Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



If he doesn’t call her, yes. The prosecution could call her as a rebuttal witness, but I hope they don’t for their sakes. She will get worse as she tries to correct the record. She is already trying to do that now, as time goes on it will get to be a stronger and stronger compulsion for her.

Edited to clarify: Bilinkas has not yet finished with cross examing lk. After he’s done, he won’t have more chances to question her unless he calls her as witness himself.


I believe she continues tomorrow on cross.


Trials aren’t broadcast in Canada so this is all new to me. I had no visual reference for any of the players before.

MHG and RC were good to watch. They came across as straight up no nonsense horse pros who know what’s serious and would be solid people to have on your side.

LK, am I correct to gather from COTH that her substance abuse issues were discussed up front? Honestly for me and I think pretty much any newcomer to the situation you hear “opioids” and then impulsive angry incoherent shitposting that the person can’t even account for, and the picture is pretty clear. Many many things are now clear. It’s not a situation that many people would have sympathy for.

I mean everyone loves a good recovery story but we also all know about relapse, and everyone knows the chaos that causes.

I think it’s implausible a witness could be posting on the trial thread at the same time they are talking in court.


Yes, continued cross tomorrow, possible redirect after that.


Phones are a big no no in court. They must be silent and unseen and never recording.


That was during the break when she was not on the stand, and daddy was outside during her testimony. I’m not saying it was LK, but someone in chat said it sounded like her…

I just wanted to point out the crazy that had been going on…,


Really? I wasn’t aware he wasn’t in the gallery giving her clues.

I’ll never get over “the bank” comment! Said in the tone of, you idiot the bank!


Ok if she had a break it’s possible. Extremely bad judgement so possible.


Judge ruled on day 1 that JK had to be out of the courtroom during LK and RG’s testimony.


I’ve never watched any trial on tv before but I’m totally hooked, especially knowing so much information shared on here in the past. It seemed she was truthful in the beginning when explaining what happened when she was shot (had a chuckle when she called it “her” porch, when she’s a squatter). She was falling apart and talking too much later when going over the SM posts.

I was hoping the defense attorney would get to the reasons why MB and MH were living in the barn and how often MB called the police and could not get her to leave. Didn’t she have offers from people to board her horses if she wanted to leave?

One thing crossed my mind when it was mentioned somewhere that there were three bullets in the magazine: one for her, one for Rob, and one for himself. He may have been that desperate.


I used to work with an attorney who had three cell phones, because he always forgot to turn his off in court, so the phone would invairiably go off. One judge would have any phone that rang taken away until the next Friday. Attorneys and laynpersons alike had to give up the phone.


In my court I have watched people get screamed at loudly by court officers, chastised and tossed out many many times.


I believe there was also a comment from the judge this morning to confirm it.


We haven’t got there yet. It’s still the prosecution’s time to make their argument.


In most courts in NC phones are not allowed. Period.


LOL I live among Sasquatches

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Thank you to those who posted recap of the testimony today and to those who shared legal knowledge.

I have not been able to watch all of the first two days and none of todays. Other than the police saying they tested MB for GSR, was any forensic testimony given that actually supports the prosecution’s case against MB? I am told by an attorney that jurors like forensic evidence that supports what the prosecutor is saying actually happened. They said the challenge is getting them to understand that it is not exactly like you see on TV.
A question I have is, was the camera taken by police and tested that it worked properly or did they just look at it to see if it recorded on the cloud or not. I was not clear about that.

Thanks again for everyone who provded recap and professional knowledge!


No physical evidence except GSR on MB’s hands, which is transferable. As for the camera, other than acknowledging it’s type and recording ability, was completely punted by the prosecution. Defense in it’s open statement said it wasn’t collected by police for months after the shooting and by then the cloud was deleted.


You can catch up with it whenever you like on the Law and Crime channel on YouTube. The videos are divided up into sections from each day. It’s worth a look to get a feel for it, even if you don’t want to watch the whole thing. Pretty darn interesting.