Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

You can not edit someone’s original post. But one can edit their “copy/quote” of the original.


What does it mean to be an “FEI member”? You need to be a member in good standing of USEF, among other things, to enter a CDI competition.

 The issue was whether you need to have achieved certain scores at a national show at PSG prior to entering a US CDI at PSG.  Someone said you did; others say they are not aware of the rule.

This is a pretty standard quote option. I’m not sure why it’s so nefarious? Someone always has their original up just in case.

Simple. You quote it without editing it. Didn’t you personally just say that that’s how you personally quote people? Other people do the same thing.


QFP is standard BB behavior. Why it’s common knowledge that you can edit someone’s quote, the OP always has their original version up. I’m not sure why anyone would quote someone, edit that to make it sound like they said something they didn’t, and then go on about it. Unless they were crazy.

Only the moderators are allowed to make the rules. If people want to argue for another 99 pages that’s their prerogative, but you don’t get to make up your own rules of how and what you want people to post, who’s going to sue who, or whatever your ranking system is about who dislikes LK more. Not liking people’s use of quoting doesn’t matter.

There are a lot of other threads, perhaps go enjoy one of them.


CDI riders must also be an FEI member:
FEI Horse and Rider Registration

All horses and riders entered in CDI competitions are also required to register annually with the FEI. This can be done online by logging into My USEF, clicking on FEI Competition Entry and Competing Abroad > 2016 FEI Horse Registration and/or 2016 FEI Rider Registration (note that both are required). The forms are also available for download on the USEF webpage (same page as the FEI passport information). These FEI registrations have to be renewed annually. Note that a USEF Horse Recording number is mandatory for FEI horse registration, and a USEF membership number is mandatory for getting FEI Rider registration.


Omg. I have never bothered with a signature line, but that would make a great one! :lol:


I’ll take it, then, that the criteria were not met.

Yes, but in this instance I quoted the original quote, with no editing, and the original post was NOT there, because the OP had gone in and changed it. 

 While in this case Green admitted she edited the post, not me, how does the technology allow a third party to know for sure whether the editing was done in the original post vs the quote?

Please take these questions to the Off Course forum or ask the moderators. Enough already. We aren’t the programmers or system administrators here.


On this point, we can definitely agree, though i suspect not really.

FEI requires a separate membership from the USEF/USDF for both the horse and rider, though there are some exceptions for horses at the lower tiers of CDIs.

I don’t know you you are IRL, YD, but unless you’ve entered and/or managed a CDI, I was actually hoping for feedback from people who’ve actually gone through the process of entering CDIs.


If “member of FEI” = registered with FEI, along with FEI passport for the horse, that’s easy to verify on the USEF website, no personal experience necessary.

Perhaps the person who asserted that one needs to qualify with certain scores at a national show at PSG prior to entering a US CDI at PSG could provide a link to the relevant document.

To me, seeing the document with the rule is more definitive than the “personal experience” of an anonymous BB poster.

Highly unlikely. I think the only thing to do is not entertain the desire to make this thread about how dare people disagree with LK and all things YD wants to know about showing, quoting and BB etiquette.


What do you mean by “hoping”? I haven’t written any false statements on here. Most of us that are posting are questioning and speculating, and referring to previously-posted information, including screenshots of posts made by LK herself.

You know the law that well? Hmmmmm… was your mother from Texas, per chance?


No, my mother was born in Philadelphia and raised in New Jersey. Not that it’s any of your business.

Do you ever just shut up?


You are most welcome.


I have no idea what the requirements to compete at a CDI in the US are, but I’m guessing they may be similar to the Canadian requirements, which are listed here :

Perhaps someone familiar with USEF / FEI rules can share the American equivalent.

I scroll past all YD’s posts, but I check the like box and chuckle every time I see a Zero in the box!


Iris was a goddess and you are too. Back to tending the bbq. Niners are ahead.