Barisone News

Who is antagonizing whom? Who have I called a liar about this hearing?


One one hand yes, he could have used the opportunity to conceal something. On the other, a dog running around isn’t going to make for a very secure scene either, especially with more first responders on the way.

That is a valid point. I would imagine officers would want to follow everything by the book so that the case doesn’t get damaged by improper procedure.
My attorney friend is interested in a case in Ohio where a doctor is facing 25 counts of murder. Because of alleged prosecutorial misconduct, the charges may be dismissed. It is to be decided Friday.


But for a trial/crime scene
.the prior is more important. Criminal cases are over turned/acquitted based on improper evidence procedures. It is probably not a minor consideration that he left the control of the police officer. If RG was not searched prior to leaving the officers sight, the state has no independent evidence to prove that he didn’t have a gun small enough to fit inside a purse or a knife hidden in a pocket that was used to threaten MB. That is even more true if the police did not conduct a search of the house as well.


Yes, to this, however, what’s important is not what one would think or feel about their dog or their dog v. their injured loved one. The point is: why was anyone allowed to go inside the dwelling unaccompanied before the scene was secured?

I remember watching a documentary and hearing an LEO say, you don’t allow people into an unsecured building b/c you don’t know who else or what else is in there. Who will come out, how many will come out, will they be armed, etc.?

So, one LEO shows up and asks who the shooter was. A person in control of another person says, he was. The LEO then allows that first person to go into the house (who cares for what reason, forget the dog altogether). Turns out, that person was the shooter and just went in and got another firearm and now comes out and either shoots more people, including the LEO, or does a suicide by cop.

NB: NOT that I think this is what happened, just the really simple reason you don’t allow people to leave a crime scene and enter a building unattended before everything is sorted out. I’m really shocked that officer allowed this to happen, for his own safety if nothing else.

That’s the reason people are talking about RG going into the house. It’s not about the dog, it’s about the proper handing of the crime scene and all actors therein.


Yes. he is supposed to know that. And the way he should have known that is that the LEO is supposed to tell him that by making it very clear no one goes anywhere until things are secured and stabilised.

Sure you would if you’d been told clearly and firmly, stay where I can see you and keep your hands where I can see them until I tell you it’s under control and you can move around again. That’s really super standard.


Good explanation. If I took away the names from this event, I would still think it odd, so it’s nothing to do with the persons involved. I can see (as I stated earlier) why RG would want to remove the dog from the scene. However, I would think the officer would’ve requested him to restrain the dog and remain in sight with hands where he could see them, or something along those lines. It is a risk to let someone out of sight, I would think.

Even though LK said MB shot her on the 911 call, and RG also said MB was the shooter, how would you know, as a random officer first on the scene, that’s really the case? I’m not saying it wasn’t the case, but thinking objectively here, would I automatically just believe what was said? I’m not the police, obviously, so I may be way off here, but even if I heard this situation told to me without names I’d still have questions. Not because I automatically assume that anyone did anything wrong, but because I, as a not police officer, don’t understand it. My questions are just out of purely not knowing and understanding, not suggesting anything nefarious.


This is huge for me. This is what I’d hammer home if I had to defend someone in this situation. Why would you believe any one person at that scene and believe them to the point of restraining one party and allowing the other free rein in and around the scene? That seems against any police protocol I’ve every heard of and also against the best interests of the LEO him or herself. What if you believed the wrong person?

Again, as you say, all this is true without any names attached. Also, all three of those people are highly interested parties and hugely biased (I would be, too!) so it is especially strange to just believe the only one still speaking right off the bat and proceed as though his version is unassailable. It doesn’t stand to reason at all.


Did someone ever say 1.) someone was allowed to go INTO a dwelling (besides an animal)
2.) the scene and most importantly, EVERY person (including we two victims) were NOT searched and “secured?”

No. And, no.


This is probably what the civil suit meant about the extreme bias of the police officers as evidenced by their reports to the 911 calls.


Yes, and I’m 100% not saying that RG wasn’t telling the truth. He may, in fact, be doing just that.

But, why, as the LEO, would I believe it with no further investigation AND allow the one person who seems to have gotten away fairly unscathed to swan about the place?

It would be a shame if big mistakes like that allowed the actual shooter to get away with it, b/c that seems a really big mistake.


I agree. It’s very odd and very interesting that he would just grab the dog and leave the officer’s sight prior to being searched at the very least. RG may not have known not to go inside
 it should have been up to the officer to say otherwise. I’m also not assuming that RG had some other motive to go inside though. I have no way of knowing.


Agreed, I’m not assuming he had any motive other than securing the dog. But, it does not look good for the prosecution that he was not properly searched and questioned before being allowed to roam unattended through the crime scene.

In fact, if RG’s story is 100% correct and he had nothing to hide and was only securing the dog, it’s even sadder b/c such a lapse in protocol could mean the shooter getting off and that would be a total miscarriage of justice.


They wouldn’t. They didn’t & what do you mean by “allowing the other free rein in and around the scene?” Were you there? Or on the “other side of the world,” as you earlier asserted? But hey, I guess if that’s something Bilinkas brings up (he will not) he will “drive the point home,” like you! Then again, there is thing called “evidence,” and by “discovery,” he would have that evidence.

. And you being the “Ivy educated attorney,” who is employed by a “top 10 global firm” - I (not a lawyer) don’t need to explain to you the extreme likelihood that the DA presented this very evidence before a Grand Jury! And, in light of this evidence, Barisone was, in fact, indicted on ALL charges - “as is.”!

Here, I’ll list them for you:
2 counts of FIRST DEGREE ATTEMPTED MURDER (premeditated)
2 counts of SECOND DEGREE Weapons Used for Unlawful Purposes charges.

True bill. True bill. True bill.


Can we stop with the insults and BS. We all realize someone has a particular narrative they have to project but the rest of us are merely discussing facts as have been presented in legal documents and hearings and then speculating, imagining, guessing, rehashing and doing it all over again. We are not a jury or prosecutors or defense attorneys. This is a social forum. Period. If someone doesn’t like the discussion they don’t have to participate. But the snide remarks are totally uncalled for.


If they are about me, I truly do not read them so no worries. Unless someone quotes them I am blissfully unaware. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I really do wonder about the safety of the responding officers with the way it was handled. I’m really curious what we are going to learn at trial about these details. Will the actual trial be streamed like yesterday’s hearing, does anyone know?


The Nancy Jaffer article about yesterday’s hearing states MB blacked out from the time CPS started questioning him to when he was in the hospital.


Nothing has been mentioned about a streaming trial as far as I know. Do any of us have 3 weeks to watch it all?


I think so. The judge said in a previous hearing that there were only 3 courtrooms capable of hosting a jury and complying with social distancing.

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Sure do.