Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Different situation. LK cannot prove loss of income due to what has been posted. You are showing libel against a corporation. The plaintiff also has to prove that the defendant knowingly lied about the plaintiff. Those are the rules for libel in the U.S.

LK tends to fly off the handle and accuse people of lying (“stop spreading lies” when, in fact, on my particular post I was simply stating a gun law.

It is, after all, a discussion forum. She can screen shot (as she says she’s doing), and she can bring frivolous suits because she has free legal representation, but she can also be counter-sued for the costs of fighting that suit, if the person doing the posting was writing in good faith what s/he believed to be valid.

People who knowingly post outright lies, however, they should worry about any precedents set here in the USA (not in Canada).


Denali absolutely did NOT justify the shooting. She specifically said “contributed to the escalation”. There were many escalations by both sides (LK and MB), and at each point the decision to escalate was made, instead of the decision to walk away or diffuse.

You made that leap of auto-justification yourself.


After reading post #1090, the tiara theory doesn’t sound nearly as ludicrous.


The laws for Private Party Transfers vary from state-to-state, and also depend on the type of gun (long gun, hand gun, etc). It is totally possible, although not recommended) to buy or sell a gun legally without any paperwork whatsoever. Doing so would make it difficult to trace the gun to its current owner, but not impossible. As long as the gun’s serial number has not been removed or altered, the gun will always be traceable to the original (first) owner and then traced forward to its current owner through transfer/sales records or by an investigation (insurance records, personal interviews of previous owners, FFL shipping records, etc). It’s not 100%, bc some previous owners may be deceased, and some people never insure or ship their guns. Some even repair their own guns.

So, yes, there are instances where guns are not traceable to their current owners, but it’s a small percentage if the gun is serialized.

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I’ve lost track. What’s the tiara theory?

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I forget which thread it was in but in a nutshell (rim shot), Lauren wanted to wear the tiara worn by Colbert and MB wouldn’t let her. MH wore it on occasion though and that is what soured their working relationship.

Sounds crazy. It is crazy. The whole situation is crazy. He never should have shot her. Not when suing her (and RG) were options.


Ah. So really it’s Colbert’s fault! :rolleyes:


Ta-da. I could also pull out posts of mine that clearly state you were in no way responsible for being shot.
You were talking about people apologizing, so where is my apology for you calling me a victim blamer?

ETA: if you click that tiny arrow it takes you to the post I quoted. You asked me which of your behaviors I found offensive.


Which makes it Rafalca’s fault, since Colbert became obsessed with dressage thanks to Mitt and Ann Romney! Darn you, Rafalca! “It’s going to be a long drive to London with her on top of their station wagon.”


I have to say that whole dressage obsession was what turned me from a casual Colbert observer to a hardcore fan. That man is a genius!


How does someone force someone to get an abortion?


You are being very very naive, ignorant or obtuse if you think one cannot force someone to get an abortion.
Like really?

Just to be clear : This is not a judgement on what may or may have not happened regarding that allegation.

Also, I’m totally pro-choice, meaning that forcing someone to abort, or not, is wrong in both cases.




BTW just read this article today…I believe it proves my point.


You need to see a psychologist/psychiatrist/doctor about this.

Because it is also screwing your judgement.

And, bc of the fact - if we were killed, it would pretty much guarantee a dismissal. At least in Michaels mind. Afterwards, even if conviction happens- we will still be looking over our shoulders bc… we know there’s a high chance he’d want to finish the job he started- except with new & extra motive of revenge for being held accountable for his Inexcusable actions on aug 7th.

You are falling into more and more craziness.

Isn’t there anyone around you who can help you?
Where is your boyfriend/husband/partner?

If your friends and family love you, they should take your keyboard away for your own sake.

This is not sane.


My apology to GiveEmEl was not backhanded, but it was insincere. I was tempted to point out at the time that “backhanded” =/= “insincere”, but restrained myself.

I sometimes do apologize sincerely, but also do use the insincere apology. Last time I used it, I think, was to apologize (insincerely) to smoofox for my taking “affront” for what I imagined were insults.

Sometimes, if I want to stress that the apology is sincere, I’ll write “I apologize (genuine)”. Sometimes the simple “I apologize” is sincere, but sometimes it is not sincere.

So, GiveEmEl, I noticed that at one point you did very clearly retract the claim that LK had been asked to leave a barn in NC but had refused to leave, since it was mere rumor, and not known to you based on information from a principal. And apologized. Kudos to GiveEmEl.

However, within about two pages, GreenWithEnvy appears and says she, GreenWithEnvy was not there, she is never at the center of things herself, but she is knows of “others” (multiple people) in NC who are certain that “LK was asked to leave a barn, … “ yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sort of looks like a tag team act. GiveEmEl apologizes for spreading a rumor, and takes it off the table. Very quickly, GreenWithEnvy picks the rumor up off the floor, dusts it off, and gingerly puts it back on the table, asserting that “others” know it to be true. Disgusting.

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Hold the f up. I have never even LOOKED at your facebook page. Wth are you on?!?


He’ll be named in the next suit filed around 130 am.


I voted NO in response to coming to Florida because there is enough craziness going on in Florida. Not once did I ever reference your facebook page or anything. Lay off the pain meds.