Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

  I agree with AF that IF he can establish that he brought the gun for another purpose, such as rabid badgers or fear of a dog, then his arriving with the gun on Aug 7 is not evidence of premeditation. 

   However, convincing me of the premise would be difficult if it was just on Aug 7 that he started carrying the gun. If the risk from rabid badgers or the dog had been there for months, I would find this explanation not plausible unless he had been carrying a gun routinely.

That dog must be on a diet. It keeps getting smaller. And having been bitten by a 30 lb. dog I can tell you I wish I had had the means to dispatch it at that time. No idea what happened to the dog, I did get all appropriate animal control and law enforcement involved, and I never saw it again.


Out of curiosity- who do you feel would know better than me, who was arrested for “transferring an illegal firearm for unlawful purposes?” Your groupies of speculators?

As far as pleading not guilty- Duh. No defendant takes or offers a plea deal at this stage. There is absolutely zero downside to pleading not guilty right now. He can change his plea at almost any point he chooses down the road. Why would he do it now, having no idea what evidence is in discovery?

Yes, this is true.


Bc… it would be just so much “fun,” for all of you victim blaming, MB worshippers to watch the trial & say “SEE! LK made up everything she said!” Think again. On the contrary- for the sake of humanity, (and victim justice) I’d want to be 100% anything I’ve said is a provable fact. Then- once you’ve realized I’m not only a reliable source- but especially, VERIFIABLE, I’m sure you’ll issue an apology. Right?

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Once again, I will direct you to the nice people at Merriam-Webster to make things perfectly clear:

| \ ə-ˈfi-shəl , ō- \ [h=2]Collegiate Definition (Entry 1 of 2)[/h]

  • 1[B]:[/B] one who holds or is invested (see INVEST entry 2 sense 1) with an office [B]:[/B] OFFICER
  • government [I]officials[/I]
  • A company [I]official[/I] responded to our request.
  • 2[B]:[/B] one who administers the rules of a game or sport especially as a referee or umpire
  • a football [I]official[/I]
adjective [h=2]Collegiate Definition (Entry 2 of 2)[/h]
  • 1[B]:[/B] of or relating to an office, position, or trust
  • official duties
  • official documents
  • 2[B]:[/B] holding an office [B]:[/B] having authority
  • the president's [I]official [/I]representative
  • [I]official[/I] statement
  • an [I]official[/I] biography b[B]:[/B] prescribed or recognized as authorized
  • an [I]official[/I] language c[B]:[/B] described by the U.S. Pharmacopeia or the National Formulary
  • The [I]official[/I] drug is sold under several trade names.
  • 4[B]:[/B] befitting or characteristic of a person in office
  • extended an [I]official[/I] greeting
  • [I]official[/I] condolences

Thank you. You’ve brought up an excellent point which I pls to share with the detectives. Though… something tells me they are way ahead of you (and me) on this possibly, critical question you’ve just posed.

And, FTR- the dog’s weight & size have never changed here. Her heart worm preventive pills are for dogs 11-25 lbs. She’s never allowed outside unless she’s on a leash- Incase she sees a deer and runs away. But, again- thank you! Surely, if this dog is so dangerous or “vicious,” - certainly an ACU would’ve been called before. Especially, if MB & MH were so terrified. Especially, with children in the house who had no problem coming to pet her & give her treats. Speculate that.

We don’t know he didn’t carry it other times, or perhaps did so only this time as he was planning to go to the house where said dog was, which he hadn’t done in a while… or…
Again, it’s all speculation. Each theory is as plausible as the next.


Great copy n paste! Too bad you were really referring to a “public announcement,” not merely an “official statement.” I’d waste my time copy n pasting the words, “public announcement,” for you. Compelling as it might be, instead, I’ll just go on um… living life.

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No. “Each theory,” is definitely NOT “as plausible as the next. Yours, among the least “plausible,” theories. You’ve gone through so many insanely, ridiculous theories- you’ve dropped your “standards,” to being fetched straight from another planet. If you’re on Jupiter now, (after each INSANE, debunked theory from Earth) which planet will you next pull theories from? Pluto?

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Good grief, the rabid sneering and crazy from this woman is numbing. Its like whiplash reading La di da’s posts! Talk about meaningless drool - don’t like what someone is musing and you just blather on and on using as many nutso words as you can think of. Good grief! Just because you say it doesn’t mean its true! In fact, I automatically don’t believe anything you say, just because you’re the one who said it. Good god. Do you have any idea how you sound?


I agree. Each theory is as plausible as the next. I tend to think that there was another reason for carrying the gun, such as knowing the dog was a biter, than that he “planned it”. I mean, when you think about it, planned what? to murder people at 2 in the afternoon? Its so implausible there almost automatically has to be an other reason this whole thing happened. And the “I was there, so I should know, and you should believe ME” doesn’t work when it comes to this entirely non-credible victim. The only thing I believe is that she got shot, which is terrible. How it happened I have no doubt is not as she has sprayed across social media. How it happened is yet unknown and each theory is as plausible as the next.

    It’s all speculation for those of us who were not there. I disagree that “each theory is as plausible as the next.”  

     I do not find plausible the theory that he brought a gun out of fear of a small dog which had been present for months. You may find it plausible, but I don’t.
LK -  Some of these posters make a point of not believing what you say, and therefore will ignore your statement that RC was arrested on a weapons charge unless you link to an official (government) website saying she was arrested. 

  Personally, I would not bother with them if they choose not to believe you. That’s just their thing.

could use her copy and paste skills to provide a definition of “plausible”.