Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

   I think it’s fairly unlikely that horse people would be on the jury, with or without these threads. 

    But if that were the goal, is it pro-MB to try to prevent horse people from being on the jury?  Which side would that favor?

I’m not responsible for what GWE posts. I stand behind my retraction. I heard it from someone at that farm, doesn’t make it true. Which is why I apologized (sincerely). I wasn’t aware GWE was going to pick it back up.
I even messaged a mod to remove all traces of the name of the farm so it was not perpetuated. I don’t know what more I can do.


UH-O!!! You, I, and @YankeeDuchess all posted within seconds of each other!! Are we the same person???


Please point out exactly where in my post I specified which person was the Jack Nicholson character.


Thanks for the advice, but I’ve been around for a long time and I really couldn’t care less about YD.


I just felt the need to say here, (Bc I feel it’s very important) we e honestly didn’t play any sort of role in the souring of the relationship. Mb & MH wanted it soured (Mh most of all) for specific reasons which I can’t share. It had to be done right then. MH had been working on setting it all up for weeks & weeks. Don’t forget, mb took me to Gladstone to grab my 4-3 Q score on July 25 & 26. There was some tension… but he told me the reason - which I already knew. MH was FURIOUS that he took me. But the show went well & police were called not once. We were shot 10 days later.

There is so much people don’t know which will be brought to light at the trial. But, I can absolutely assure you (and anyone else) we had nothing to do with what they did to us- before the shooting and even after!!! (Day my father & Guy went to barn to collect stuff & check the horses & MH called 911 in her fakest “I’m so afraid for my life,” voice, claiming she was called a POS and people were “coming to get them.”) I’ve said this before but- neither my father nor guy ever saw MH. Didn’t even know she was there. Plus, had my father seen MH… he’d have said not two words to her. Pretty low & scummy to falsify a 911 report against a partially deaf, 70 year old man whose daughter maybe dead once he returns. But she had to keep her pattern of lies going- even as I lay in coma - doctors unsure if I’d make it - just to add to my fathers grief. He only accompanied guy to make sure no one tried to kill him & bc his hand was broken. MH is just scum. Absolute scum.

By the time we made the right decision to report him to SS - the damage they caused had been done. It was just a matter of getting the horses safely to another trainer. (whole other story.) Which is why it was so surprising when mb came to apartment asking what he could do to make everything alright again. However ridiculous a notion, once a trainer gets in your head for that long tellling you if you ever leave there- he will destroy your Dressage career w one call, you want to believe him when he comes over & pretends to want to “fix things,” and asks what he can do to help that happen. That is masterminded manipulation. A skill MB had very well honed. As did MH.


Please use the quote function to document that I called you rude, awful, or evil.

I did point out, in response to your sarcastic (but apparently not contemptuous) instructions to me, that given that Lauren has a lawyer father and a team of lawyers, she would probably take advice from them on the advisability of posting or not posting, rather than from an anonymous poster, such as yourself, however well intentioned your “advice” is.

Perhaps you could give the anti-LK posters some advice on whether they should continue to post, or should attempt to erase past posts, given the possibility of a libel suit against them. Or a USEF bullying investigation.
   In the reference to a few good mean, which side do you see as the Jack Nicholson character? The character who disastrously spills the beans?

So we now are being threatened (at least warned by @YankeeDuchess) with libel suits or SS investigations for posting screenshots or anything that does not support LK. Amazing. That warning actually goes both ways. I doubt MH would be pleased at the accusations being thrown at her on a public forum.


The vast majority of my posts are argumentative, and some of them are definitely condescending. True. True. True.

You have many times attempted to construe and have flat out stated that you think MB is the victim. Not going to rehash it, argue it, provide post numbers.

Once again, where in my post did I specify which person was the Nicholson character? I did not specify.

However, it’s interesting that you seemed to jump to the conclusion that LK would be the Nicholson character proven to be in the wrong when the facts came out.


I really hope that LK is telling the truth here. Otherwise…that’s going to be really awkward. The trial should be interesting either way.

Usually, in my experience, when a relationship sours, the fault is never 100% on one side. However, that’s just my very limited experience.

I still think if what LK says is true regarding MH’s role in this, MH will be/should be changed with something in the near-ish future. Unless there is simply no evidence or something like that. By that I mean she did in fact do something but there is just no admissible proof.

I still cannot imagine what drives people to act like this. To plot to murder someone. To actually shoot someone. Mid-day even. Again, I have no idea where MB was going with this. Nuts.



  I thought LK already has a civil suit against close associates of MB for harassment/defamation. Could be wrong. 

   If she is is alleging bullying, that would be a USEF investigation, not SS. 

   For those still wondering about my identity, it has been noted that I joined July 3, 2019 shortly after the Gage suicide, and according to Denali have participated in only 4 threads. The two SS ones (RG and GM) plus the two most recent MB/LK ones. Weird.

This post might actually warrant a screenshot of my class entry & some emails sent back n forth from me to the show organizer. It’s Sunday. I’ll wait to confirm with lawyers tomorrow if I permission to shut you down on this one. And um… FYI- had I arrived to find I was in the wrong class- it would’ve been changed immediately. I remember signing up for that show like it were yesterday. I didn’t opt to participate in the SWEEPSTAKES CDI class. Believe this- (or don’t/ I really don’t GAF) - I screenshot EVERY single page of an online show entry. There have been too many mistakes over stall amounts & shavings & classes to risk forgetting to take screenshots of every single page once it’s filled out. Bless your heart, though.

   Thanks for acknowledging that I did not call you rude, awful, or evil. 

    LK is not the defendant in the criminal trial. The issue (an issue) is whether some of the newbie screen names are people close to the MB side of the case. Since you had well intentioned advice for LK, I thought you might have well intentioned advice for any of the ant-LK posters, such as Green. Apparently not. 

   Standard disclosure: I don’t know for a fact that Green is GEE. I don’t know who Green is in real life. 

   However, on many, many occasions, I have read a post of Green, and thought, well, how would you know that?

   Example  Regarding the Sarah Nir NYT article, Green

stated that the interviews took place in Sept even though the article was published Oct 15. How does Green know when people were interviewed for the NYT article unless she’s an insider?

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They could have messaged her here or on FB. She is very responsive to the horsey set and also reads here. Why does it have to be nefarious? Hell her and Sarah could be friends.