Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

If you’ve seen previous episodes of the Lady Duchess Show, you’ll recognize the classic gameshow segment, “pin the words on the poster”.

Premise is simple: choose a post you dislike, use it to disparage a randomly selected poster you dislike, and see if you get called out for misattribution. Points are awarded not for matching posts and posters, but for keeping attention focused on you.


You are amazing. You spout all sorts of defenses and innuendo, but as far as one of the most important aspects of this “crime” you decide to run. Got it. There is no one who was involved in this situation who had any reason to get CPS involved other than LK/RG. No one. Your tiny iota of credibility is shot.


My hypothesis: (not fact)

  1. LK calls or emails SS alleging bullying and harassment by MB and/or his associates, thinking that SS handles cases of bullying directed toward adults.
  2. SafeSport follows up with at a minimum LK and RG, but possibly also with MB and girlfriend to determine whether or not they will pursue it.
  3. In the course of the follow up, SafeSport personnel believes that any children, if present, may be in danger. Not in danger of child abuse, necessarily, but in danger of some sort.
  4. With the benefit of hindsight (there was a gun on the premises and there were two attempted murders), IMHO any children on the premises were in danger (although not necessarily in danger of child abuse) and IMHO once learning of the overall situation, SafeSport would have been negligent if they, SS, did not call CPS.

A. In my hypothesis, a report by LK to SS alleging something OTHER than child abuse triggered a referral from SS to CPS over the general welfare of the children, if present.

B. I think that statement A is very different from a statement to the effect that LK made a false allegation of child abuse against to SS.

If you think that statements A and B are logically equivalent, then that is where the disagreement lies.

I know I chopped the hell out of this post, but you jumped all over me over my use of plausible.

And I know posters have addressed this already, but it bears repeating. You might not like my use of plausible, but there is NOTHING quasi about his TRAINING/TRAINER of record of a Olympic dressage horse/rider. Or his status as the reserve Olympic rider. In quite a few countries he’d have been an Olympic rider.

Here is an example of my “plausible” that I’m sure you’ll deem ridiculous:

The gun really was acquired by LK/RG. They never registered it, so it doesn’t trace back to them. If they never transferred their permanent residence to NJ, they likely wouldn’t have been able to register it in NJ. MB got a hold of it during the altercation. He used it. LK tells daddy “OMG, it was my gun, but it is not in my name” Daddy says “Here is what we do - we file suit against absolutely everyone and hopefully it’ll stick”. If they never track down the last possessor of the gun before LK/RG/MB/RC/MH/JH/etc…, no one will be able to testify who the owner was and they can try to stick it to MB/et al.

Tear apart to your heart’s content.


Perhaps you need to learn how SS works. They do not call the victims to get their side of the story. They do their own investigation send letters. LK knew exactly what she was doing when she called SS…she had absolutely no reason to call them other than to file a false report on MB. Regardless, believe what you decide to believe based on your allegiance to LK rather than known facts.

So far today, you’ve attempted to additionally smear MB by saying he is a “quasi-Olympian trainer”, defended LK’s involvement with CPS, and declared you have solved all issues regarding the weapon. How about you take a break from your ideas for a few days. The next court date is coming up and you can begin your theories all over again. For someone so new to this forum, you sure have seemed to make your mind up about this case rather quickly. I don’t buy it.


Your plausible example makes as much or more sense than YankeeDuchess. There are many possible scenarios in the “big” thread, including self-defense and diminished mental capacity. I guess we’ll know in October.


Interestingly, “plausible” once meant “worthy of applause”. Now it means “believable or probable”.

What matters is not what you or I find plausible, but what the jury in MBs case finds plausible. If your scenario [that the gun belonged to LK, and she brought it with her on the porch, and LK was shot by accident or in self defense], is plausible to the defense lawyers, and they use it as a defense strategy, and the jurors find it plausible, then MB should be acquitted of first degree attempted murder, no prob. If the jury finds your “example” plausible, looks like nothing worse than involuntary manslaughter would stick.

So if that’s a story sufficiently plausible for the defense to use, that’s excellent news for MB.

I will not opine on whether I consider it plausible - what matters is its plausibility to the jury.

I thought SS didn’t go digging for reasons to be further involved?

But again, every word that falls from Lauren’s lips (& fingers) is diamonds and pearls.

So, if LK didn’t say word one to SS or CPS about children, who else would have done so? Her boyfriend who was owed $50,000 (according to Lauren, who is incapable of stretching, bending or twisting the truth like taffy)? He had a stake in the outcome too. He could easily have called CPS if Lauren suggested it would be yet another way to harass Barisone into capitulation.

I am truly surprised that a dog who bit someone (particularly a police officer) wasn’t picked up by animal control that same day.

Disclaimer: shooting people is bad. Sue them instead.



Yes, I inquired about the status of the 12-25 lb dog earlier today and got no reply. That must not be of interest to @YankeeDuchess at this point. I wonder where the dog went after LK was transported via chopper or ambulance as well as RG rushing into surgery for his wrist? Little nagging questions to ponder.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I’m certainly not sure why this post was important enough to save for posterity! Have at it YD!

I have a great recipe for Brown Sugar Caramel Pound Cake!


Don’t be a tease! Do share!



  • 1 cup butter softened
  • 1/2 cup butter-flavored shortening
  • 2 cups light brown sugar packed
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 5 eggs room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour sifted
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup toffee baking bits plus more for garnish
  • 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup light brown sugar packed
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup pecan cookie pieces & toffees bits optional garnish
  • Preheat oven to 325. F.
  • Generously grease and lightly flour bundt pan. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, cream together butter and shortening.
  • Mix in brown sugar and white sugar.
  • Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each egg.
  • Fold in vanilla extract. Set aside.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.
  • Gradually add dry mixture into the wet mixture while alternating with the buttermilk and heavy cream.
  • Mix well until combined being sure to scrape down the sides of the bowl.
  • Fold in toffee pieces. (Can also add in some pecan pieces if desired)
  • Pour batter evenly into prepared bundt pan.
  • Shake the pan back and forth and up and down to even out batter and release air bubbles.
  • Bake on the middle rack for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
  • Remove from oven and let cake sit in pan for 10-15 minutes before removing and placing on a cooling rack to finish cooling.
  • When cake is completely cooled start making the caramel frosting.
  • In a large saucepan over medium-low heat, stir together sweetened condensed milk and brown sugar.
  • Keep stirring until bubbles begin to gently break on the surface.
  • Reduce heat if needed, do not let the mixture boil or simmer too rapidly to prevent burning.
  • Continue cooking for about 5 minutes until mixture thickens, stirring constantly.
  • Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla.
  • Stir vigorously until butter is combined.
  • Sauce will begin to thicken up even more as it cools.
  • Pour the hot caramel sauce over the cooled cake. (I always have sauce left over. Goes great on ice cream!)
  • Garnish the cake with pecan pieces and toffee pieces if desired (highly recommended)
  • Let cake sit until frosting begins to harden.
    You enquired of whom about the 12-25 lb dog?

Why make enquiries of LK, when you don’t believe anything she says?
I don’t know anything about the dog other than LK described it as being 25 pounds. I also stated my opinion to the effect that I personally to do not find it plausible that MB would bring a gun with him out of fear of a small to moderate size dog that had been on the property for months.

But thanks for gratuitously tagging me in your post.

Well your statement that you know for a fact that SS does not call a reporter to follow up on a report, for one.

I’ll use your tactic…go search for it several pages back. And by the way, MB was pretty torn up by that tiny dog. After it had bitten at least one other person on the property, you bet I would go to my own home in defensive posture if I thought the dog might be loose. I heard a rumor, total rumor, many weeks ago that the dog had been put down. I don’t even remember where I heard it and didn’t give it much thought, but it does now seem relevant if the dog was that dangerous.

You seem to have become the answering service for LK for some reason. I’m not sure why, but that’s why I addressed you, since you seem to have all the answers.


Three questions:

Salted or unsalted butter?
Is pastry flour an acceptable substitute and if so, same amount of flour?


This sounds totally sinful! Yummmmm!!!


Follow up with the reporter or the person accused? You alluded they contact the accused. They don’t do that initially. But if someone eluded children were in danger, they are obligated to alert authorities without hesitation.


Unsalted. Not sure about pastry flour. I use all purpose flour.