Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Originally posted by YankeeDuchess View Post
Yes, I understand that you subsequently “clarified” your original post to make the claim that by “victim” you meant “respondent”.

If you want me to go away, then ignoring my posts is a much better strategy than responding to each of my post, and, in addition, gratuitously tagging me when responding to other people.

Are you just annoyed that the very large majority of everything YD has posted has been so much closer to plausibility than anything anyone else has posted? Or, are you just bothered that she & a few others refuse to buy into yours & others’ absolutely ridiculous scenarios?

I know this isn’t directed at me but I’m extremely confused. What do you mean?


I asked about the dog in the closed thread because I noticed that in LK’s recount of the events of that afternoon, she did not mention the dog at all… did I somehow miss that? Not one to go back and search through old posts…


Pretty sure she was referring to me.

Worried? :lol::lol:

In the Twist thread, post #70. She does mention the dog. La-LaPopRider wrote:

"The exact sequence of events are as follows: (There are perhaps, one or two specific details, I can’t comment on, but only bc it’s def not public info & MB has no idea it/they exist.) I was reading on my love seat on the porch. I’d been there all morning. Sometime around 2 pm I saw Michaels truck speeding down the driveway. I heard it & immediately peeked my head out from the umbrella attached to the love seat. He pulled in the driveway to the house and parked directly in front of the table set outside the porch. I immediately ran upstairs to get Rob bc I had no desire to talk to him & was afraid to be alone with him out there. Rob came down, stood on the porch (at first) and began asking Michael what he wanted. I noticed Michael was standing in a very weird position. He was behind a chair, hiding most of his body behind a bush. I could hear, but I was standing on the porch so I leaned over the handrail to hear better. Michael told/asked Rob “what can I do to make everything better? I just want to make this right and make everything good again… I honestly could not believe my ears. But, Rob told him to call his lawyer and let our lawyers talk & stormed away back to the porch. I, however, DID want to hear exactly how Michael thought he was gonna make everything alright - you’d have to know Michael to know that after the past 6-7 days of TORTURE - he might actually think there was some way to “fix everything.” Even I partially believed it. So I stupidly went outside (off the safety of the porch - to be clear) and got about 4 ft away from him, but the table and partial chair were in between us. I right away asked, “ok. How do you plan to … (or something similar) Never finished my sentence. He immediately pulled a gun from his jeans and shot me twice in the chest right then. I ran around in a circle or something… I think I was in shock. But reality kicked in and my first thought was Rob. Michael fired another round and Rob went down. I thought he was shot in the head. Glass was everywhere from the window in the door in the laundry room which leads to the porch where rob had been standing - Michael started running to the porch & One second later Rob comes leaping out of the laundry room door (which wasn’t completely closed all the way, as we wanted to be able to go right back in if needed) and tackles Michael to the ground. I was bleeding from my chest and side so badly it was running down my arms and hands and my red shirt was (still RED &) soaking wet. I was TERRIFIED the gun would go off from somewhere under Michael and Rob was on top of him holding him down… I remember running over to them and trying to dial 911 from my phone but my hands were soaking wet with blood, it wouldn’t dial… 911 got called though. (That part I can’t disclose.) 911 was called Also by me - apparently. But I don’t remember speaking to 911. I remember vividly Rob screaming “Stop fkng trying to move Michael.” They were on the ground still & I couldn’t let the gun go off or let Michael get free. So I started hitting him in the face with my phone until it broke. Rob kept trying to push me off bc he legit thought I was about to die once the adrenaline wore off or I bled out, but I kept coming back until I thought I should try & somehow tourniquet my chest (stupid I know, but I didn’t know how else to stop the bleeding) … so I started crawling toward the table bc I guess I thought I saw a rag or small towel (they were usually always on the chair seats bc they were SO uncomfortable) but I couldn’t make it. Body gave out. I was losing consciousness and I knew that was BAD. Cops showed up exactly at that moment. 6 guys I think. But one guy was first by a matter of a nano second. He got Rob off Michael & I remember my dog was somehow outside which she’s never allowed to be unless she’s on her ground leash. She was biting Michael and even Rob, too. Anyway, the cop was then standing over Michael with a pistol aimed at his head telling him if he moved again, he would “fkng kill him so do not fkng move.” All I remember after are pieces… the 6 cops were trying to keep me conscious. They bandaged my entry wounds, located the exits, bandaged them too, cleaned blood off my face and arms. Then I remember hearing “the med evac chopper can’t fly - there is storm coming. But they did get there. I was flown to the hospital and that is all I remember. I woke up 4 days later in the ICU …

not editing this, so if there are grammar mistakes or words missing … feel free to either ask or ignore. Also, I was not “tricked,” into writing this … these facts I’m allowed to share. But ONLY these facts. There will definitely be surprises… and thank god. Once the defense figures it out I can’t imagine what defense he will POSSIBLY have to combat the “other” evidence. "


Do you have any idea how you sound? Good Grief! You can “automatically,” not believe anything I say all you want. I, automatically believe you’re a victim blamer of the worst order just by your name calling, lame AF insults & clear lack of anything of real substance to add to this thread. So… you can feel free to “automatically,” believe anything you want. One question for you. Do you automatically believe the Earth is flat instead round? I say it’s round. Which do you “automatically,” believe? Never mind! I forgot. According to you- it’s flat. You automatically believe the opposite of anything I say. Right? Just checking.

Anyone have a good cheese ball recipe to go with artisan crackers and Riesling?


There are some on this thread who wonder if you are coaching YD in her comments - it’s been established by you that you are not her. That said, I wonder if MB/MH/JH have coached other posters here? It is as plausible isn’t it? Strictly my imagination with absolutely nothing to base my thoughts on.


Originally posted by rothmpp View Post
Except that absolutely no one posting here has any idea where the gun came from or where/how it was stored. The only thing we know for sure is that at some point the gun ended up in in MB’s hand on the day in question.

I’m finding it very difficult to believe that anyone other than MB has been arrested up to this point, LKs insistence to the contrary aside. We’ve got people on here whose internet sleuthing skills, frankly, frighten me a little. Some of 'em should be working for Homeland or the CIA. No one has been able to turn up any record at all of an arrest.

I could come up with a dozen different plausible (wild and otherwise) scenarios for where/how/who owned and/or had control of the gun prior to the shooting. [QUOTE]

I guess their “sleuthing skills,” aren’t as superior as you describe.
FTR- when a federal warrant is issued for someone’s arrest- they (sometimes) have a choice as to whether they wish to be arrested & detained by federal marshals in a different state - then brought to the state of the crime in custody- OR- choosing to turn themselves in with pretty short time span.

That’s all - except to say, turning oneself in doesn’t erase the fact they’ve been placed under arrest once they arrive- nor does it lessen the charge. That “plausible,” enough for you? Or… do you still “have a hard time believing anyone other than MB has been arrested?” Don’t bother answering. Consider who you’re telling your “beliefs,” to. Perhaps, I just might know more than you- without having to use “sleuthing skills.”

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It doesn’t involved cheese balls, but I know a good recipe for disaster though, and it goes well with artisan crackers and Riesling on the side.



Is this supposed to be interpreted as some sort of threat or intimidation? Trace away, my dear. I doubt anyone of consequence is interested in a few wise cracks on a horse forum (which, for the record, were not in reference to you).

Does anyone have a good nut loaf recipe on hand?


What do you mean by “nut loaf”…the vegetarian savory loaf with cheese and nuts and all sorts of herbs and spices or a sweet bread type loaf?


I guess, you will have to just go with that theory. You clearly have very little knowledge of victims rights. If someone is charged in relation to this case- I’m informed immediately. You, however, are not.
I wondered, at first, why this arrest wasn’t immediately made public via news/media. Then, (precisely bc of the timing of said arrest) I was made aware as to why (and how) this information was not reported on the “6 o’clock, news.” Leaving that right there.

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I’m not picky, but in keeping with this thread, the nuttier the better.


LK is not “coaching” me in my comments. She has not PMed me. I am virtually certain that she has no idea who I am in real life.

I do! I call one “Charm.” Another one is called “Flirty Mood.” I have a lot more. These recipes for loaf bread are for horses- right? I don’t have any recipes for humans. If I share my horse treat recipes, would you mind passing them on to the new owners of Charmeur, Mood, Isah, Urbanas etc, etc… Etc. TIA!

Im well aware of the difference. Never once did I indicate there was any “confusion.”
Again, I really don’t care what you believe to be “plausible,” or, better yet “not plausible,” when I’m 100% certain your assumptions of what is “not plausible,” (re: charges of other people) are factually, incorrect.

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For the love… If you’re going to continue this drama and interrupt my ability to obtain recipes, use the quote function properly. Have all the drama you want, just use the quote feature correctly.