Barisone Safe Sport Update

I guess anyone who pays their own bills, rather than relying on the Bank of Mom and Dad?


As does half the people at my friends barn.

My friend said that going up to that area actually takes longer.


The “order to vacate” was from the Fire Inspector, no?
You’re talking about the eviction notice, from SGF, which isn’t the same thing.


Ah, good point about a Krol acquittee not being considered an offender. :grin:


Eh - everyone has their particular limits.

For me, way back when, I didn’t want to go south and board my horse then go north to go home. But heading NW or NE and then home was less of a hassle. Plus the time it would take, etc.

Enjoy your time with your horse(s), Erinmeri. When you have a good situation it is worth every penny!


LK said on SM words to the effect of once she was shot the interpretation of the meaning of the tapes changed. I interpreted that to mean they were in actuality trying to get her off the premises but the same words could be interpreted as a murder plot.

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I am also closer to the City than HH is/was. That said I have not heard of $850 stall board at such a facility. Sounds like your friend found a great set up! Regardless, I would say most area facilities are an additional several hundred higher, and most charge an additional premium if you aren’t in training. But YMMV.


Am looking to move out of the city because of the commute. Better than pre-pandemic, but still a bear. And I love where I am at, so no complaints (except that I wish it was $850/mo + training!)


Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a spiffy new job too. One where you can WFH, the horse is just over the hill and costs less to board than now.

I can dream for you!


Don’t see it.


That’s exactly my dream! Appreciate you sending those vibes into the world for me!! LOL


Did I forget to mention a larger salary too? Shame on me. Not that it will matter, because you’ll toss the difference in your Roth 401K. :wink:


Well, Mirriam Webster says it is anyone past middle age. And Wikipedia indicates that “middle age” is 45-65. So I guess anyone over 65 is considered “elderly.”

Funny, I am past 65 and even though I don’t think of myself as elderly, I would not feel any discomfort about belonging to the Elderly Illegal Mob (assuming it would have me). :laughing:


Taylor showed no bias. Bilinkas was walking all over court rules of evidence and prior rulings.

You’re my new BFF. That too!


Christie was AG before being governor, wasn’t he?

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Or like murdering your parents and asking the court for mercy because you’re an orphan. (The old definition of "chutzpah.” The new definition should reference LK, for sure.)


Shouldn’t we use the average lifespan for that cohort and then divide by 2?

What is the average life expectancy of a white female?
80.5 years. (2019)

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Complete speculation which we all do. I do not believe the judge showed bias.