Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Well yes. That’s why I said I think that’s the case with LK. I know because I groomed for people at those levels despite being mediocre at the LL, but someone new to those levels wouldn’t necessarily know. Unfortunately people don’t take the time to learn and assume. It seems to me LK is content in the H/J model of Dressage training.


Except it’s already been pointed out that the class number in the emails is for the National CDI. NOT FEI. That had a different class number because well, it’s a different class. In fact you quoted the post explaining that. Quit arguing.


Lolololol I was waiting for this.


Your obsession with LK, and berating her over every single post, sm activity and life choice is becoming a bit concerning at this point. Seriously, you have reached far beyond stalker status. We know youre close with MH, I doubt you are helping their case.

I am well aware of the difference between a national and CDI PSG, but slag away Denali!
If LK left all the show entering work up to MB, she may have believed she had been entered into the CDI PSG. Based on the rules for entering a CDI, there was no reason she was ineligible to enter, as someone had claimed, but no longer claims. 
 Isn’t that what she is bring criticized for?  That she lets the trainer set up the entire show and she just shows up to ride? 
 She seemed to understand that her ride time would not be set in advance for the CDI class, unlike a national PSG class. 
 She mentioned that she needed to talk to lawyers on this issue before revealing more, so perhaps the “discrepancy”, as Green called it, regarding her CDI PSG entry is related to her civil suit against Barisone, so I’m not holding my breath for further details on entered/not entered in the CDI.

Lol I was waiting for this too


just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Often, when murder or the likes happen, the story behind it is crazy unbelievable. That’s how people end up making bad decisions like shooting someone, they get themselves into situations where they only see one way out.

Same thing when men kill their wives instead of divorce. Any logical person would suck it up and get the divorce, but for the small percentage who decide they don’t want to or cant lose anything, killing the other person is the more attractive option. More common than you would think.

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As the Haunches Turn


I don’t know why LK feels the constant need to defend herself here. Especially when she says she doesn’t care. I do think if people are close to the situation they either post their “speculations” with proof or admit to being close to the situation. Otherwise take a page from @MHM who has mastered asking questions and stating opinions in a very neutral manner.

LK has clearly pissed a lot of people off. At the end of the day, it doesn’t look any better for people to go on the attack. I also understand it’s hard since I have been guilty of that in the past in threads on this BB. I do think we don’t have the whole story (obviously) and I think if there is a full trial, both LK and MB will look bad.

I also don’t think it does any good to berate LK over not answering the fat shaming question. Point it out yes, but we all know at this point the conversation is one sided. Me personally, I’m more offended by @YankeeDuchess for rubber stamping that for the sake of being argumentative.

I hope those close to the situation find their own peace. She clearly has caused emotional harm to some. It feels good to vent, but sometimes venting looks crazy.


MHM, thanks for putting all the (well, a lot of) the Krazy in one place. LaLa, please get professional help. PTSD is nothing to ignore, but this irrational posting does. not. help.


She was signed up for a CDI PSG. It just wasn’t the FEI version. And no you don’t know the difference because you don’t realize, despite the post you quoted, that there is a National CDI and an FEI CDI.


The screenshots are evidence of national PSG classes with specific ride times. There are no screenshots of CDI classes. The issue is whether she was also entered into some CDI PSG classes. Or was told by Barisone that she had been entered into CDI classes.

I am well aware that CDI classes have different class numbers from national classes, have much higher entry fees, and do not have preset specific ride times. But by all means assume that anyone other than you is a completely ignorant.

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You win the “Name that (collection of) Thread(s)” contest.

    You understand the difference when you enter a CDI class!  The class fees are much higher!

You are absolutely correct. Thank you for this reminder (sincerely). I am triggered when I make a post that LK then denies and blows her top and DEMANDS proof; and, when the proof is provided she quietly slithers off. A short time later she’ll make an inflammatory warning post at whomever has provided proof. She has shown her colors on every occasion. It wouldn’t surprise me if those who actually do stalk her SM have taken screenshots of her nasty posts and given them to SS.

Again, thank you for reminding me of the big picture.

Just to be argumentative, I think fat shaming is bad. I was pointing out that verifiable “crimes” committed by LK so far include:
   A snarky FB post saying someone (not present) could not hide behind a 737. (Fat shaming, which is bad). 
   Denigrating the rather spectacular achievements of MH as a young rider. 

   Both of these things are bad and reflect poorly on LK. However, they seem rather run of the mill modern mean girl SM stuff, and while I do NOT endorse them, I think the taunts and hate directed at her, by some but not all posters, while she is still recovering from a horrific act of violence is just WAY, WAY, WAY out of proportion. 

   Another “crime” is she said she had her bronze medal and she doesn’t. Perhaps she thought she had her medal, because her trainer congratulated her on it.  So what?

We all see it. Many of us are guilty of posting in an emotional/obsessive way. I’m one of them. I try to do better. We should all try to do better. Buts it’s hard!


There are national shows governed by the national federation, in this case USEF. There are international level shows, some of which are held in the US, that are governed by the rules of FEI, and these are called CDIs.

The PSG, which is an FEI level test, and therefore common across all countries, may be offered in either national or CDI competitions. The lower level tests, T though 4th, are national levels because they differ by country.

By “national CDI” do you mean a national show governed by the national federation as opposed to the FEI? And by “FEI CDI” do you mean a horse show governed by FEI rules?

I think you are the only person who would refer to a national horse show run under the auspices of USEF/USDF a “national CDI”, so you’ll need to argue with yourself on that one.


This is GOLDEN. What are you even talking about? In what way have I behaved like SW? That woman said you deserved to be shot, she applauded MB for doing so. I haven’t said anything even CLOSE to that level of horrible. Are you saying I’ve been kissing her a**? I don’t even follow that page because I find it disgusting. Please enlighten me on who thought I was SW…and who you think I am.
I’m asking for proof since you’re so big on that. Since you say it’s a FACT. And apparently we both know who I am. I know who I am, I have no idea who you think I am.
You have never asked me to stop quoting you before and I will remind you that you are posting on a BB and I am well within my rights to respond to you. Cyberstalking? Please give me proof of that, too. YOU are the one making defamatory remarks.


Why, thank you. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. I will just point out that all those posts were from ONE page that went up overnight. What was the title of that episode of How I Met Your Mother? Nothing Good Happens After 2 AM?