Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

IM said he wouldn’t have much to contribute but knew everything and involved with MB and all the lawyers. This would suggest which witness he is.


I don’t know marines, but rifles don’t equal handguns.

ETA, I have maybe shot one handgun in my life. Maybe. That said, I was the number one shooter in marksmanship/riflery at camp. I am female. I beat all the boys. I am also showing my age because I don’t think they let kids shoot 22s (or any guns) anymore. I asked for a 22 for my 12th birthday, I was so proud of that accomplishment. I had no idea until this trial that something on a handgun stayed open when it was empty.


I remember his stating that. But sadly I am either too dense, too stressed, or missed some posts (all totally plausible) that I can’t connect the dots. And I have been following from day one. Someone has to PM me the theory. Lol.

A few questions

If she was shot 2xs in the chest but only 1 exit wound and no bullets inside where could that bullet be? It seems impossible to me but I know nothing about this kind of stuff

Why couldn’t Rob the handyman unplug the drier rather then have his brilliant gf write a letter that he then delivers to township?

Do you think the barn owners where she’s currently stabled will sleep well at night knowing RG and LK are readily avail to point out any fire or building codes to the inspectors of their towns?

And why do I get Nancy Pelosi vibes from this 41yo woman?


Why can’t there be speculation as to IMs identity. Feel free to pm me if this is best handled there.

Here are podcasts by an attorney who specializes in self defense and has started commenting on this case. He has two podcasts on this so far-opening statements and LK’s cross exam.


I don’t understand the lack of forensic evidence. They should be able to determine if she was shot before she climbed the stairs to get the phone, or if she retrieved the phone, they proceeded to beat him, and he shot in self defense.


Why am I not surprised that when Blinkas told LK to put an “X” where she was standing on the diagram he gave her she drew a “star” for herself instead…


Slow down tiger, he’s only spent 2 hours on the case as a whole…


I don’t think we are allowed to out people unless they out themselves.

Edited because Siri hates me.


Yes, after fumbling around the fairly simple question for a few minutes.


General comment - I really appreciate the conversation, the legal explanations for those of us not in that field and the opportunity to ask questions. Thanks!


Heroin will do that to you.


Doc testified “at least one” exit wound on back. Nobody questioned testimony. Could have been more than one exit wound.

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And why on earth would you do that, anyway? If you’re inside the house, wouldn’t you shut the door, lock it, barricade it, whatever, and then call 911 on the phone you have in your hand??

Why would you run back outside to face someone that you claim is a homicidal maniac??


Could have been the other was obscured by attempt to access the chest cavity unsuccessfully and or tubes already placed before he got there.

they found no bullet on radiographic exam, so there’s no metal object - more likely the second wound is lost in the morass of emergency medical treatment.



Because on this forum (COTH) you aren’t allowed to speculate on the true identity of a poster, nor give out personal information about them here on this forum, nor in private chat on this forum, unless they have revealed that information themselves already.


Maybe it seems much easier to attribute the posts on her Facebook page, which has her actual name (and maybe picture?) attached to it. Not a different username, such as on the Chronicle BB.

It’s not as if they don’t already have plenty to work with from Facebook, etc.

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It was yesterday I think (?) and Bilinkas was saying that in another interview (to whom I can’t recall, prosecutors maybe?) that she ran inside after she was shot to tell Rob not to come down.

Hopefully someone else can chime in here.

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