Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

For the love of god let it go. You don’t have to have the final word. And yes I judge you based on your involvement in high drama threads like this and the safe sport threads. You comment no where else which is weird because you seem to never not have an opinion.


She was saying entitled people pick up riding, act like asshats and when bad things happen are confused about why and don’t understand that the being an asshat may have contributed to the escalation. The rules of USEF have made it easier for very wealthy people to win at the lower levels without putting in the work.

YankeeDuchess grabbed this and ran. Y’all fell into it.


So how did you know “others” were PM ing about it if you were not in the PM circuit? Are you saying you received PMs about it, but did not send PMs out?

Doesn’t matter to me.

Wut? Was that attack necessary? I was wondering myself who PB is so it doesn’t seem like an inappropriate question for them to ask.


hmmmmmmmmmm or as I said, they got sick and tired of banging their heads against a wall repeating themselves. Newbie or not, it’s an opinion.

Is there a full moon today causing more snark than usual?

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How did we get to being told what USEF issues we’re allowed to gripe about or not?

I hope the cat is in his condo and not pooping in anymore beds. In the meantime, if nether MH nor MB can be bothered to emoty a litter box… I wonder how the stalls are kept,


So we’re back to LK being an “asshat” as justification for MB shooting her then. I accept that the first part of that statement is likely true, but not buying the second half at all. Unless she was about to stab, shoot or otherwise put his life in imminent danger, no amount of ignorance and obnoxious behaviour on her part contributed to her being shot. Contributed to the breakdown of their relationship? You bet. To being SHOT?? Not even maybe.


OMG. Yes. YankeeDuchess. You read correctly. For god’s sake, you read correctly.

Doesn’t matter to me” but I had to add my two cents for the last word, right???


I’m still waiting for some proof of this cat litter box accusation. It’s really, really hard to believe and again, I’ll ask, were the children’s bedrooms open for the “tenants” to enter at will and take photos and check things out?

ETA: By the way, if she installed surveillance equipment in the barn, did she also install devices in the private areas of the home that MB/MH, the children, and staff occupied???


Palm Beach. A poster on COTH who has apparently been posting under multiple different identities.


Would be surprised if
endorses this as an interpretation of her post.
As @BigMama1
said, both she and I asked
@Manni01 for clarification without trying to attack her.

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My apologies. However, if you asked for clarification that would be different than someone who only picks nits on this thread or Safe Sport threads.


No. LK being an asshat does not warrant getting shot. What I meant was LK the asshat with money can “buy” a bronze medal. It’s not hard to ride those tests when you can buy the gaits and the school master or afford MB as a trainer.

I have never even said LKs actions led to her being shot and disagree with people who say that! You’re either the type to pull a gun and shoot or your not.

 But I think you’re missing the part where Denali is accusing USEF of deliberately making showing more expensive so as to generate a larger number of entitled, asshat amateurs. 

 That, at least, is a new variation on the theme.

THANK YOU!!! I’ve been driving myself crazy trying to think of a dressage trainer with those initials!


How is USEF making showing dressage more expensive? It’s show managers who set the price of classes and stalls (tack and horse). Their costs are based on facility charges, judge daily fee plus transportation, etc.


Right. So I’m with you on that. I’m understanding Manni’s preference for European systems which require riders to get certain scores at a given level before moving up to the next one. Where I’m still lost is how we leap from there to USEF / USDF being responsible in any way for the shooting, which was Manni’s original assertion.


asked whether “that attack was necessary”, she was referring to your attack on me.
So you need to attack me for asking who PB is, but would not think of attacking someone else who asks who PB is? (Another rhetorical question there.)

Why can’t you just IGNORE my question or my posts, rather than attacking them, especially if you want me to go away, as you claim?

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She was commenting on how the changes the USEF made, like the mileage rule, made it harder for people with less means to show. That is true. I think she was also commenting on Dressage barns shifting to the H/J model where clients are ignorant about a lot. Case in point LK not knowing the rules concerning earning a bronze. If you or I were to get our bronze (not sure if you have just an example) I know we both would know the rules concerning that achievement. Barn culture lets people be blissfully unaware because you can get more money if the client doesn’t know.

IMO it all got convoluted when YankeeDuchess dragged the conversation down that path and despite repeated requests, refuses to talk about anything else.


seemed to say that USEF and USDF were “partly to blame” for LK being shot by virtue of making the sport more expensive. A number of people asked for clarification, and @Denali6298
offered some even more incomprehensible rant.