Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

OK. So PB refers to a COTH screen name, and not real life initials.

    So even if we agree that wealthy amateurs, asshats or not, can pretty much buy their bronze medal, and some but not all of them rely on the trainer to know the rules, I still don’t understand the claim that USEF or USDF regulations were “partly responsible for the shooting”.

Apparently not.



When my son was in second grade my son told his teacher that he hated me (because I made him go to school) and she reported my family to CPS. It was pretty horriffic and took almost a year to get it straightened out, not to mention a fair amount of money.

They threatened to take my 3 children.

She told CPS that my mother had siezures, which was not true and was irrelevant in any case. She had brain damage from surgery to remove a brain tumor and had aphasia. We finally got it straightened out when I was able to catch her in a lie. She told the psychologist that he was habitually late for school because his mom (me) regularly overslept. Children who were late for school had to be signed in at the office and that never happened.

She was fired.

Terrible stories. Imagine if a BNT shot you & you were all over the news everyday & especially every time something new is reported. Do you think for one second people determined to victim shame you, wouldn’t be the first one’s to go around saying “the victim isn’t a victim
 she abused her children and even a teacher sad it!” And, “it was sooooo bad, CPS was called, took all her kids away! I found this info on a government site which I can longer find but I swear, I saw it! Child abusers aren’t VICTIMS!”

Then, people who have never met you but perhaps, engaged in some political debate with you on SOCIAL MEDIA claim they heard it too & even witnessed it! And, can offer up many more stories of your (theoretical) neglectful, reckless & abusive “ history.” They can even provide names of people who witnessed your (theoretical) “pattern,” of bad parenting. (Even though, once you demand names they run & hide. Once you try & force them to be accountable for their accusations, they run away or, worse, change the subject entirely.

Think about that. Because, you never know when lightening will strike & put in the center of a circus you never asked to be in & suddenly everyone is wondering why you didn’t leave the location of where the lightening struck BEFORE the lightening struck. A cautionary tale for those who victim blame.

I am in no way shape or form part of your circus. These monkeys are all yours.


Apparently you just keep getting tagged in posts or quotes all the while asking you to ignore them.

Thank you for answering, I was confused.

Also had no idea they post under multiple identities, but I can ALWAYS tell it’s PB before I even see who the poster is.


You know
 I completely and utterly disagree with @Denali6298 on a lot of things. I find them rude and argumentative and more likely to attack than educate by and large. However
 Saying people who don’t know the rules led to them getting shot isn’t what was meant here.

It was, if you do not take the time to learn the rules, you don’t get to be nasty when you get caught in a situation where confusion would have been avoided if you had learned the rules in the first place. I know my trainer has other clients. I don’t expect her to remember every single detail of my scores to determine if I got my regional qualifying or bronze scores. It’s on ME to know what I need and whether I’ve hit that mark. Getting pissed off because my trainer may have mixed me up with another client on scores or thought a score was under a different judge isn’t an excuse to sour the relationship, or blast that they were dishonest in issuing a premature congratulations in my opinion.

The problem is that absolutely everything at this point seems to have been rolled into one giant conspiracy. Missing that two scores were under the same judge can easily happen in a large training barn with multiple clients showing. That’s an easily forgivable mistake in my book. I don’t think it needs to be blasted as some conspiracy to commit fraud/etc. I’ve had experienced trainers think I had enough points for nationals because they mixed up how I placed in one class. It was a simple, “Hey, I’m actually still missing two points” and it’s no biggie. We just compete again to get my two points. Honest mistakes happen. They happen LESS if you know the rules yourself.

A relationship clearly went sour. I don’t doubt that BOTH parties made decisions that didn’t help the situation. Shooting someone, unless it was self defense, is NOT acceptable. We ALL know that.

This isn’t just about LK. We’ve ALL seen someone come in, buy fancy horses, expect to succeed, then really struggle and blame the trainer. Whether in dressage, the breed ring, etc
 Yup, you went shopping without your trainer and bought a show outfit im an illegal color and got eliminated
 Could have been prevented if you looked at the rulebook.


(I haven’t been paying enough attention because I absolutely missed any and all speculation on palm beach alters, and was also trying to think of riders or trainer’s with initials PB but in my head I just kept getting Paul Vallieri :lol:)


@MyssMyst Why thank you! Despite the fact that you think my posts are uneducated!


I’m going back days/pages to the gun. I think the suit for 1-10 John Doe’s possible ownership of the pink gun is in LK’s civil suit not the criminal case. I know LK said RC was arrested for being the owner and that was part of the criminal case.

Why the mystery? Doesn’t the gun manufacturer send them out to the dealer with serial numbers and then the dealer records who buys that gun?

I understand that there is no national gun registry, but are they untraceable just because they have changed hands too many times?

Can you tell I don’t have a lot of knowledge about guns :o?


I don’t agree. Manni specifically said USEF / USDF were partly responsible for the “tragic situation” ie the shooting. Unless she thinks LK not actually having her bronze medal is tragic lol. YankeeDuchess didn’t have anything to do with that.


I think Manni was just suggesting that Lauren may not have been involved in the sport at all if you couldn’t buy a horse (or 4, not to mention full training with an Olympian, winters in Wellington, etc) that could substantially change the work:glory balance, and that USEF/USDF have a role in the degree to which purchasing power impacts the ease with which one can achieve goals like medals and other awards.

If she weren’t attracted to the sport, she wouldn’t be in the sport, wouldn’t have been training at his barn, etc, ergo no tragedy.

Not saying I think this is a salient point to make, whether it’s true or not, but the above is how I interpreted her statements.


Ah. Gotcha. A pretty big leap indeed.


Heads Up Florida - gird your loins. LK is back in Loxahatchee. :yes:

Good luck for straight centerlines and square halts.


Exactly which is why I don’t see a reason to spend time on it other than to berate a poster. (That comment wasn’t directed specifically to you). Strangwings posted what I was trying to say.

     I found this article interesting, but is it applicable to this case given that it was a Canadian court?  Are you saying that a US court might come to a similar decision?



At WEF you’ll have junkies and letches and horse dopers and killers. Oh and so many rape apologists.

I just don’t think Lauren is the real threat to the industry.


Since we’re talking about lots of irrelevant things now, here’s a funny/sad story about victim-blaming. In the (very politically correct) county where I live, police officials are no longer allowed to tell the county council or members of the public who was “at fault” in a fatal car crash. Even though it’s literally a box on the crash report (“at fault: yes/no”) and kind of the main purpose of the investigation.

For example, they have to say, “Contributing factors for the pedestrian are not using the crosswalk, darting into the roadway, and being highly intoxicated. Contributing factors for the driver are none.” They can’t say that the dead pedestrian was at fault for running in front of a car, because “that’s victim-blaming.” :rolleyes:


what state?

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