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Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

LK was never present in the lounge area/club room during these conversations.

But by late July, early August of 2019, he became concerned LK had overheard his private conversations with MB because of LKs social media posts.


Wrong again. As stated above, the shooter only has to believe something; the trespasser doesn’t have to have done it.

In either case, they discuss the activity of the trespasser.


No, again, you are wrong. I posted the exact law. There is no burden to show that the trespasser is actively threatening my life with imminent use of unlawful force. I am in a stand your ground state, I only have to believe my life is in danger. I do not actually have to see someone threatening me with a weapon.


COTH member TamarainTN’s husband was killed in just that manner.


Ooooh. This witness (MBs friend and real estate lawyer) spoke directly with JK in August of 2019, negotiated an exit plan for LK. They actually identified a farm and trainer for LK to go to!


Now that we have independent testimony of LK making statements of people’s private conversations in the clubhouse and office….

Let’s go back to the 2 guns FB post…

And let’s now reflect on some of IM’s statements about MHG and her child’s conversations…



And in light of the recent testimony from the young girl….for the record, I have no connection, but somehow it is libel to repeat a statement from a published legal filing….



Sidebar. Time to glug cranberry juice.

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What a awful tragedy that was.

Legally I don’t even have to testify that I believed my life was in danger to shoot a trespasser in my state. Stand your ground and Castle Doctrine laws are complicated.


There’s an interesting nuance to the whole trespassing thing, based on my experiences many years ago with someone breaking into my apartment.

Everyone who came to talk to/counsel us about the incident (there was a lot of service provided: wealthy county, white college girls…) told us absolutely, positively that anyone entering a house/room with people sleeping could be presumed to intend you harm; that burglars and general thieves greatly preferred empty homes.

The cops also blithely assured us that if we had guns, we could absolutely shoot someone breaking in, they just asked that we make sure the body was inside before we called them; and that no one would prosecute young (white) women for shooting a man trying to break into their residence.

This was long before the stand your ground laws. I believe the castle doctrine did apply.


So who’s the pan am gold medalist who was willing to take on LK?


Ooooh. Nearby high level trainer was only 15-20 minutes away. Had stalls available. Was willing to take in LK so that she could/would leave MBs facility.

Trainer is said to have won a Gold medal at PanAm games.

The point of the negotiated arrangement with JK was to avoid legal action against LK. MB and his attorney just wanted her to LEAVE.


Now talking about the negotiations with JK that apparently took place in August 2019.

JKs role was to help find a place that LK would be willing to go… something that was acceptable to “her standards”

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I’m guessing it is Cesar Parra’s place.


I like this guy. He’d be a pleasant guy to have around the barn.


Could it have been Cesar Parra?


But you have to be able to convince LE (including police, prosecutor, etc.) and jury - should it get that far - that you had a LEGITIMATE reason to believe you were in IMMINENT fear of your life. You can’t just say that your neighbor cussed at you and made vague threats because your dog peed on his lawn and then you saw him walking up your driveway one evening, so you shot him.

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But apparently, LK was unwilling to go, as of early August 2019 and wouldn’t accept the negotiated agreement that this attorney and JK came up with, in order to get her to just go ahead and move all her horses…

Good Lord.


My God, these people have hurt so many others for years with no penalty.


I’m 200 posts behind, so forgive me if this has been said. I think most people do prefer to just be honest. Which is why they are rarely involved in attempted murder cases, and if they are involved their testimony is not this fascinating.


There are multiple in that area.