Barisone Safe Sport Update

Yes she is. Pay attention. No court date yet, but she most certainly IS on trial.


Here’s the text MHG read in court:

“ I need every single person who has ever been screwed by Lauren, Rob, and the dad. Farriers, vets, trainers, every single one. I’m going to get her a lifetime ban as a competitor “

Which is not the same thing LK was trying to testify about. Because when she was writing her weird FB posts pre-shooting that referred to that, she wouldn’t (shouldn’t) have known about a text between MB and MHG, which is why she saw it on Twitter, some random person showed it to her, etc.


Not in a million years.


Gee that is so not the same.


I expect the civil trial will be no holds barred and the Kanarek family & others will be front and center. Take the Deininger court filing against the MCPD and add to it! Just my fantasies at work :wink:


MHG read several texts during her testimony.

Right at the beginning of her testimony, she does state she entered into a romantic relationship with MB in 2015.

She read one from July 13, 2019 from MB to her stating words to the effect of trust me, I’ll make it so bad they will be begging to leave. I know how and I’m good at it.

She read one from July 30, 2029 from MB to her stating contact everyone who has ever been screwed by LK and her dad as he was going to get LK a lifetime ban from USDF.

She testified they emailed USDF and USEF on that same day.

She testified that August 3, 2019 he had her father everyone and they (LK, RG, JK) will be broken by sheer numbers. That day she also asked MB why they couldn’t just ask LK to leave because no one had.

She testified that on August 6 they mailed the 756 page report to SafeSport.

I think LK was still singing MB’s praises on the 13th. Maybe he broke her like he said he would.

She also testified as to MB’s financial position. He did have a cash flow problem he told her about and it was because he had to come up with the $965,000 for his ex. She testified that the divorce was final in December 2018 and on 3/24/2019 he texted her that after being clipped for $965,000, it was hard to feel good. She also testified he had horses worth approximately $1M and the two places were worth while he was worth millions he actually did have a cash flow problem at the time.

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That’s the one. Thanks.

Sanctimonious. Shoving your religion down other’s throats is a pathetic show of false religiosity.


Just one paragraph from MB’s counter suit by Mr Deininger:

“5. Kanarek has a history of tortious and/or criminal, antisocial behavior, including but not limited to stalking; bullying; threats of harm, injury, and mayhem against persons she chooses to target; threats against public figures; gaslighting; fraud; false reports; and other behaviors which are harmful, injurious, and destructive to the people she victimizes.”


You’re leaving out where she said, “He always made it work.”


Of course. Please don’t waste any breath on those who preachify on equestrian forums.

Buttercup and I will pray to a nice variety of gods and monsters just in case one of them is powerful enough to help this family with their many, many pains and shortcomings. We think of it like buying a lottery ticket when the jackpot is big: a tiny outlay, a bit of a lark, and an infinitesimal chance that someone’s life will be changed for the better.


While she was trashing him on social media, he was trying to break her then he shot her. Not the same.

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Thanks for the research and the support.

Who broke whom?

Couple more paragraphs from the civil suit:

  1. At all times relevant hereto, Kanarek’s wrongful acts, actions, and omissions included, for example, making false accusation of child abuse, false accusations of animal abuse, false accusation of insurance fraud, false reports to agencies providing child-protective-services, and other falsehoods through which her intention was to cause harm.

  2. For example, Kanarek harassed Barisone by utilizing technology to “bug” (i.e., unlawfully eves drop) upon private conversation Barisone was having; and/or, alternatively, harassed Barisone for purposes of causing him severe and significant emotional distress by claiming that she had unlawful eves-dropping of Barisone’s residence and/or business for purposes of stalking him and Barisone Family members



Did you expect that everyone being abused by LK would just roll over and die? That they would just acquiesce?

LK is the first one to threaten and go for the throat as I learned from experience here. So if someone decides to fight back then according to you THEY’RE the bad guys?

Nice try but not even close.

As for cash flow problem: even if true so damn what? Lots of people have cash flow problems. I have too in the past despite having assets.

You seem to want punish people for having normal reactions to bullying, coercion and abuse.

Sounds familiar.


I completely believed you and was horrified when you first posted she threatened you. Then I saw how you treat people with differing opinions, including me, LK posted about the exchange with you quoting the exact words I’ve seen you use on others, and the actual Facebook about the Walthers was posted. You were attacking her before she counter attacked.

From all accounts you have survived tremendous struggles and had a successful career and someone said you were still riding. Awesome.

Why are you then so mean?


Oh please. HE was trying to break HER?

If she thought that then why not go? Why stay?


Any statement such as the one you make here is rendered moot by the fact that she didn’t go and was instead fighting to stay.


I am not mean. I am a reflection. I reflect back what was set to me. I react to intent.

LKs intent was to crush me if she could. That’s what she does to people.

Some people do it back.

It’s called karma.


You mean Ali Brock, the Rio Olympic Dressage medalist who testified on behalf of MB and how broken he was. That LK smeared on FB by alleging she and several other people in the USEF leadership were engaged in outright fraud.


Kind of ironic with people posting stuff about poking the bear and it turns out he was trying to make her life so unpleasant she would be begging to leave and then breaking her with numbers.

Two people who triggered the worst in each other.

How do you not see that they were both fragile and needed help?

I don’t believe she broke him because I don’t think she is capable of carrying out a plot. I think it took everything just to make it to lessons and ride. Now people say she doesn’t. He broke her. They are two broken people right now.

I don’t think he will be released because I suspect he has underlying problems exacerbated by the stress he was under.

I also left off where MHG testified he told her about the monthly costs and how he couldn’t sleep trying to keep it going. That wasn’t LK’s doing. That was his normal daily stress. You left that off too.

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