Barisone assessment

$50K was likely just the “walk away” number cooked up by the couple. One man can’t do that degree of construction on his own and RG has neither the background or experience to do anything beyond basic pick-up/put-down labor and construction. We don’t have a master list of what he did and I don’t think the totality of his accomplished labor ever came up in trial, but it’s more likely that MB could have gotten a few thousand in work out of him, if he did anything substantial at all.


the downfall of not being your own man.
Just consider what he could make as shopper, driver, maid, groom, handiman…
but dang…pesky background checks…and no slacking off…
and drug tests, let’s not forget those!

This leads me to the question:
Can a boarding farm demand drug tests from boarders?
As in a contractual obligation?


The firm he worked for in NC had always been very pleased with his bath remodel/installation work and he received high customer reviews. They hated to lose him until he vanished a second time and they wouldn’t take him back again. He did not need to be licensed to work for this company either, BTW.


Sure, but it could a damper on potential boarders as being too invasive.

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the black mail amount?
(it would not pay for 6 horses and an apartment for 2 for long though…)


Here. I’ll help fill in some more!

MHG read several texts during her testimony.

Right at the beginning of her testimony, she does state she entered into a romantic relationship with MB in 2015.

She read one from July 13, 2019 from MB to her stating words to the effect of trust me, I’ll make it so bad they will be begging to leave. I know how and I’m good at it.

She read one from July 30, 2019 (edited to correct year from 2029 to 2019) from MB to her stating contact everyone who has ever been screwed by LK and her dad as he was going to get LK a lifetime ban from USDF.

She testified they emailed USDF and USEF on that same day.

She testified that August 3, 2019 he had her father everyone and they (LK, RG, JK) will be broken by sheer numbers. That day she also asked MB why they couldn’t just ask LK to leave because no one had.

She testified that on August 6 they mailed the 756 page report to SafeSport.

I think LK was still singing MB’s praises on the 13th. Maybe he broke her like he said he would.

She also testified as to MB’s financial position. He did have a cash flow problem he told her about and it was because he had to come up with the $965,000 for his ex. She testified that the divorce was final in December 2018 and on 3/24/2019 he texted her that after being clipped for $965,000, it was hard to feel good. She also testified he had horses worth approximately $1M and the two places were worth millions, so while he was worth millions he actually did have a cash flow problem at the time.

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part of the ‘you-know-who’ clause…


No. You can only require drug tests as an employer or for sports where drug testing is within their rules. Customers/clients can’t be required to test clean. In reality, RG isn’t even a boarder, LK is!


He may have been looking for his own way out. Who knows?


Yeah, well, some of us have. :wink:


Addiction comes in many forms and all are ugly for all involved. It’s a never-ending need for the one addicted and always waiting for “what next” for family members and significant others. I have true sympathy for addicts but there comes a time when others have to make decisions rather than being the witnesses or enablers. :frowning:


I wanted to put this here as a little reminder of LK’s stance on how to ask boarders to leave barns.

So MB did try to get LK to leave and make her believe the barn wasn’t the right fit. His lawyer tried to get her to leave. Her father tried to get her to leave. It just didn’t work. And yes - before anyone misquotes me - LK did say “without making it personal” - but after weeks of meetings and discussions between involved parties, and harassment and threats from LK, it did get personal (thought not with intent - per the NGRI ruling).


Not according to New Jersey tenant law. I base this partly on your explanations of New York tenant law, reading the for the public New Jersey helpful guidelines, and the law segments available online and posted by others all very informative.

After 30 days, they had tenant rights and evictions were to be according to law. Her testified and admitted behavior should have enabled him to evict her under the 3 day section (with time added to get time on a judge’s schedule as explained by yourself and/or others) for being disorderly. The horses could have a 30 day notice to leave.

He gave an unfiled notice, then if not acted on, he could file, then once the time was up and the paperwork signed, have LE evict her.

PM me. :grinning:

“Proxies from her inner circle” would be her mom?

I don’t know what CH thought, but IIRC, it was a text to LK (and possibly JK) from RG who had just had had a run-in with the farrier about shoeing LK’s horses the morning of 8/7/19. RG was at the barn. LK was at the house and when she got the text that the farrier was not going to shoe her horses, she composed the infamous “Finish the Bastard” and texted it back.

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Do you recall what day RG made the “finger gesture” (gun) to MB? Was it after the farrier or the day before?


It was testified that her father was also on the text chain. I assume she was telling the truth.


I did not get the impression she thought it was a game but more she wanted him to do what was agreed to, he was avoiding her, and it became a very unwise and unhealthy battle of wills

She should have left. He should not have shot her.


Who gives a flip. Her father, acting as her agent, waived the 30 days when he negotiated an agreement with Tarshis and presented it as accepted.