Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

You talk about me reading for comprehension. Perhaps you should do the same. Where did I ever say it would NEVER happen? But the likelihood of it happening is not as common as you would like us to believe.

And while you have been the victim of a violent attack, you use that as the grounds to judge others. Not everyone is out to get someone. Not everyone is evil. Not everyone is out to harm others. It is sad that someone hurt you, but that does not color all bad.


I used to be outraged at LK’s remarks. Now, I am just sad at her obvious emotional problems, which appear to predate the shooting but undoubtedly have been exacerbated. Really, we all ought to just quit reading and posting.


We should, FatDinah, but it’s like driving past a car wreck. Hard not to peek.


Look. She said multiple times that she was going to compete at the CDI. Having seen the ride times for that show, I knew that she was not in the class, even as a scratch or w/d. I saw her scratches in the National PSG and the other USDF classes.

So I called BS on her CDI claims because the record didn’t back her up. Apparently there are “emails” out there that we don’t get to see. Okay, cool. So I’m supposed to just take her claim at face value that there are emails out there about her entering the CDI? But I don’t get to see the emails? Fine. So, who am I going to believe? The ride times posted at the show by the show secretary. She may have intended to ride in the CDI or wanted to, or was told she would
but but if intentions were horses, we’d all have much bigger feed bills.

Ride times say no CDI. There is no verifiable paper trail pointing to her being in the CDI. Unsubstantiated allegations my a**.


But, but, but, we’re not supposed to question what LK and YD state. Only they can argue with us and demand proof of allegations. Ridiculous.;);):wink:


The unsubstantiated allegation was that she could not possibly have been entered in the CDI because there was no record of qualifying scores at a national show. Not true.

If you had merely said that no one has yet seen proof that she was in fact entered in the CDI, that would have been a true statement. 

It took some other posters some time and effort to debunk your erroneous claim that one needed to get qualifying scores at a national show prior to entering a domestic CDI.
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CDI after National was my mistake I meant PSG. I was afraid to edit and cause you discomfort in the event someone quoted me.


She apologized for that error.

What more do you want?


The tiara. :lol:


And 5 pages devoted to the over analysis of that post at the end of which everyone agrees with her.





:tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink: Too funny!!!


In case anyone was wondering, Lobster Thermidor for dinner with a nice green salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar. Yum.


Well I don’t know about anyone else, but if I were plotting to murder someone for their horses, or anything else, I’d like to think I’d do enough research to use ammunition that is specifically designed to kill someone. I mean, all the cloak and dagger, and plotting, and buried bodies, and he didn’t know enough to not use a target load? That’s an amateur mistake.

And my submission: General Horspital

 She came back with a slightly different claim to the same effect; ie that it was impossible that LK was entered in the CDI because LK was not registered in the FEI database. A different poster had  ALREADY debunked that claim by pointing out that one can enter and ride in a CDI, and still register within a window of time after the ride. Even if she had been entered, as she claimed, she did not compete, or, apparently register with FEI. 

   She may have been entered in the CDI, maybe she wasn’t. Maybe she wasn’t entered, but believed that she was. 

    I don’t think there is a basis for calling her a liar just because there is no proof that she was entered.

Let it go. Please.

So what do you want?


I like General Horspital! :lol:

To your other point, I have found it to be kind of a stretch to think that anyone could plan a crime so badly, if there was actually planning involved.

To get to the Olympic level in horse sports, a rider has to be pretty intelligent. If you are the fastest runner on earth, you just need a good pair of sneakers. That might be an oversimplification, but for many sports, the basic talent and work ethic will be what makes or breaks the athlete.

In horse sports, the rider needs to have the talent and the work ethic, plus the intelligence to figure out a way to get a top horse. Whether that involves personally making the money and buying one or putting together sponsors to buy one, it takes a certain amount of brain work. MB had been at that top level of the sport for at least a decade. How could anyone with that much intelligence come up with such a terrible plan for such a crime??

  Neither “national CDI” nor “FEI CDI” makes any sense. All CDIs are run under FEI rules, no CDIs are run under national rules. You apparently thought CDI meant “horse show”.
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