Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Yet you didn’t mention the conversation you had with your friend did you? Nope…can’t defend yourself on that one can you?


You are an absolute train wreck. After you drop little bits of information you become pissed off when people become curious. No one gives a tinker’s damn who you are training with other than morbid curiosity. YOU are the one who said the Wellington grapevine acts quickly. You are such a drama queen.

Still, how about responding to the body-shaming FB post of yours? It’s okay for you to post such comments on FB where many people can see, but you condemned MB for allegedly speaking to a private group about body image? Trust me, I’m sure there are many other unsavory FB posts of yours that people have a record of similar to the one I posted.



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Again, you lie. You & both know EXACTLY who you are. Since that’s a fact, I’ve asked you to stop harassing me & making defamatory comments. Repeatedly. You & GWE have a serious obsession issue which I feel, at this point, must be addressed. Atm, I have other, more important things to tend to- like RIDING. You should try it sometime! Btw- (and this is NOT a compliment) you’ve been mistaken for being SW on other occasions. But I see now, you’re just not involved enough in the sport to know that your kiss-ass comments on her page only embarrass yourself.
Also, provide an example of this “bullying,” I’m “known for,” in NC. Not taking crap for people & BULLYING them are two totally different things. Further, LS was never threatened. Post the screenshot. I know what I said. And it was all true. If JI & LS feel “threatened,” by evidence which one of them accidentally let slip - well, that might worry me, too! Don’t twist words. It’s just dumb. Now, again, do not tag me, do not quote me, do not mention me except in the privacy of your own mind- I hope I’m making myself CRYTAL clear. Same goes for GWE. The two of you can rant all you want in person together. But this harassment & cyberstalking stops now.

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“Lilly” isn’t a flower??? Nice try. I also said 18 wheeler (a transfer truck and trailer for your benefit) rather than a 727 jet. You didn’t mention that slight on my part. I wonder why?





So we are to believe MB and MH plotted the demise of others??? And this is all for the sake of getting horses that y’all owned but would not sell to them???

Huh, sounds like dressage is a very dangerous sport with an incredible shortage of good horseflesh if people are willing to kill for better horses.

Do you realize how far fetched and fantastical this sounds? Now all we need is a Mafia connection since it is New Jersey!


In honor of the Sopranos and NJ!

Didn’t somebody make an accusation that MB had bodies buried on his property?? Seems I remember that from one of the threads.


Yes, the info was in the linked page, just need to look around. I’m not a dressage person, so I wasn’t that interested in the end result. I was just curious if YD would have looked herself before posting a question about it. Apparently not.


Not that YD derserves it, but I’ll take the hit for the question several pages ago. I looked a bit, could not find anything that said you needed scores, but also did not find anything that said you DIDN’T need scores. The USEF rule book does not cover CDIs - those are under the purview of the FEI. So I asked, because I did remember someone stating that you needed scores before entering a CDI - which the original poster of that has since clarified.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news - that IS the national show PSG, NOT the CDI class. The Class number for the CDI PSG is/was S1.

Here is a link to the results from that show, where you can see the difference in the class numbers:

You truly may have believed that you were entered in the CDI, but maybe you just didn’t know there was a difference between the two.

The BS about not showing up on the FEI site since you didn’t ride - I’m not giving out their names - but I looked up two different people that I know rode CDIs a long time ago, long ago enough to the point that no results show up for them, and their names are still listed on the FEI site. They have membership numbers, as would you if you had completed all the necessary steps to enter a CDI.

In addition, I’ve shown the PSG multiple times, but not at a CDI, so guess what? My name is NOT on the FEI site.

You do know there is a whole process to a CDI, right? Horse has to be stabled in a different area of the barn, have specific vaccinations, subjected to inspections by the vet, has to go through a FEI jog before the competition begins?




Not to take up for La La, however if she was unaware of the rules for being awarded a Bronze (or any medal) I highly doubt she was aware of National vs FEI CDI’s. Maybe she was told it was an FEI CDI, maybe she just assumed.

I just gather from her posts and YD, that despite the show/dressage experience, there is a lack of knowledge when it comes to the rule book and when it comes to class requirements.

As rothmpp says, it was she who brought up the question. I had previously researched it on the USEF site, and reported that my understanding was that qualifying scores were needed for foreign CDIs, but not home CDIs. However, I also assumed posters would not believe the statement coming from me. 

Indeed, I received slag for posting my understanding of the rule, and was told to shut up unless I had been “putting on CDI’s” myself. As if it would be necessary to “put on CDIs” in orders to know the rules for entering one!  The USEF site has a 4 page document that describes the requirements for entering both foreign and domestic CDIs. 

  The information that FEI registration could be made after the ride was from the FEI site.

Kindly see post #1267.

Nothing like handing the defense their case. Wrapped up and tied with a bow. :rolleyes:

Edited to add that the comment is NOT directed at cutter99, in case my sarcasm was misconstrued.


posted a document indicating that while registration with FEI is necessary, you can enter and ride first, and register retroactively within a period of a few weeks AFTER the ride.
So no, she didn’t complete the registration, what with getting shot and all.

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A lot of people don’t understand the difference between FEI classes and CDIs. Many incorrectly assume if someone is competing at FEI levels, that’s the same as a CDI.


Even though some of these were already QFP, it’s interesting to see them all together. Because… wow.