Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Holy hell take it to PM.

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:lol:. Classic.


well it is interesting, because on one thread I commented and someone commented immediately afterward that I was there to report the thread to mods to have it shut down again. How would they know, I reported an innapropriate post the first time on the other thread??

I mean, I agree mods should partake but they also have to leave their personal agendas at the door then, and also shouldnā€™t out posters who report posts.

I saw it mentioned on another board, so then I figured maybe there was some truth behind it. But again, just speculation.


And that all makes them responsible for Michael Barisone shooting someone how, exactly?

I donā€™t think that was a mod. I think that poster was sad you ruined their day by not agreeing with their behavior. Letā€™s face it the most rude, hateful, obnoxious posters are the ones that crow the most when called out on their BS. The rest of us who get rude agree by apologizing or just stay silent.

There are people here who ignore my posts and have publicly said so, who have reported me, and I own I get out of line. The ones who dig deep or say ā€œwell itā€™s on the readerā€Ā are legitimately offensive. If someone reads my posts and thinks Iā€™m being rude when Iā€™m not, I clarify. My words are on me. The mods, have never been like that.


At this risk of sounding extra dumb, who is JB?

also, no one PMā€™s me about conspiracies either. Maybe we arenā€™t ā€œcoolā€Ā enough.

ETA: please do not actually PM me about any conspiracies.


lol thatā€™s true.

Lord, I may regret this but I do have to askā€¦

How on earth does that add up to USEF / USSF being ā€œpartly responsible for this tragic incident?ā€Ā How did the relative affordability of dressage competitions etc. due to USEF policies that you disagree with make Michael Barisone pick up a gun and shoot a client?


Oops, bad typing. PB. I meant PB. I will go fix my other post.


I understood Manni to mean that the fact that LK did not know the rules about the sport she participates inā€¦ which is one of the points of animosity.
Not that USEF, etc made MB do anything.


Because someone with lots of money and lots of time can buy horses to win without knowing the rules.

Can we for the love of god stop pretending we donā€™t know why Manni is getting at! And if you donā€™t ask her to clarify instead of attacking her? Is that possible?


At the risk of sounding extra, extra dumb, who is PB?


Read the forums. Beyond the drama threads. I know legitimate training and horse care issues donā€™t interest you but ffs try to get involved in our community if you want people to take you seriously.



Okay, I find it hard to follow her posts because they seem to bounce everywhere.


My asking how USDF was partly responsible for LK getting shot was entirely genuine and I was not ā€œpretending that I did not know what she was getting at.ā€Ā

Iā€™m assuming
@BigMama1 ā€˜s
question is genuine as well. I honestly did not see
@Sparky ā€˜s
comment as an attack either.


NO, reread my post (once again). I said others were PMing each other. I couldnā€™t care less but when someone PMā€™s me asking what about so and so, I generally do not reply. I donā€™t care about carrying on private conversations with alters. If I definitely know who a person is, that might be different, but Iā€™m not going to play PM games.


Or they became bored and moved on with their lives after the same arguments repeatedly.


Thanks for cluing me in on the ā€œfactā€Ā that ā€œlegitimate training and horse issues donā€™t interestā€Ā me, something which you would obviously know better than I, along with how long itā€™s been since Iā€™ve shown, which USEF rules I know about, etc, etc. I mostly try to get information on legitimate horse training issues from real life sources rather than the internet, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m not on those threads.

If you donā€™t want to disclose who PB is, you could, well, IGNORE the question instead of using it to attack me.

But thatā€™s pretty much your style, right? (Rhetorical question; please donā€™t order me to ā€œread old threadsā€Ā to find the answer.)

I certainly donā€™t care if you, in particular, choose to ā€œtake me seriouslyā€Ā.


With the amount of emotion involved highly unlikely. They are staying silent because attorneys or they created an alterā€¦ hmmmmm newbie

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  1. I did not attack her.
  2. I did ask her to clarify.
  3. Of course I understand the point sheā€™s making about wealthy riders in the US being able to buy upper level horses and compete them at the upper levels without first working their way up from the lower levels.

What I still donā€™t understand is how the USEF /USDF policy that allows competitors to enter any level, regardless of their competition experience or results, in any way caused Michael Barisone to shoot someone.

Not knowing the rules doesnā€™t seem to have anything to do with somebody trying to murder someone. I genuinely donā€™t understand the link, and according to posts above others donā€™t either.