Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

 It’s not a big deal. It’s just that I really, genuinely, sincerely don’t understand the point of all the QFPing, *** if *** the person supposedly preserving the quote can go in and change the words. 

  However, if QFPing is pointless, that would explain why LK herself does not QFP, but instead uses screenshots to document stuff.

You were entered in the regular USDF PSG and the East Coast Riders Cup PSG. Those are not the CDI. These are all freely accessible from the horse show office website. Maybe this wasn’t explained to you: the show has both national and CDI classes. Just because you show at the FEI level at a show that has CDI classes doesn’t mean you are “showing at a CDI.” It’s like if you show at AGDF - you can enter the national show FEI level classes or the CDI.




Oh, my, word…what will it take for you to drop this??? No one cares. No one cares whether LK takes screenshots or quotes or anything. LET. IT. GO. You have become a broken record.


I thought it went without saying. I said it once to be sure. Didn’t include it in other posts after so LK decided I was victim blaming.


LK herself does QFP.


If LK was expecting to show CDI-AM then she would not have a ranking with the FEI Dressage World Ranking List, and would actually get her qualifying scores at the competition itself, provided she received a slot. A qualifying score doesn’t mean that she is competing in a CDI championship, but she would be showing at CDI, nonetheless. AM is a fairly recent division for amateurs.

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[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: 925087B2-0DEE-4050-93B2-B160D9BA4017.jpeg Views: 1 Size: 10.3 KB ID: 10560434”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10560434”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]
[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: 070487E8-CE69-482B-9043-2A42240D906A.jpeg Views: 1 Size: 9.3 KB ID: 10560433”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10560433”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]…ns-second-year

The CDI-am doesn’t require a FEI passport.

ETA: USEF rulebook sucks.

ETA: It does require the rider to be registered with the FEI, so Lauren’s name would have been listed in the FEI database/search engine. (Not the world ranking)

Case closed.




Hi yes, that was me. There are score requirements for a USEF athlete to European CDI-W/4*/3* events - not USA. I was mistaken. Sorry!

I checked with my coach and if anyone wants to enter a CDI here in the states, you can. You just need to make sure you’re all set with your FEI registration and FEI passport. And then pay a bajillion dollars to do the actual show.


QFP isn’t necessarily to prove someone said something. To me, the biggest reason for QFP is just so, should the person being quoted decide to come back and delete posts, which happens fairly often, the content of the deleted post is still saved in a quote. There is nothing more frustrating than reading a thread with responses that make no sense because the person being responded to deleted their posts.

And being able to edit a quote, when you are responding to something, is really useful when you are trying to respond to a specific part of a long post. Then you can just quote the relevant part and delete the rest, makes it easier to follow.

Basically, just ignore the QFP. It doesn’t really have any bearing in the discussions.


That makes sense, thanks.

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Not closed yet. She could still show, but would be DQ’d if she were not registered in the database shortly after competing (when they do their end of the month check):

Edit: How do I post a screenshot here. I have the page of the ruling.



She did do that. She imported a foal by the same sire as the two she wanted of mine. Or, at least she said she imported the filly. At that time, Vivaldi had just earned his elite stud book status and his foals were priced much higher than when I bought my first two by him. The mare she got ended up having serious issues. They had to make her a broodmare to try & recoup the money they spent. Although, buying foals elinares the cost of QT when importing horses.
Idky exactly why mb tried so hard to get this horse from me- for her. I just know she really wanted this horse & when I didn’t agree - she basically ordered mb to never train the bigger brother again. The smaller one was way too small for mb & the bigger brother they knew there was zero chance I’d ever even consider selling or “trading,” even for any horse in the barn I wanted- except for one. (This was one of the offers made for the younger brother.) Don’t get me wrong- I don’t think this was the only reason for the target on my back from her. But definitely a big contribution. There were other things going on I had no idea about until way, way later. None of them my fault. I honestly had no idea what I was walking into. I mean, I knew the divorce was happening right then, but I didn’t know much else.
Once I put the puzzle together, it all made sense. It was also too late to do anything about it - except wish I saw right through her from day 1. There were a lot of moving parts. Those who felt their lives were in danger when they boarded or trained there didn’t know me …they were long gone. I only received SEVERAL apology messages from people I’ll never name - after the shooting. All of them sad I’d been shot but happy it wasn’t they at the other end of the gun barrel, bc, as they’d confided - they were in serious fear for their lives at the time.
Had I known the major drama taking place right under my nose- I’d have declined to take the apartment & move to nj with them. I’d have instead taken a different trainer & stayed in Fla year round. Or, just gone back to NC with the trainer I came with.


or maybe … her name isn’t a flower? Which is specifically what was stated. Though, after thinking really hard about it- I realized, I DO know someone named “Daisy.” Not that it’s relevant.

Like I’m gonna tell you… I think we’ve taken enough security precautions already. Or… are you just pissed off that there are actually SOME decent people in Wellington who don’t have time for drama or lies on BB’s or anywhere else - who also don’t care what anyone else thinks bc, they’ve had success & wish to help those willing to seek their help? It is interesting though- why do you care so much? I’m very interested in learning why you care at all who is training me? It’s a bit concerning to be honest.


Yeah, that must be it. Must be. :no:


Yeah, FEI doesn’t have me listed as an “athlete,” bc I hadn’t ridden the test yet at a show! Yet… here I am, right on the ride list for the FEI PSG Q on one day, (along with another two tests) - no FEI the other day- just 3-3 and 4-1 and no confirmed times (yet) for the NON sweepstakes CDI or any other tests- bc my entry was very late. I did get in at the very last minute to a CDI class & another class which I didn’t really need but being there for 5 days- why not? I had no intention of riding the NON CDI FEI PSG or the CDI PSG until it was absolutely ready & given the stamp of “ok,” by MB. I got that. Knew I would … but only booked my AIRBNB a month out to be sure my usual cabin would be available for me & be extra sure I was prepared.
Since you know this show SO well… you must also have the slew of email exchanges between show management & myself in addition to these 3 screenshots of a show you claim I wasn’t entered into. I [ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: 0B68606B-9BCC-4287-9649-41D7B071F933.jpeg Views: 1 Size: 10.9 KB ID: 10560528”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10560528”,“data-size”:“small”}[/ATTACH][ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: E53DC9F4-C36E-44D8-951C-17E86CF6F90A.jpeg Views: 1 Size: 11.7 KB ID: 10560529”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10560529”,“data-size”:“small”}[/ATTACH] mean, I can’t share emails- (I checked) - but I can’t stop anyone else from (sort of) doxxing! These are only Friday & sundays rides - Do you think I was going to twiddle my thumbs on Thursday & Saturday - having 3 stalls, 2 tack stalls (a paddock I THINK) plus an AIRBNB booked through the following tues or weds? (As a mini vacation in Saugerties to unwind…)



Weird, he was so proud of his FB post shitting on CDJ that he’s subsequently deleted it from his “supporters” page, replacing it with his old “coulda ridden Chevy in the Olympics but for lack of money, biased judges, and hatred of the none warmblood” blog.

Revenge? Immediately post here where I ever, ever, ever stated, insinuated or referred to “revenge.” When crimes are committed, we have a justice system for that. I’m riding horses and preparing for clinics. Not that it is ANY of your business.

The Wellington “grapevine,” can waste their time playing guessing games all they want. Pretty creepy- but IF word gets out- I will know exactly who spilled the beans. The big question is, why do YOU care? I could care less about who ANYONE else is training with. You’re at least the second person to inquire. Why? Why does who I’m training with concern you in the least, least, least? Explain.

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