Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I also want to know how MB would be guaranteed to get LK’s horses should something happen to her. Was there a sign contract stating that? A will? Some type of agreement that could be verified?

But, like many other questions we have, we know they will not be answered here!


General Horspital 😂😂

I’d like to add The Bold and the Bonkers. Get Out. Stranger than Fiction.


OMG! Dressage is SO complicated! I think I’ll stick with the hunters—hack around for a while—jump a few sticks—put everybody to bed—go have dinner!


Yup she wants the tiara.


@GiveEmEl you owe me a keyboard!!! This thread sans LK is definitely the Bold and the Bonkers!


Disclaimer: not responsible for items that others have spewed liquids on 😂


I’m sure someone will jump in to explain it. At great length, no doubt. :rolleyes:

I almost edited my post to add that sentiment, but I did not want to confuse anyone with an edit. :lol:



How dare you edit MHM!!!


What I’ve learned from this thread:

Edits are confusing and cause some posters to have the vapors.

If you mistype or are mistaken in your information there will be a page dedicated to the post.

If you post anything that slightly smells of speculation of wrong doing by LK there will be three pages dedicated to the post.

Always post dictionary definitions.

Don’t use slang.

All spinoffs discussing interesting topics on this thread are to be ignored.

This is THE only thread on CoTH to learn about dressage and crimes involving dressage riders as well as the proper use of words and the correct manner in which to wear a Tiara.

ETA: All posters, either long time or new are alters of people involved.


Or use hollow points.


Too bad they all weren’t foxhunters…



This wins the post of the day award!!! PERFECTION!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now I need a new keyboard!

Edited to add you failed to mention All alters can be accused of being other persons, either real or fictional or confused with other alters at any time depending on the circumstances, especially if your alter begins with the letter “G”.


Wait one…

ETA: Edited my original post.


Dang!!! I am proud of you!!! It is powerful isn’t it? Don’t get carried away though!!! First we need to QFP your original post.


K. Well I’ve produced screenshots for this show- which either you- or someone else claimed I wasn’t even entered in. Whoops. If I just barely got myself into a completely full show - in both classes I wanted (plus others I didn’t really care for) how many minutes do you think it would take to quickly pay my own FEI membership? The horse already had one! Anything I needed to participate in these classes, including the NON sweepstakes CDI at PSG would have been emailed to me by the guy. I’m a little confused as to why you care what classes I’d have been riding at a show at anytime.
The theory I wasn’t entered was crushed. The theory I wasn’t in any FEI class bc I hadn’t paid membership fee was also crushed. I only had to pay it prior to the class time- with documentation. Or… did you miss my entry & ride time for Friday? (8:09 am.) The fact I had a full email discussion to clarify whether I wanted the sweepstakes class or just just regular CDI (something I had no idea there was a difference between) should tell u conversations you weren’t privy to were, indeed taking place. It was stated by someone I couldn’t have entered this show at all bc, she couldn’t locate my name as a scratch or no show- has been crushed. I especially included the dates of the entry. Perhaps, these emails which gradually let me know which spots had an opening - CEASED bc … less than 36 hrs later, I was in a coma. Just a thought. Probably has no merit. 🙄

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The horse definitely DOES have a show record. I definitely did have entries in that specific show. You change the subject & hope no one notices- sad. I’ve said numerous times “THIS WAS MY FIRST CDI.” I wanted to try it & that is exactly what I going to do. If I didn’t feel comfortable with it - after the FEI PSG class on Friday- I could’ve easily scratched. I didn’t need a specific score to enter. If I did, I highly doubt the S.O would’ve given me the option to do the sweepstakes or non sweepstakes CDI class. Not only that, I know plenty of people who have scores of only 52 (or 54, in one case) in National FEI PSG classes & are competing in CDI *4 s all the time. IMHO - they shouldn’t be. But, what they do doesn’t concern me. Wonder why it is that what I DO concerns you?

Just look at the topic you are on. Whats the matter? You were proven wrong on everything else so suddenly my show entry which I never got to compete in, (duh- I’d been shot) has become your new “thing.” Well, you’d better start thinking of new material. Bc… you’re just as wrong about THIS - as you’ve been about everything else. Why don’t you give me a hint of what your new topic will be so I can pm you how ridiculous you’re about look BEFOREHAND this time. Your choice.


How about you PM whoever you’re going to make up false claims about next so we know where this thread is headed.
You’re all about proof but what proof do you have for your claims?

ETA: I’m not talking about the CDI stuff. I couldn’t care less about that.


No. I can’t. I have no clue what or who we were talking about, nor the CONTEXT. Clearly, neither do you. Feel free to explain who were talking about. Please hurry!!! (I’ll tell why the rush right after you provide the “PERSON,” who we were talking about. Oh & the context. Both important!

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Funny, I gave you a screenshot of your conversation with Shelly Albee Lily. Do I need to provide it again? It makes no difference WHO the person was…you two obviously knew and were having a grand old time bashing whoever it is. All laughs and fun and folly.