Barisone Pleads Not Guilty




Your post, which I QFPed said that you knew for a fact that SS did not follow up with the “victim”, which refers to the reporter, not the accused. 

You want to walk that back now?

This way if alibi_18 screws her cake up she can blame you. Isn’t that the way this thread is working???


Actually no
I consider “the victim” to be the person reported on in this instance. You want to walk that back now? Since it is apparent MB had done nothing to be reported to SS about, he indeed is the victim!


The difference between pastry flour and AP flour is that pastry flour has less protein (gluten) and is milled finer. Pastry flour is not only OK, but preferable to AP in, well, pastries.

Thank you!






Do you find it interesting that the children were in such danger that SS/CPS had to be called because their mother and potential stepfather were causing them harm, yet their mother was not charged by SS or CPS with anything and still has her children??? SS banned MB for the shooting, not the children. Seem like a bogus report to CPS all the way around doesn’t it?


So strange.
Almost like the claim to SS came from a far away galaxy.
“Save me Obi Won, you’re my only hope”




I think she’s finally said something we can all agree on.


Eh, I think she is grasping desperately at straws.

And even though GreenWithEnvy has very politely pointed out the error of her logic, she refuses to see it. Just like it was pointed out there have been no public charges or arrests made against the supposed owner of the gun. But, maybe if you repeat something enough times, the facts will change???


Oh, and I’m too lazy to go back and quote but yes, it was me who mentioned FR and her being asked to leave. And I immediately apologized for having stated it as factual rather than hearsay.


Isn’t that the current state of affairs in our nation? Deflect, deny, defend, repeat until the gullible fall into line? Follow the shiny light and all that stuff? THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL STATEMENT.

  Pretty sure SS and CPS have a policy of “better safe than sorry”, in the sense that if they have information to suggest that there is more than a tiny chance the children may be in danger, they investigate.

   Of all CPS visits that occur in NJ, are you saying that 100% of visits prompted by non bogus reports result in charges against the mother, or result in the children being taken away? 

   I never said that the hypothetical referral by SS to CPS was motivated by concerns over child abuse by MB or even that the perceived danger was perceived to be emanating from MB as opposed to LK. I said that in a follow up with the reporter, SS may have (correctly) believed that the children, if present, were in danger. 

     On your pronouncement that SS does not follow up with the “victim” , where  “victim” refers to the accused, does the terminology (victim=accused) hold generally, so that in the GM case you would refer to GM as the victim? Or just when the respondent is MB and the reporter is LK? Your statement seemed to refer to the SS protocol in general, and not to a single case.

The sad thing is that she didn’t answer the questions. Nor was she the person queried. Apparently, I don’t know how to use a search engine to find out that the protein content of pastry flour is between 8 - 9%.

No, I went to the person who has made the recipe and asked specific questions.

Thank you again for the recipe and clarifying the ingredient list. It looks delicious.


Well I won’t argue with that. But I do think we can all agree pastry flour is good for pastries.