Barisone News

I’m so glad some posters aren’t LE here.

Talk about trying to make the evidence fit the storyline you want.

Any imaginary story why MB couldn’t possibly be guilty. The most reasonable explanation fits the storyline and evidence. And that’s that MB lost it a fight ensued
that ended in almost killing someone.

RG going into the house is a big nothing burger. It’s trying to find any little thing to make it seem like he’s guilty somehow. If there was only one officer there and the scene is chaotic a person putting their aggressive dog away isn’t a big deal.

Also MB asked to STAY IN JAIL. What innocent person would ever do that ???


One afraid of people on the outside.


I only heard him say that RG went inside the house with the dog. No mention of time. But the follow up question was “was he searched” so maybe there is an element of time that I missed or that is known through other evidence that was not presented in this hearing. But I happen to think it was probably inappropriate to act in any manner unless directed to while the scene was still unsecured. One officer who has not definitively proven that all weapons are accounted for is not a secured crime scene.


Ed Bilinkas’ exact words were, “Michael Barisone wants a vigorous defense rather than be released”.


Only Epstein was afraid of that. Seriously ridiculous to even suggest that when he’s the one who tried to kill someone :joy:


Why? Fame? Attention?

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Barisone isn’t the one seeking fame and attention.


Takes one to know one.


It seems to me he wants to remain in jail because it means the can hold the courts to yhe March deadline. According to the above quote, if they want the trial later, they have ro release him. Ergo, “I’ll stay in jail, thanks”. If he was released it seems like it would give them every reason to put off this trial even further. Plus, time served, let’s rack it up.


Why did he even need to go inside anyway. Couldn’t he have just stood there with his hand on the collar in order to control the dog?


That was not the reference that was made. The judge argued with the defense that MB wouldn’t have a choice in being released if the deadline was met.


I can imagine wanting to get the dog completely out of the way by putting it inside the house. Especially if I thought for one second that the police might decide to shoot it.


Not to be rude, but are you hard of hearing? My father is. Not an insult. Serious question.

While we’re down some nonsensical rabbit hole, I wanted to memorialize my second pick for best quote - of ALL these LK/MB threads. You’ll remember this one.

Lawyer: We are bringing this suit bc we feel the police violated Mr. Barisone’s CIVIL RIGHTS.

Judge: (paraphrased) Case dismissed as I do not find Mr. Barisone’s CIVIL RIGHTS to have been violated.

Eggbutt: This case was only dismissed bc no civil rights were violated!! Nothing more!

Me: Correct! And nothing less! (Wonders in my head, “ what was Eggbutts point there, exactly? Oh. She doesn’t know either, but she sure hopes she confused at least…… 5 people.)


If you have a reactive dog, and a situation that’s about to have lights, sirens, multiple cops and at least one ambulance showing up… it would be understandable to put it in a crate if you have one set up. We don’t know what the time frame was. Could have been a minute, could have been more, could have been less. Is RG supposed to know what the cop needs to do to secure the scene, or that he shouldn’t go put the dog that was jumping at and/or biting at the officer’s feet away? Especially considering LK is shot at this point, the dog may need to be left for several hours. I wouldn’t just open the door, shove it inside, and walk away not knowing how long I was going to be at the hospital for and what it could get into left on its own.

ETA: Don’t know of course if that’s what he was doing, but it’s a plausible explanation for a minute or two. (Again, no time was specified.)


Tell us, since you were there, at least physically, what can you dispute about what you think your father heard today? Did you watch the hearing and LOL as you’ve said you all do? Stop deflecting and calling people liars. Tell us your explanation of what was testified to today…please.


I wonder how long he was there by himself until backup arrived.


That is all true, but from a crime scene standpoint, if there was an undiscovered weapon, that was an opportunity to remove that weapon and destroy/contaminate evidence without the police officer being aware.


So you can pick apart her response and accuse jer of lying again?!

Stop. Antagonizing. Good lord.


Right! Especially, if ya know, a cop or something instructed it to carefully observe the scene. I guess we both “imagine,” correctly!


The cop never mentioned telling RG to put the dog up. I’m not hard of hearing.