Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Why? Is there some reason you are unable to do so?

While we are on the subject of definitions, I will point out that this BB is what is commonly known as a discussion board. That means everyone can discuss things. It is not a dictation board, where someone can dictate the course of the discussion.




I did look and couldn’t find anything.


Yes! I recall a photo of the mutt, looks to be a medium sized dog.


I feel this way about 98% of the posts on these threads. Meaningless drool, blathering on, nutso words - if many of the people posting here were able to be honest about their posting habits, they would realize that they are no better than the one person they are continuously picking on.

I can’t help but feel that it’s a little disingenuous of you to call out this forum as a DISCUSSION board after you have spent much of your time here copying and pasting someone else’s post without any DISCUSSION on your part. You are correct that it is not a dictation board; it is also not a copy board.


I do have to say, shooting two people midday seems highly irrational. If, as LK has alleged, they planned this whole murder(attempt), they are particularly dumb criminals. What on earth would be the plan if he HAD killed them?*

ETA: *assuming he was planning to get away with a double murder.


Okay, but if she had been arrested on weapons charges, wouldn’t there be an official record of it somewhere? I have looked and can’t find anything, either official or unofficial (other than the claim made here. And I would think that if there had been an arrest, it would have been reported (even if it was just locally) since it would have been related to a case that has drawn a lot of media attention.

Some of the progress has made sense to me. Like MB pleading not guilty. That is pretty much par for the course in these things, as far as I understand them. But someone being arrested and there being no mention of it (other than here on CoTH forums) or record of it is weird, as far as I understand these things.

Maybe there is some confusion and there is a sealed indictment for the as yet publically un-named owner? Rather than an actual arrest? Or perhaps the person who LK has named as the owner of the gun has been served in LK’s civil case? Although usually civil lawyers advise that they wait until criminal charges have been fully adjudicated.


Perhaps you missed the discussion on the previous thread about the value of posts being quoted for posterity, in case the stories were later edited and changed. Some posters do that quite a bit.

Anyone is more than welcome to quote my posts for posterity, although I rarely go back and change them, other than to fix the occasional typo.


I haven’t missed anything; I have a thorough understanding of the whole “quote for posterity” idea. I’m just wondering if you do based on the posts that you have been quoting, since they are really not noteworthy in any way as far as preserving them for the sake of continued discussion. Quoting for posterity certainly has it’s place in this forum, but not in the completely unconstrained and discriminating way you are displaying here.


Thanks for your input.

Again, I will repeat that it is not a dictation board.


And I will repeat that it is also not a copy board.

I do understand that sometimes people can somehow get so emotionally consumed in something that is so far removed from themselves that they end up feeling like it has become personal, and it is equally impossible for others to understand how that level of involvement could possibly happen. This thread has definitely shown who is in which category.

  100% up to you whether you believe her or not. 

  I frankly don’t see what’s in it for her to say that RC was arrested on gun charges, if it’s not true, so I do believe her. 

   MB was indicted on two gun charges as well as two charges first degree attempted murder, so it makes sense that the owner of the gun would also face serious gun charges.

If I may express an opinion:
I see the whole QFP strategy as essentially hostile, basically saying “I’ve made a record of what you’ve said and will throw it back in your face at some point if it suits my purpose”!

    If someone writes something in the heat of the moment, and later regrets it, possibly because they have been enlightened by a subsequent post, why not let them retreat?

If that’s your opinion, you’re certainly not obliged to quote for posterity. Others may take a different view.


If that were to happen, they could simply apologize. I’ve never QFP’d myself, but I assume it’s done as a way to hold someone accountable?


One thing I’ve noticed in all these threads about this situation and LK’s past, both here and elsewhere, is she never is responsible for anything negative that happens in her life. I’ve never read about a more innocent victim in my life, not even in a Jane Austin novel! Somehow she has reached whatever age she is with the only apparent wrongdoing in her entire life is chronic speeding. Simply amazing. No bullying, no harassing, no intimidation, no responsibility for her actions, nothing
simply an almost flawless woman. It’s always someone else to blame for everything.

Supposedly LK said the older couple who also own the farm were eager for her to stay. I wonder how that eagerness turned into a lawsuit?

We’ve all heard, or at least have heard hints, of the prosecution’s evidence thanks to LK’s posts. I can’t wait to hear the evidence MB’s attorney presents. It’s going to be fascinating for sure.


Someone can always apologize, or say they’ve changed their opinion, or whatever.

What they can’t do is claim to have never made the statement in the first place, once it is quoted for posterity. That’s all.


I personally hate that there is open ended editing/deleting allowed on this board.


Why would it make sense that the gun owner face serious gun charges? Unless the gun was illegal, or the owner was not legally entitled to own it, there would be no law to charge someone for simply owning a gun. You couldn’t charge the lawful owner of the gun over something someone else decided to do with it. That is on MB.

If the owner of the gun had conspired to murder LK and her boyfriend, that would be a different story. If I understand the law correctly, that would be an accessory charge, not a gun charge.

What I find hard to understand is how someone other than MB is charged in this case and not have it reported somewhere. Anywhere. The information shared here was that the owner of the gun had been charged. I can’t find that information anywhere, except here, which is weird if someone had actually been charged.

Perhaps LK just confused her civil case with the criminal case, and what she meant was that the possible gun owners had been served in her civil case and not actually charged in a criminal case?

Whatever. It just struck me as weird. I had the time and was interested enough to go looking for the details and there were none.


I think it is a serious crime if, as a gun owner, you leave a gun lying around such that someone can use it to kill someone else.

There was a case in California in which a parent left a loaded gun in their garage, and a couple of kids got hold of it and one kid fatally shot the other, not knowing it was loaded. The adult who owned the gun went to prison; not sure exactly what the charge was. It sounds like NJ has strict laws on hand guns.

   If the gun owner colluded with MB in a premeditated attempted murder, that is really bad. Even if the gun owner did not collude or intentionally provide the gun, negligence in not securing the gun is also a serious crime.
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