Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Anyone else imagining a load of smelting waste being dumped on YD’s lawn (or palace grounds) based on this odd use of slag? :lol: I’m guessing a real duchess wouldn’t use that word in public, but you might want to look this one up in Urban Dictionary if you want your UK English slang affectations to look more realistic.



Or, put another way, As The Horse’s Ass Turns.


If the entry process is completed, WD, EL RET, and DSQ also show up in the results on the FEI website on the horse’s record. The horse she was supposed to ride doesn’t even have a record of this show on the FEI website.


Please see post # 1245. Even if the entry had been completed (not clear that it was), one is allowed to register with FEI in a short window AFTER competing. It appears she never registered with FEI (no reason to, as she did not compete) so even if the entry process was completed (again, not clear that it was), the horse/rider combination seems not to have been registered with FEI, hence would not be in the database.

Oh, for crying out loud! Give it a rest!


And just because these accusations are made does not make them true either. You seriously believe there was a huge plot to kill clients? Not only to kill them, but to kill them for the specific goal of taking ownership of their horses? Not to just kill one client, but multiple clients?



No, you didn’t state that - those were literally my words. And by “nice” I was making a reference to the weather.

So your assertion is that Barisone decided to murder you in order to obtain one or more of your horses for his girlfriend to ride - notwithstanding the fact that once he had murdered you, your horses would never have been given to anyone connected to him to ride?

And you believe that if you had left the property, he would have tried to locate you in order to murder you for the use of those same horses?


How do you have the time to cross-reference all of these posts? I suppose that could be a fun little data scraping problem: write a script to create a table of posts by post number, cross reference quotes and do some textual analysis to identify the different threads within the threads.

The horse is registered with the FEI. He has no competition record.

The record still stands - there is no record of her ever competing in or registering for a CDI - so barring the appearance of the emails (but her emails!) she did not compete in the CDI. No entry - no compete. I guess we could say “intentions matter” - she intended to compete in the CDI - but for all intents and purposes, she was not registered, and did not compete in the CDI, and has no FEI athlete profile.

Gawd. I’m sorry I even brought this up.

Why am I even responding? I have horses to ride, work to do, and GPA to maintain.


I saw this show on Broadway a few years back. Maybe it was based on a true story and I didn’t realize it.


I prefer The Sopranos. Just about any episode!

I wonder where MB was when Jimmy Hoffa disappeared.

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Probably still in Pony Club?


Yes, but doesn’t the mob like to get them young and train them up right. That way you can plot and plan for years and years, and hide in plain sight as an Olympic level rider and trainer, and no one will be any the wiser. Just think of how many people MB had fooled.

     Sorry, she was not registered with FEI, so it is not surprising to me that the show would not come up, even as a class she scratched, given that she is not registered with FEI (even if the horse was.)

      Obviously she did not compete in a CDI the week after she was shot!  No issue there. 

       Her claim, which various posters attacked as a lie, was that she was planning to ride a CDI PSG the next weekend. 

       It is a lot easier and more time efficient to throw out a sloppy unsubstantiated allegation than to wrestle it down and figure out what parts of it are true.

She probably would have scratched anyway for one reason or another. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I notice you don’t seem to “wrestle down LK’s unsubstantiated allegations” so that’s what we do and get bashed for doing so…generally by you!


I don’t fully understand the scratching thing. I’ve scratched before, when the horse came up lame, had an allergy attack of sorts, or otherwise found a way to maim him or herself… But the scratches weren’t so frequent. I do highly regard horse welfare, so it’s not that. I don’t know, if I sign up, I show up, if not it’s a (horse) health reason.


Didn’t someone (LK?) make a reference to Hawthorne Hill being a body farm full of graves of people he’d murdered over the years. Curiousier and curiouser!!!


If she had entered, she would have had to scratch BECAUSE SHE WAS IN THE ICU! No smilie faces.

I have no problem whatsoever with you “wrestling down LK’s unsubstantiated allegations.” I don’t think I have bashed you for doing so.

That is not what I said at all. If you want to have a discussion and quote me at least read for comprehension.

I think MB purposefully took matters into his own hands with the aim to kill, yes. The reasoning, is yet to be seen. Not enough facts

My point was, nothing is crazy when it comes to murder. You can not say “this is crazy, this would never happen” when murder or attempted murder is involved. You just can not, the situations are always, out of this world. Just because it is hard to believe does not mean it can not be true.


That’s the truth! People have murdered for far less rational reasons for that. No reason is too crazy for anyone who is willing to kill someone.