Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

While LaLa is interesting, I can’t for the life of me figure out why any of you continue to engage YD. The thread goes MUCH more quickly ignoring him/her. He/she reminded me of an ex-husband who would argue with a fence post. Exhausting and ridiculous.

And just a simple vegetarian taco salad tonight, but a lovely greek yogurt into which I stirred a spoonful of delicious homemade peach/rosemary jam for dessert.


Just for fun, here’s the link to Jay-T’s FEI record:

Nothing listed for FEI. He does have a record with USEF with LK and several others as rider. LK rode him in 3-1 several times and 4-3 once. Prior to that he was doing the Young Rider tests.


Can you share the recipe for the peach rosemary jam? I had left overs. Nothing exciting.


Got it from a friend for a Christmas present, but she makes it fairly regularly. I’ll ask.


Wow what a rush!!! Phew!

Never fear GWE, you did remember to quote my original post. All is well.


Someone told me you can’t have a test caller at FEI classes. Is that true?

I don’t know MB and anything about what happened, but…

The most important thing I’ve learned from watching years of Court TV and other crime shows is to never carry a tempting amount of life insurance on yourself and to be sure to choose your beneficiaries carefully!

And regarding nice horses, I have heard stories that I believe were true of stolen horses being painted, etc. to disguise them and being sold without papers.

Regarding La-La’s horses, I wonder if there are any family members or friends who actually knew how many horses she owned, and as non-horsey people would they have the skill level to identify all of them and claim them if she had not survived this? Or could 1 or 2 horses have disappeared or been replaced with less valuable horses? It’s not really that far fetched.


I know you didn’t mean this in an attacking way, but I do want to point something out. I’d pretty much guarantee every single person on this thread (and the others) - have pissed people off. Sometimes, people just don’t like you no matter how nice they are to your face or how nice you’ve been to them. Firing someone doesn’t make you friends with that person, after. I fired a certain person on the other thread and that was her big opportunity to “get me back.” You don’t show up for work- you’re fired. Even a farrier I fired took the striking opportunity to say how horrible I am - with the obvious exception of mentioning why. Refusing to board somewhere bc you feel the “trainer,” doesn’t meet your needs - and that person takes it personally, also comes with a risk of “pissing them off.” Just by the comments- I knew exactly whom was whom. I don’t go around life TRYING to piss people off- too much work & wasted energy. There are some who live to piss people off- except, their names aren’t relevant here bc a “BNT,” didn’t shoot them- allowing for every person they’ve ever had a disagreement with to blather on about it. Every single person with some $hi* to talk were all conveniently located in NC. And yet, I was too busy training & showing to care about their personal problems. Still am.
I also don’t step on eggshells around people. I say what I think as nicely as I can - but I won’t be walked all over, taken advantage of, lied about without confronting it, or apologize for things I didn’t do. Or, for anything I did do which was without a doubt, warranted. I will always apologize if I’ve accidentally wronged someone. I say “accidentally,” bc, I would never ever purposely wrong someone.
The people in the other thread with very clear agendas said too much. Gave themselves away. Two in particular. (But def others.) If their names were all over the news- I would definitely be saying about one of them- “see! I told you she was a thief, extortionist & con artist.” The other- I’d likely ignore… just As I’d been trying to do for 3 years to no avail.
I can’t help it if it irks people that I’ve imported horses, can pay for training (thanks to having to work simultaneously to do it) … So petty- and yet it’s been central to a large part of all these threads. When I say to a poster, “I really don’t GAF what you think,” I may also provide a piece info to point out why I don’t GAF what they “think.” If I cant legally provide any info to the contrary - I still don’t GAF what they believe, bc I know better than they do.
This is all TRULY victim blaming at its worst. When there’s nothing to say- people have just made things up- and why not? Using screen-names who, besides me, is gonna call them out? They know I can’t bc of forum rules, so why not make up a slew of lies, run with it & hope others believe even 1/4 of it.

I guess the point of this long post is, if even one person here thinks they are only well thought of by everyone- they’d better think again. Somewhere, lurking in the past, present or future is someone (or many someone’s) who are just so unhappy with own lives, lay in wait for the opportunity to make stuff about you while “chortling with glee,” the opportunity presented itself. Believe me, everyone here has an enemy they don’t even know about. They also have people they do know about who dislike them. No one is free of this fact of life. Though, some maybe in denial about it.


best post this week! LOVE! (I am editing because I am still laughing from this post) Beyond the best post - beyond - still laughing


If one of the two people in the other thread is meant to be me, I can almost promise you don’t know who I am. I am friends with some people you seem to hate, though. We literally met once and I don’t even think I told you my name. It was more of a walking by and saying hi thing. It was right around when your horse (whose name I can’t remember) passed away.

Not everyone posting is victim blaming. You seem to think everyone who doesn’t like you is victim blaming. That’s not the case.

ETA: forum rules prevent you from disclosing someone’s name? Or am I misinterpreting that?




For someone who consistently says they “don’t GAF”, you certainly go to great lengths to prove you DO GAF.


Forum rules say you can’t disclose someone’s identity? Or who you think someone’s identity is? So instead you just…vaguely say “I know who you are” even if you don’t?

ETA: if you apologize for accidentally wronging someone, I’m still waiting for my apology. I have in no way said you are to blame for this tragedy and I’m genuinely insulted that you said I’ve been victim blaming. Show me ONE post where I said any of it was your fault and I’ll eat my hat.


I don’t GAF. Please stop posting.


I don’t think this was Denali’s point at all. (Correct me if I’m wrong, Denali. I didn’t read your post this way at all.)

However, you, GWE just provided proof of my reply to Denali. “Shown my true colors?” “Proof has been provided?” Ive “slithered off?” No, but I do have a life outside this BB. And you & GEE so obviously know each other IRL. Whatever your beef is… move on. Get it over it. You two didn’t join in December. You just changed screen names so wouldn’t look as desperate in your agenda as you both have in other places besides here.

What “proof,” has been provided of anything at all, whatsoever? Remind me. Did I post a reply or OP on fb which you found to be “unkind?” Is that your big case solver? If you weren’t hiding behind a screen name - I guarantee I could (if I had the time or desire) point out a disturbing number of “unkind,” fb posts by you! Anytime you want to take that challenge- lmk. You can even pm me & I absolutely swear I will hide your name & the thread. Just the posts. Everyone here has witnessed this promise. Let’s just find out whose “true colors,” are really being hidden here?

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Never met GWE in my life. Or maybe I have, I don’t know who he/she is so I can’t say for sure.

Are you suggesting I give you my name? I’m not that dumb. I think you’re unhinged after this whole ordeal and I will not be giving you any personal information because frankly I think you’re the type of person who would show up screaming on my doorstep.

Starting to really worry about your sanity here per the bolded part. Just because you are desperate to believe something doesn’t make it true. You can swear up and down you know me and whatever other SM presence you think I have, but you have no proof and frankly I imagine your “proof” would be false because I’ve literally seen you once in my life.

But please continue I’m enjoying watching you scramble.




To all the crazies out there, good night.


A 9mm can easily kill someone. It almost did kill ME. A 30 minute drive to the hospital & I’d have been dead. A med evac chopper was almost too slow. Or… did you conveniently forget the many reports which stated my condition was grave & up in the air at best? So… let’s not pretend 2 gun shots to the chest weren’t designed to kill- or didn’t have the capacity to do so. Using someone else’s is making a plan. I never once said there WAS a plan to dispose of our bodies. Only that I wouldn’t be surprised. Same with the horses being taken. Never said that was the definite plan- only that it was a good possibility.
Another thing I never said- this was a plan made by professional killers. Just that there WAS a plan & the shooter was aiming to kill. About 20 different things played a H U G E role in the unplanned fact that I lived. If even one thing were done differently, (after the fact for sure & partially during the fact) - I would be dead. So would RG. You don’t have all the facts & I won’t be providing them.

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Ok. You literally just made that entire rant up in your head. Reread my post. I very clearly said the taking of the horses after were possibilities. When someone tries to MURDER two people- people who have witnessed things most others haven’t- yes, there are many possibilities as to what the plans were for afterward. Stop twisting words & running with them. It’s super annoying.

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