Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I would suppose this is because, as lala has said several times, she speaks her mind and doesn’t “let herself be walked over.” (paraphrasing because I’m not sorting through this dumpster fire for quotes right now.

Thing is, and I’m not necessarily saying this is true of LK, but of many people I’ve met and encountered over the years, there’s lots of people who say this kind of thing about themselves (I stand up for myself! I speak my mind! I don’t let people walk all over me!) who are actually - aggressive and nasty. They often choose to escalate situations, they have trouble letting go of conflict, they are always right about things, etc. The people I’ve known like this were pretty blind to how they were the root of a lot of the conflicts they were seemingly always engaged in. I don’t know if this shoe fits, here - I will admit it was my early ASSUMPTION based on digging up her FB and reading the kinds of things she was saying prior to the shooting, and based on some of her posts here.

That assumption may be incorrect and I’m happy to rethink it. But I also think it may be worthy of some reflection.

All that said… what the fruitbat with all this talk about CDIs and medals and scores - seriously, how is any of it relevant to any of this? So someone was entered at a show wrong, or wasn’t, or… I don’t even know… I don’t get how any of it has anything to do with the case at hand. I get “rabbit holes” and go down them frequently, but… in this case I’m not even sure what the point is. If this were a thread about a shady trainer using fake pictures of other riders to inflate her accomplishments, yeah, I’m all in on that rabbit hole, but here… it just seems kind of petty considering what happened.


We’re going to give this topic a time out until there’s a significant public development in the case.