Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

In this thread we all need “it’s not okay to shoot someone” in the signature line because if you don’t explicitly state it every post, certain people swear you’re victim blaming.


CDI’s governed by FEI, so they should be the same. It appears that scores of some level are only needed to compete out of your home country. To compete “at home” it appears to be mostly a paperwork requirement and additional processes - ie the jog, and other FEI requirements. THis link is older and not rules, but an article.

USEF out-of-country rules


I just looked at the HITS on the Hudson - August 2019 show info on, and LK was entered in the FEI PSG, class 151, NOT the CDI PSG, class S1 or A1 which was the AA CDI PSG class. I’m not sure what the error was or why the interest, but here’s what she was entered in:…id=6893&oid=24

Notice Jay-T is still listed as owned by MB. I thought LK bought him. Maybe that was part of the dispute.




Easy peasy, let the Canadian do that for you!
Please check at almost the end of that page for the rider/horse and memo FEI registration.

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Is that the best question? It specifically asks “Do you ever just shut up?” yet that is already a false premise. She cannot shut up because she is not speaking. She is typing. Further, my use of “false premise” is semantically flawed in this example.




She’s so spechul to you isn’t it?

Also « at that level »… Maybe because CDIs don’t offer classes below?!

[Not including the FEI Young horses, FEI Yr/Jr/Ch and FEI ponies classes who are not part of the « regular » levels]

When you are clueless about something, maybe try not to talk about it? What is your connection to dressage except all the recent drama surrounding it?


The issue, I thought, was the requirement for a US citizen to compete at a CDI in the US, which seem to be different from the requirements for a US citizen to compete in a CDI in a foreign country, in terms of qualifying scores. Specifically whether qualifying scores at the same level from a national show are required prior to entering a CDI in the HOME country, as some claimed.

Ok, this is for HoolieB.

Do you (YD) ever just stop typing?

Is that better, HoolieB?



Apparently I did a fairly accurate impression of her “voice”.


Uh-o…I think you edited your original post by adding, “apparently…” but it didn’t show edited. Oh dear, what do we do now? How did that happen and who should we report it to? When I first looked it was just two smilies and then POOF, a sentence appeared. Why oh why didn’t it show “edit”?


No one ever said that here.

It was said to Lauren that she was never entered into any CDI despite her claims.

It appears that she doesn’t have an FEI id - So she clearly never participate in a CDI.

Even someone I know who entered in 1 CDI in 2011 is there.
Even my trainer’s deceased horse is still there.
And both registration fees weren’t paid.

If Lauren had ever paid to do a CDI, she would be listed.
Barisone is there, with a « suspended » mention - So they are quite up to date.


Definitely flag the post for improper editing so the moderators are aware someone is adding to their posts. Good thing you quoted eventually because what ever would we do if they edit their post AGAIN!


The USEF page you linked to provides information on requirements for US athletes competing OUTSIDE the US.

How is that relevant for the issue of the requirements for a US citizen entering a CDI INSIDE the US?

Clearly I knew I was 100% correct but wanted to seem fallible. It was a nod towards softening my inveterate gottaberightitis.


It will be someone else’s fault…her trainer didn’t enter her in the right class, or didn’t obtain a membership in FEI for her…always an excuse other than, “I was mistaken and/or confused or I screwed up!”


I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal? I myself have posted something, went wait a minute!, gone back to make more sense, and someone has already quoted my original post before I fixed it. It’s never been used in a nefarious manner before. Perhaps you should submit a request to the mods that you would like things done differently.


Yes, I think it’s the same as in Canada, where (per the info on the page I linked) to compete in a CDI at home, you need to have the appropriate memberships / horse passport and complete the “permission to compete” form, and for CDIs outside your home country, the minimum score requirements apply.

I’m sure if someone really cares they could find it somewhere on the USEF site, but most people here seem too busy having inane petty arguments, sniping at each other over petty things, or quoting for posterity. And I edited this post, just because I could :lol:

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Someone did in fact assert that it was impossible for her to enter a CDI at PSG because she had not earned the “necessary” qualifying scores at national shows.

Someone other than me brought up the issue. Someone other than you provided the relevant information that qualifying at the national level is required to enter a foreign CDI but not a home CDI.

I don’t know that I have actually bothered to type that out, since it goes without saying in my mind. So, you know, it does not need to be said.