Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I believe I very clearly stated in my last post about this that IMO MB is the victim in this particular bogus report to SS/CPS. Shall we continue with this argument?


You understand that 1+1=2, right??? Just checking because many of your posts attempt to conflate things that have no line of logic whatsoever. Or do you just enjoy stirring the pot with HUGE jumps in conclusion???



Which is why I’m looking at that recipe and thinking of how to turn it into bars instead of a cake.


With all due respect, I declined twice to rehash the point about SS/CPS and GWE demanded I repeat it for her convenience.

Are you guys watching the Star Wars marathon? Or was that a coincidence?

Either way, here’s a tangent for you. Kylo Ren- hot or not?


Here you go @YankeeDuchess - to refresh your slanted memory where I clearly stated MY opinion that MB was the victim in this instance. Shall we dance further???


Please share if you come up with a recipe for bars!

  Here GWE is schooling me on “how SS works”, and states that “They do not call the victims to get their side of the story”. 

   This was a generic statement about “how SS works”, so I understood “victim” to mean the reporter. 

     Apparently, according to GWE, victim would indeed refer to the reporter in other cases, such as GM, or, RG, or perhaps all cases other than MB. But despite the generic nature of the statement, I was supposed to understand that by victim GWE meant the accused, MB, and not the reporter, LK.
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Please share if you come up with a recipe for bars!


Hmmmm…I think this recipe might be too light for bars as it’s written. The cake is quite light and oh my, so melt in your mouth delicious.



I shouldn’t be eating cake or bars, but they both sound so good on this dreary Sunday evening!


I’ll do that, but it will probably take a fair amount of time. Fortunately, I have dozens of young adults to volunteer to taste-test my attempts at work. Those magical years between 18 - 30.


Well, just to give you something more to argue…

Someone falsely accused of a crime is a victim.
That seems pretty obvious and easy to understand… or is it just me, the Rocket Scientist?


Notice my reference was to the first SW that I saw, in the theatre, when it came out… that is the extent of my knowledge of the franchise.

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And yet, you posted this after I clearly tagged you and quoted my original post. You always have to have the last word, the last dig don’t you @YankeeDuchess ??? You try way too hard to control the dialog, thread and what others think. I shall go back to completely ignoring your posts again, that is until you begin to smear others again, including LK, without merit, at which point I shall speak up again. Capeesh?


Didn’t someone up thread say that the kids were not on the farm nor even in the state of NJ?

So now say in your teeniest, tiniest, softest voice, Ohhhhh! Maybe LK was right and part of the murder plan was to get the kids off the farm and out of the state!



Just an example of a theory which is in no way “plausible.” Carry on, though…

Yes, I understand that you subsequently “clarified” your original post to make the claim that by “victim” you meant “respondent”.

If you want me to go away, then ignoring my posts is a much better strategy than responding to each of my post, and, in addition, gratuitously tagging me when responding to other people.

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Perhaps we should ALL ignore your posts and then you can carry on all the parts of the discussion and argue with yourself. That would be plausible I suppose.


I hope you weren’t referring to me, here. Anyway, my attention is focused on you. Well… not so much mine. Are points awarded to those who involve themselves in criminal & civil suits by … doing what you’ve been doing, hoping it wouldn’t be noticed & traced? Oops.

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