Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

100% agree!!! What they’re doing is really, really unfair & unacceptable. The only way it will change is if all the “regulars,” who compete at USEF comps in their regions, stop for a season, entirely. They won’t care if a select few opt to not participate. Has to be a unified thing. In fact, going further, if participating members cancelled their memberships for a year- it would be like the housing recession as an example- 800k homes being sold for 100k. USEF would be forced to lower prices and even Q scores for MFS. There is absolutely no reason a MFS Q score should need to be higher than a regular Q score. Which, is many times higher than a medal score.

It’s really hurting the livelihoods of MFS Choreographers who have lost so much business over this.


When I pay attention to dressage it’s mostly all about those freestyles. I love watching a horse dance to the music. It’s a shame that there are fewer and fewer freestyles. There’s nothing really comparable in hunter/jumper land.

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I was at that show. Your horse was entered in the national PSG with MB as rider. Perhaps the plan was to change your entry to the CDI with you as rider…At the time, I remember thinking that whatever happened between you and MB happened recently and must have been really intense.

Good luck with your horses moving on


I questioned as to if this is done(I did not make a statement, I asked a question). There was evidence in the first thread on this topic that a group of people were discussing in PM all the vile things LK had done and then ganging up on any one posting a different opinion or calling out the victim shaming, accusing people being alters. It got really nasty to the point of people being banned, forum eventually closed. Never said the person that posted in this thread that people were “still” PM each other over the real identity of YD was in any group, I just asked if there seriously was a “group” doing that…which is exactly what was she said. It’s not a big jump at all when she then talks about how vile LK actions are in the same post that comments like those are also in PM conversations. Just asked if people do this, no judgement if they do, I just can imagine what more there is to say. She has answered since then, if I have this right… yes people do this, she was included in the PM, she did not make comments there, and LK was not discussed.
Beautiful day for a ride.

since I think this is relating my joke about pming @Denali, let me just revisit my joke

I was accused of being an lk alter
Denali was accused of being an lk alter

And I made a joke that if I’m lk, and Denali is lk, then who am I pming about this trash heap?

it was a) a joke, kinda and b) not pms about alters

Interesting,TWO Olympians are now your trainers. I sure hope they got iron-clad contracts from you covering many, many things.

FTR - you’ll have to show up to your lessons to learn to ride rather than skipping them. I DID go look at your scores over the past two years out of curiosity and was shocked at the number of scratches/no shows. You certainly weren’t trying to earn scores where the median would have changed with a low scoring ride (like NAYRC qualifying) so why not ride? You have to show up and ride to become a good rider. I’m sure you’ll blame this on “your trainer” entering you in classes you weren’t ready for…BS. Again, you have to show up for lessons and then practice to become better. Just being associated with an Olympic rider does not make you a winner or good rider. At some point in your life, you are going to have to take responsibility for what happens in your life rather than always being a victim and blaming others.

As far as what MB felt about MH at any time in her life, who cares? Why are you so obsessed with her and his relationship with her? No response needed…you seem to become obsessed with a few people.


This morning’s advice:

A good night’s sleep is as important as exercice for your physical and psychological well-being.


Seriously??? This thread took a tangent about the expense of showing pushing people out and YOU want to add more to entries for a videographer so the scores could be disputed at a later date? So dressage would have instant replays and referees? There already is a review process if you object to something a judge has said or done during a test. That process already has a cost applied to it as well. Hell, just demand an investigation as you’ve said you’ve done regarding your USDF Bronze Medal!!

If you want to “work hard” at changing the rules of the sport, perhaps you should work hard on getting on the Federation Rules Committee or any of the other committees of the sport. How many National Conventions or Regional Meetings have you attended to pursue your quest of changing the rules or even voice concerns? That would require effort on your part to actually show up and put your money where your mouth is as a volunteer with a passion to change the sport or participate to make the sport better for ALL, not just YR’s, Ammys’ Professionals, etc.


was not referring to you and Denali PMing in her post.

Weeks ago, you, Denali, and I were each accused of being alters for LK.

Within the last week, Green stated that some posters were PMing as to whether I in particular was an LK alter. (She clarified that she herself would not SEND a PM to anyone discussing this, but supposedly knew about it because she had received a PM about it from the “others”. Of course.)

A moderator chimed in saying I was not an LK alter. I was NOT the one who alerted a moderator, so either the moderator was following the thread, or someone else did.

Someone also said at some point that “others” were speculating (presumably by PM) that I was “being coached” by LK (presumably by PM). So there seems to be a lot of PMing going on (but not by me.)

  Most recently I was asked if I were LKs lawyer father. Rather than denying it, I went with “No comment”.

I swear a third of these threads is always devoted to who may or may not be an alter. You accused me and GWE of being the same person. Someone accused you of being LK. I’m sure there were more accusations about who was who.
I made a joke that we are all actually the same person.


Another perfect post from Green! She if offering free advice not only to LK but also to LKs new BNT trainers!

i am looking forward to the free advice she may offer me!

LK- I hope you can revel in your horses, your BNTs, your health, and the Wellington show season.


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.


Am I the only one they doesn’t give a flip about whether or not someone is an alter?


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Perfection! I am the walrus. Thank you for that belly laugh!!

   I apologize for accusing you and Green of being the same person. 

    But may I point out the unalterable fact that you, GiveEmEl, responded to a post that referred to GreenWithEnvy (and not to you) in eight minutes?

For those not familiar with MH and Fregat (liver chestnut, not black - that was Black Tie), here is an article about her phenomenal score (at the time) at the NAYRC winning Gold. Something tells me she deserved to win rather than simply given the win because she was thin and beautiful as LK eluded.


I respond to a lot of posts that aren’t directed at me. Which post was this?

ETA: thanks for the backhanded apology.


When DOES LaLa sleep?


Your MOST RECENT post, in which you called me out for saying you and GreenWithEnvy were the same person three weeks ago.