Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I am not going to sift through thousands of posts in old threads to count, but it would be interesting to know just how many times the helicopter bit was repeated here (quite vehemently!) in the last 2 1/2 years. I’m thinking it’s a pretty big number.


LOL, on the bolded part.
Probably a lot of people are considering the value of that lesson…


Bilinkas might have to hire a lot more staff.


And also maybe rewriting all their boarding contracts to include an extremely cut and dried escape clause in case things go south.


‘The Kanarek Clause’


Easy folks.

Be mindful.

Protect yourself. Please.


Perhaps it became slippery with MB’s blood? I wonder if anyone thought to test the blood on the phone (and yes there would be some somewhere despite the rain).




@eggbutt, was MB given the meds before he made the comments?


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Thank you, were they given in the ambulance?

No. They were given on scene when they had MB waiting around by the trucks/trailer.


I’m proud of both of you. Tough love is the most difficult of all.


I don’t know if you were being facetious, but defamation requires actual, provable damages (usually demonstrable loss of revenue of other monetary loss).
Like others here, I am appalled at the behaviour of three adults. That there was an admitted plot to ruin Michael just leaves me completely gobsmacked. I couldn’t even watch RG, I found him so repellent. And the lawyer father!! I can’t even.
So, I think you can rightly feel vindicated as we can all see these folks for who they are.


That would be extremely unusual. Fentanyl is sometimes used by advanced life support but for a first responder with limited medical equipment to use without consult or an attending paramedic - that would be extremely unusual. I don’t think this happened.


I think is plausible that the gun discharged during a scuffle (chokehold, head bashed by her phone for seven minutes, whatever…) and that pulling the trigger was unintentional/accidental.

If he was actually plotting to murder her/them, somewhere along the driveway heading back from nightcheck, you know, in the dark, with fewer people present makes way more sense.



I watched part of the trial that law & crime is covering about the trial of the ohio doctor accused of killing 14 of his patients by high doses of fentanyl. That is a wild case.

Did the cop say during the trial testimony that he gave MB fentanyl? He quoted the good life statement but did not mention fentanyl, that I heard.

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Honestly, I give LK a bit of a pass on getting specific details wrong regarding the exact details of the moments before and after the shooting. Even assuming she was fully conscious, studies have shown that human memories aren’t really the most reliable, and even people telling the truth to the best of their ability tend to get quite a few details wrong. Or even the “seven minutes” issue … while I doubt if it’s factually correct that she beat MB with a cell phone for that long after she’d been shot, I don’t think it’s necessarily something that destroys her credibility given the circumstances.

What destroys her credibility and any sympathy I would have for her is the way she acted leading up to the shooting, and has continued acting ever since, where she seems to believe she’s untouchable and exempt from any consequences of her behavior, including lies.


I thought those drugs were administered at hospital, and previous discussion of what he said under influence was wrt at the hospital where he was being treated for his very serious injuries.

I’d be surprised if an officer carried that kind of drugs on him, especially since he was basically directing traffic beforehand.
But I only watched a portion of Heymers testimony.