Barisone Pleads Not Guilty


On my screen, yes, it points to the double face palm pic.


So, now we have accusations that MB prefers barely legal girls and pressured a pregnant 19 year old into an abortion. Interesting, but I donā€™t see that itā€™s relevant to this case, unless that was some secret that he was afraid would be exposed. Is that something MH was unaware of?


Ah, ok. I thought maybe I had missed something.

I would say Bernie looks a bit more upset. Iā€™m still trying to see the humor in the throw-the-entire-contents-of-the-pantry-plus-some-invented-stuff-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach from some posters.

But I sincerely appreciate the concern. Thanks. :slight_smile:


Apparently you are. A wild ass guess would be someone from Canada or a country other the USA. Maybe David Marcus or someone like that.


yes, you can edit your post for some time without the edited comment showing up, so that if someone quotes it before youā€™ve edited it, the two might be different.

it is also possible to quote and then shorten, or even alter the content of the original.




I donā€™t know what happened in this instance, but there is a 10-20 minute window after a post where you can edit it without any sign of it. After that time period, there will always be a notation at the bottom of the post if it has been edited.

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@ladyj79 What is ā€œsome timeā€? I posted mine just now and immediately had to edit, and it shows that I did. And normally it might not be a big deal to remove some fluff from someoneā€™s quoted post, but in this case the missing part of the sentence seemedā€¦ Relevant, at least.

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When I quote someone with the quote function, I never try to edit or alter the quote. If there is a discrepancy, it must be because Green went back and edited it.

ETA. If anyone can use the quote function to quote someone, then go back and edit the other personā€™s post, what is the point of all the QFPing?

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Please, anyone, explain to me why it would make a difference if any poster is friends with LK, MB, MH, JH, RC or anyone else in this saga? Do any of their friends or acquaintances not have a right to post? Let me be very frank, I am NOT MHG. If all of the threads are read thoroughly, lots of information is thrown out that is repeated by others and then swept up to be discussed again as though it is a brand new thought. I can read a post and think, ā€œthat sounds plausibleā€, but my second thought isnā€™t, ā€œwell they must have inside knowledgeā€ or ā€œthey must be so and soā€.

Like someone else posted, I also am interested in what ā€œtwo BNT past Olympian trainersā€ could be working with LK? It couldnā€™t be Dover for obvious reasonsā€¦could it be Klimke? Parra? Brueckmann (again)? Bottom line, who cares other than will she be able to ride with them (physically well enough) or are they simply training her horses for her? Or is this simply another statement thrown out for reaction and questions by the rabid posters? If it is true the grapevine in Wellington is indeed that short, word will be out very soon.

Standard disclaimer: I do not think LK deserved to be shot. But I do think MB is a victim of his own actions caused by irrational behavior for a variety of reasons. Do I think, should he be released for any reason whatsoever, he would come looking for LK/RG to finish the job? Hell no. I suspect he would be in more danger than she would be with her desire for revenge.


I was under the impression that once anyone likes or quotes a post, it gets an ā€œeditedā€ timestamp added to the bottom for subsequent edits, even if the edit happened in the couple minutes where itā€™s otherwise possible to edit without notice.

For your post, under that assumption, ladyj quoting it would trigger the ā€œeditedā€ timestamp, even though you edited it immediately after posting (bc ladyj hit the quote button faster than you hit edit).


Yes, I DID go back and edit the post with the ā€œmisrememberedā€ statement. I confused an 18 wheeler with a jumbo jet. My badā€¦my memory must have farted. What else is relevant?


Or trap all the crazy in Florida and spare the rest of the countryā€¦

In all seriousness, though, can someone educate me? Iā€™m in no danger of worrying about CDI entries anytime in the foreseeable future, and I could not find any information one way or the other with a google search. Up thread or on one of the previous threads, I swear one poster said that you needed a certain amount of scores at a particular level to be eligible to enter a CDI. Can someone who has ridden in these confirm or discredit this?

LK doesnā€™t show up on the CDI results in any form, scratched or not, for the show in question, and a quick search of the FEI database does not have her listed as an athlete. For comparison, I looked up someone I personally know who hasnā€™t show in 10 years, and she is still showing up on the FEI database as an athlete.


@x-halt-salute That makes sense. Thanks!

@GreenWithEnvy I actually didnā€™t care about whether it was an 18 wheeler or a jumbo jet. My question was about the use of the quote function and how that relates to editing/edited posts. I mentioned that part of the sentence as being relevant to the conversation and quoted posts, whether it came before or after being quoted was the confusing part for me.


So that if the original poster deletes or edits it, the post still exists.

For example, in case someone says, ā€œIā€™ve never fat shamed anyone!!ā€Ā Or ā€œI donā€™t even know anyone named Lilly!!ā€Ā

If the post still exists, itā€™s handy to be able to prove it. You know, if it should happen to come up.

 My understanding is that you need certain scores at PSG, for example, for a USEF member to compete in a FOREIGN CDI (say, Mexico, Canada or Europe) at PSG, but that it is not necessary to get qualifying scores at a national show at PSG before entering a CDI at PSG in the US. 

 Most people would show in multiple national shows at PSG prior to entering a CDI at that level, but Lauren is not most people!
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I donā€™t see Lauren Kanarek listed anywhere as an FEI rider or member. One must be an FEI member to enter a CDI as I remember.

  But if you (g) can go in and edit someone elseā€™s post after quoting it, how are you preserving the original quote?
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