Barisone Pleads Not Guilty


Pot meet kettle. Why does that saying need to be repeated so frequently on this thread?


La-La, I can’t remember if you have already answered this, and/or if you cannot answer it, but is there video or audio of the shooting?


Duh. The questions you have which cannot & will not be answered here- will be answered in court. Obviously. Again, I never said there was a definite plan to gain ownership of my horses. It IS a possibility, though. I wouldn’t be the first person whose horse he tried to take ownership of. To MHMs attempted point, any horses mb had success with were trained by 
 not him. Just an add in bc I’m tooo lazy to quote her too. Anyway- no. Many questions will NOT be answered. Not here. Though, many questions also HAVE been answered. You just didn’t like the answers. Can’t help ya there. But
 feel free to continue changing the subject when questions HAVE been answered not to your liking- or twisting my words in an answer to better suit your revised questions.

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But yet you continue to drop little hints here, little hints there. My liking of the answers is totally irrelevant. I am not invested in this. You, however, are. And fail to see how your comments here and in other places will affect you. You would still be better to not comment at all, heal, and get the help you need.


Even should that happen to be true, that just proves my point that he had enough intelligence to get horses that could succeed with him.

Which should also be enough intelligence to come up with a better purported plan, one would think.


Thank you! Honestly, it wouldn’t matter if I did post screenshots of the entire exchange with the show organizer. While it would provide proof of my statement- it wouldn’t matter. A new subject would be interjected the minute the other one dried up.
Just as one poster claimed I wasn’t even entered in this show (despite screenshots proving otherwise) - a different poster claimed the horse doesn’t even have an FEI passport. Bc
 that wouldn’t have been handed to me along with the BOS. (Ridiculous.) It is possible they’re typing in his name incorrectly. If it’s not precise, it won’t come up. Though, again, it wouldn’t matter. The subject would be changed entirely & words twisted all the same.

What I find astonishing is, some of these posters are bringing up the most insignificant things (whether I can legally disprove it or not) hoping to 
 what? Provide Michael with a proper excuse for attempted murder? This thread is literally named “Barisone pleads not guilty.” So, it would be plausible that people really believe Michael is gonna plead “the CDI.” More plausible though, unfortunately, is that my answers to many questions actually have silenced some- bc, well, what will they say when they hear in court everything I’ve stated really happened? “We’re sorry. We blindly believed the lies of a trainer people have heard of instead of his client.” ?? No chance.
That maybe the saddest part of all. Victim blaming keyboard warriors who will (possibly) still remain anonymous- being unable to apologize (even anonymously) for their shameful posts. Even if one juror refuses to convict but the posters here HEAR that everything I’ve said was exactly the truth- it won’t a change a thing in their own behavior. Nor will it change one thing about their posts if he’s put away for 3 decades. Yet
 I’m the “bad,” person
 ?? (Btw, that wasn’t all aimed at you- or anyone else who doesn’t know me but had the decency to put the word “allegedly,” before making character assessments made first by others who also don’t know me.) :slight_smile:


It was said once. Repeated by you. It referred to a fb post claiming I body shamed someone & something about an 18 wheeler. However, once the actual words were corrected to make it real instead of imagined (much like your post) - I DID check. All I’ll say about that is, maybe two wrongs don’t make a right - but - it is equally “body shaming,” to have the person we were referring to accuse me of being bulimic on one occasion & anorexic on another. In person!!! Of course, it was disguised as a backhanded “compliment.” But I don’t feel accusing someone of having an eating disorder due to being underweight as being complimentary. It’s just easier to get away with bc, any response besides “thank you,” to someone is extremely OVERweight would be automatically taken as an insult. IE- “no, I’m not bulimic or anorexic but if we split all your meals I’d probably put some weight on too.” I guess you’re suggesting “body shaming,” is only applicable to CERTAIN body types but if you’re called “too thin,” followed by an accusation of eating disorders- that’s just fine

Anyway, unlike you & many other posters here, I can at least admit the comment I made to my friend who had known about that incident for years- was probably unnecessary. Though, it was NOT out of left field. Not by a long shot. None of my comments or replies usually are. Without context though- anyone can make any post seem to have a much worse intention. It’s practically a contagious “hot zone,” virus ðƾ© on THIS thread.

Again, missed the point completely. But
 I suppose with a tag line like “Bordering on Imbecile,” I should’ve seen that coming.

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For the love
 They didn’t say you weren’t entered in the show
 Only that you weren’t entered in the CDI. The confusion over eligibility was addressed, apologies made. Competing in an FEI Prix St George test and competing in a CDI at Prix St George are two different things. What they were saying is that the screenshot shows you were entered in the FEI PSG, which is NOT the CDI. There was a CDI at the same show, yes. But entering a PSG test at the same show as the CDI is NOT entering the CDI.

 I’m going to give you some advice. Whether you take it or not is up to you. There’s an incredible wealth of knowledge here. Sit back, breathe, ignore that which upsets you and engage in that which educates you. There’s some incredible theory I’ve learned here and applied with great success. I’ve been able to make educated decisions about what clinicians to ride with, and who to avoid. I’ve learned about tack and troubleshooting physical problems.

If you refuse to educate yourself on the rulebook, on the difference between an FEI test and a CDI, on what is and isn’t industry norm
 You are always going to be vulnerable to a trainer looking to exploit a client with money and not a clue. Educating yourself is the single most important thing you can do for yourself in the horse industry, regardless of discipline. The more you know, the harder you are to take advantage of. Do yourself a favor. Delve into the rulebook. Identify your goals, and KNOW what the requirements are to get there. You’ll find yourself succeeding more and faster when you know and understand the road map to your own success.

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So wait, let me see if I understand this: if someone “body shamed” you in the past, as in said you were anorexic or had some other eating disorder because you’re “underweight” or at least in their view, it is fully ok to body shame them back?

Or you could be the bigger person, and just walk away. Obviously someone who accuses a smaller person of having an eating disorder, is not someone really worth conversing with in the first place.

So saying that someone couldn’t fit/hide behind a jumbo jet (I’m paraphrasing here) is ok because they once said something negative about your body? So basically, in theory, if you insult me, I can insult you all day long and it’s ok. Because “context”

I get this, but I don’t at the same time. It doesn’t make you any better of than the person that originally body shamed you.

If that’s not what you’re saying at all, then I apologize for the misinterpretation. It’s just how it came off, to me.

Anyone whether small, large or in the middle can be subject to body shaming, unfortunately. All we can do is not perpetuate it ourselves.

A lot of people have come out of the woodwork to say negative things (some based in real life) about LK. I don’t get it. Yes we’ve all pissed people off, but I don’t know that everyone would have people coming out in such full force. I don’t think it is jealousy over importing horses and affording training. Maybe I am out of touch, but that’s nothing special. So many people import. So many can afford to train and do ride with BNT’s. I don’t know, this whole thing is strange anyway.

I am interested in MB’s movtives, but even when the court case exposes his exact motives, it still doesn’t take away the fact that he attempted to murder 2 people. He’s guilty of that. He shouldn’t be on the streets. He should serve some jail time. You cannot just shoot people as you feel like it or as a personal delete button to remove people from your life. I still don’t think any info will really help us understand because it’s all just so crazy and difficult for the “average” person to grasp. But clarifying fact from fiction would be nice. This isn’t info we are entitled to, but maybe it would help shut some of us up :winkgrin:


I am making my way through the posts, so forgive me if I haven’t read a response to this yet. But I remember LK saying that one of her horses suffered from cellulitis, which can be a recurring problem in around ~25% of horses. Maybe one of her horses has random flare-ups?


Could be. And to be honest, when it comes to horses, there can always be “something”
my gelding knows this!


yeah, sorry
 you had me scratching my head on that one, too. Never heard of a national CDI. Kind of an oxymoron.

I tried to look up the prize list for HITS August 2018, so that I could look up the numbers for the CDI-AM vs the regular INT rides, because I wasn’t there, but now all that I can get is the 2020 prize list. So I’ll have to trust you ladies/gents who were actually there.

True. “These tests must be carried out entirely from memory” are the words directly from the rule book.