Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

If horse people had to stop at the Florida state line and show mental health papers along with the horse’s health papers, the whole horse scene in Florida would be much smaller. Much, much, much smaller.

  In a civil suit for libel you can sue for loss of reputation, and pain and suffering, not just lost income. 

  If you can show that the purportedly libelous statement was true, that’s a defense. Are you saying (hoping) that if you make an untrue libelous statement that saying “well, I THOUGHT is was true because it’s something I read on the internet” is also a defense?   

    In Elon Musk’s $190 million libel case over his referring to a British cave diver as “pedoguy” in a Tweet, his defense was not “well, I genuinely and in good faith (?!) THOUGHT he was a pedophile”.   The defense was that a reasonable person (not Musk, not the diver) would have understood that remark as not being intended to be interpreted literally. 

    Accusations of bullying are handled through USEF, not SS, I believe. So if LK has made a complaint of bullying and harassment through USEF, they would be interested in libelous and harassing statements, as well.

I said that in all seriousness. He can pressure her toward that end but it is not like he can physically drag her there for the procedure.

I think she’s caught you in an “inaccuracy” there, Green. Your screen shot shows a snarky reference to a Boeing 737, not an eighteen wheeler.
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Oh, please, how soon does the trial start? This snarkfest is painful. LALA, get help from a psychologist/psychiatrist. You’ve been under a lot of stress and it has definitely affected your mental health and judgement.

Seriously, you poor thing, you sound unhinged. Get beyond the sleep meds, too. They can mess with rationality.


YES!! Makes one wonder about these two and the entire conversations! Take it to a private setting!!! It’s like middle school girls at a sleep over!!


The point is the same…

And what is the point?  Seriously, what is the point that Green was trying to make?

Seriously!!! She was fat shaming someone she claims not to even know. What on earth…

Her point was LK reporting MB for fat shaming and what not to SS all the while LK participated in the same behavior.


YD, I know you’re not dense. Don’t pull that crap. It’s unbecoming to one of your elevated estate.

See Denali’s post above.


I’m certainly not as obsessed about MH as you are…but you seem to have reason to be obsessed about her. Often you seem to be very envious of her. I’ve seen her ride and she’s a very elegant, effective rider in the ring. As far as any sponsorships/jobs she has, what are you sponsoring? Why shouldn’t she discuss you? You ruined her life just as she ruined yours.

BTW, I also asked a friend how YOU were doing and got a response of “she won’t move on”. So, it’s not just MH I ask about. I’ve also asked about MB and have not received any info from people who have seen him. YOU keep this situation in the forefront with your SM posts and people remain interested just like looking at a car wreck.

You are extremely angry at so many people for genuine reasons and some paranoia. Perhaps it would help you to speak with a professional and let much of your anger go. You have a life others would give anything to have the opportunity to live, yet you are stuck.


I think when the movie gets made about this case, it will look like Mean Girls crossed with A Few Good Men, minus the Navy uniforms. For sure, somebody will be screaming about how someone else can’t handle the truth.


You’d be surprised.

It’s been done before and will be done again.

Even then, psychological pressure is real, especially from someone in a power position, is older, has a family of his own to protect. [NOT talking about MB but in general]. Family pressure is real, idols and peer pressure is real…

Women have been pressure to do/not do from the dawn of ages.


A Few Good Men was on yesterday and I thought the same thing!!! This whole thing just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser except Alice in Wonderland is a fairytale.


FYI, there is a new thread - “Dressage Culture - Barisone sponoff (sic)”


JMO, but I am now firmly convinced that this thread is being cultivated to prevent horse people from serving on the jury. Bonus points for hints and teasers for what might be on the tapes (which most likely would be inadmissible in court.)

@Happy Talk: It’s been going on for centuries. Family pressure, Grandma’s potions, getting pushed down the stairs; you get the picture.

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Yes. Actually I did understand that. What I was trying to elicit was that what LK can undeniably be accused of is snarky mean girl posting on the internet. Tsk tsk.

If you want to slag her for disgusting FB behavior prior to being shot, that’s one thing. I think her statement belittling MHs young rider achievements (best horse and trainer money can buy) was unclassy and ungenerous, but understandable given the role she, as the victim, believes MH played in her own shooting.

I am not aware of exactly how icky LKs Facebook presence is, or was prior to the shooting, since I’m not on FB. The reason I’m not on FB is that most of the stuff on FB icky or worse. Much of the victim blaming on this thread and on the others SEEMED to me to be saying, well, it’s understandable that you got shot given what we’ve read in your obnoxious, condescending, snarky FB posts. And here, we’ve wasted time making screenshots in order to throw it back in your face! Gotcha!

It’s one thing to exclaim your disgust over someone’s FB behavior. It’s quite different to say flat out or insinuate that LK is morally responsible for getting shot and MB is the victim because of LKs disgusting FB behavior.

  If LK is supposed to be the Jack Nicholson character, can I remind you that she is not the defendant in a criminal trial?

Careful. Even though what you are suggesting is absolutely in LK’s best interests, you may be the focus of a stern, sanctimonious lecture from YD about how rude/awful/evil (pick whatever adjective you like) it is of you to actually suggest to LK that posting is not helping her in any way.

Lauren - it is not helping. It may feel cathartic - but ranting about MH is not going to help you…


Because sadly, some here need constant clarifications… I do not think MB is a victim.

I do not think shooting anyone is appropriate and do not own a gun (pink trimmed or otherwise).

If you are rude and snarky at times on SM, it does not mean that you should be shot.

I am not an alter of anyone - expect my old defunct SN.

I do not engage in vast PM conspiracies and campaigns with anyone about anything.

I am sure there are a few items I have left off this list…


OMG…LK stated MB body-shamed students to other students and insinuated that was one of the reasons she contacted SS. I called her out asking if she confronted him about the statements, played along or ignored them. She made a deal out of how bad that was of a human to do, and I recalled she does the same thing, hence my pot=kettle remark. In my original post, I clearly said the words were my recollection. I don’t have the perfect memory you obviously do. So it was a jumbo jet instead of an 18 wheeler…even worse. I posted the screenshot because LK demanded I provide proof of my allegations. WTH is wrong with you?

As far as me or other posters being argumentative, take a long hard look at your posts. The majority of them are argumentative and condescending.

I NEVER SAID SHE DESERVED TO BE SHOT BECAUSE OF HER POSTS (sorry I forgot to add the obligatory statement to all my posts). BTW, this post was AFTER she was shot…LK has not changed in any way regarding behavior.

I am NOT GEE and will not clarify that again.