caused by a round being stuck in the barrel. Firing pin contacts primer, round starts down barrel then gets stuck. Pulling the trigger again in this case could be dangerous for you and the weapon. If another round gets chambered and fired, the barrel could explode.

I did have experience with an M16 rifle that jammed and I couldn’t get the bolt carrier group to manually lock back so that I could get at the jammed round. (The safety lever will not function if the bolt is not locked back). I had to take the weapon, treating it as a live weapon, to the armorer.

I would love to hear from anyone else if they ever had a “jammed” pistol that resulted in a misfire and what actually caused it. Never too old to learn new things.


I think there wasn’t enough testimony at this hearing to tell. It wasn’t developed at all. The defense just made it very clear that they will pursue the details of RG leaving the scene at the trial.


It is bizarre that he wants to remain in jail. However, I can actually think of a few reasons why. They might be far fetched though and are purely speculation. Would be interesting to know MB’s reasoning behind it though because it is odd.

I mean, we know he’s not “ok” exactly, but I don’t know to what level, intellectually and psychologically he is functioning at currently.

*by “ok” I mean, “ok” people don’t find themselves in this situation, or so one would think.

Before anyone thinks I’m on MB’s side, I’m not. I think he’s totally bizarre (amongst other things), but I’d still be interested in what he has to say.

Edit: idk why my post is a reply to KM, but quoted Jealoushe, my response is to Jealoushe…or to anyone that wants to discuss the matter, really.

Exactly, especially since the police officer indicated the door was feet away from where they were. A lot can be done “in minutes”.

And now, more than ever, I wonder about the recording. IM emphatically stated in the last thread there were no tapes!! Why would RG tell this officer, “we have it all on tape”?


That seems like the most logical approach, although I’m not sure how much logic was involved in the events of that day.


I’d like to know how much time he went inside for. That’s not specified. For all we know it was a few seconds securing a dog in a crate. It could also have been several minutes. Without that question being asked and answered, who knows.


I’m thinking of he gets released he will have to stay in NJ. Its winter so all his friends are down south. He could be alone.

While awaiting trial there would be protective orders in place keeping MB away from certain people. I know from my experience working that people are accused of violating protective orders all the time. Such a violation could complicate his upcoming trial negatively. Also, he might fear for his life. In jail he is safe from both these possibilities.


The notes I have say “Goodwin went to get his dog and went inside for a few minutes. I handcuffed Barisone.”

@sdel what did you hear?


Who are the “several?” You are and always have been in NC. As much you would love to be “involved,” in “this,” (for some twisted reason, which even your perceived closest “friends” can’t comprehend) you are not. There were 3 people present & as IM pointed out, an “ear witness,” - but 0 of them were you.

Begs the question- who are the “several,” in which today presented “difficulty?” Actually, given the real transcript of todays hearing, as opposed to yours, & Sdel’s I guess I can see why today (a simple, statements admission hearing, which not 1 of you got right- despite “notes,” LOL) just might have been a difficult day for you. A word of advice, if I may. If today was difficult for you, you may want to avoid watching the trial. Stick to Coth, where, with just one post, the dog Heymer “flicked off his boot,” might become a grizzly! And, RG (instead of quickly shoving a petrified dog behind a door) will have been surely seen “disappearing,” to go inside, watch a movie, make a sandwich, nap on the couch, and come outside hours later to find…… (idk, you finish the story! Facts maybe hard for you, but making up fictional stories comes likes eggs - over-easy!)


Unless the policeman had a bodycam on, I wonder if there will ever be a definitive answer to that question. If there was just the one officer there at that time, he was probably pretty occupied with MB and/or LK.

If only there had been a surveillance camera set up there!


But the cop said RG said there was!



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It’s also easy to lose an accurate sense of time while in an emergency situation. Things feel like longer than they actually are.


Yes, for sure.


My word! There are so many fiction tellers in this situation! All defense attorneys, me, @Sdel , anyone who has an alternate opinion or asks a question…dang. Now this cop has made up a story, or at least embellished it. Saying something over and over doesn’t make it true. That’s fake news.