Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

All excellent points, although the jury probably won’t know or care about what’s been posted here for the last two years. But their stories didn’t even match under oath for two DAYS, either with each other or with their own previous testimony.

I can imagine giving someone a little leeway for fuzziness on some details due to the passage of time or stressful circumstances, but that comes up against a brick wall once you hear that they were plotting MB’s destruction in advance, with the receipts to prove it. That casts an entirely new light on the whole situation.

How could anyone not have reasonable doubt when they are the source of the whole version of events with no corroboration?


Lets not forget, LK is also a grown up, of over 40


I was watching some of the legal people who were commenting for the various shows covering the trial and they were saying what a great job MHG did for the defense being that she was a prosecution witness.

Also, does anyone remember if the first cop to arrive testified to giving MB the painkiller at the scene?


Your entire post was fantastic. I am quoting this part only to say that I feel revulsion - not pity - about how they move through life. They remind me of a documentary I watched about Cleopatra - how the Egyptian pharaohs and their families were trained from earliest childhood to exterminate anyone who got in the way of what they wanted, with absolutely no sense of empathy or remorse. (Only difference is that the pharaohs would murder their own parents, children, siblings if they thought they might be or become a threat.)


I don’t remember that subject coming up with the first cop. But would the prosecutor be likely to include it in the ground he wanted to cover?

Also, where are you guys finding all these legal discussions online? I haven’t seen any of those yet.

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That is a wonderful story of redemption. You have every right to be so proud of her.


Thanks, I am ok. I had really wanted to testify. However, LK did such a great job proving/admitting that she lies on SM that I feel a lot better now that EVERYONE knows she LIES and her written posts can’t be taken as truth. I still need to have my cyber stalking case heard, but I wonder if I can file for defamation now that it’s in evidence that she lies on SM?


DH and I watched RC testify and felt the same, she was credible, and really not a witness that made the prosecution case, but rather added to the defenses case.


What? Heymer, I believe is EMS trained, which is why he had and used the first aid items he had (if I’m remembering correctly) while waiting for the ambulance which transported her to the hospital (not medivac chopper as previously claimed)

I honestly don’t even know if MB shot her anymore, and there was ZERO doubt in my mind about that before the trial started. Even though he’s admitted it, he’s also claiming insanity, so he might not have that right. Until I watched these few days of the trial, I would have said 100% that MB shot LK, now there’s reasonable doubt - and I can’t believe I’m saying that.


MB was given nothing by the police at the scene.

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I have been able to see only a couple minutes of video but RG’s expression of utter contempt, disdain, and scorn when he looked at Bilinkas reminded me the way Hillary looked at Trump during that debate. As though they truly believed the other person was so far beneath them they couldn’t believe they were having to interact with them in a civilized way. The arrogance and aura of superiority really creeped me out. (And yes, I know Trump had/has his own issues with arrogance, but that is not the point of my post.)


:grinning: I wonder if Ed Bilinkas would take your case??


I think one of the posters who watched and reported on the hearing that included the first cop said that he gave MB fentanyl for pain. I thought there was a discussion about how it could have been responsible for mb’s comments that the State wanted admitted into evidence. I do remember the cop testifying that he was emt trained.

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I must be going crazy!

The other story that really showed some true colors was the part about getting the building inspectors involved. It seemed pretty clear that the whole series of events regarding the dryer and the letter to the authorities was strictly motivated by spite, even if that word was not used.

And that was another time when the accounts from LK and RG under oath did not match regarding whether RG showed the building inspectors around the property to point out any code violations, if I recall correctly.

So again, it demonstrated that they were ready to twist anything that happened into another opportunity to cause trouble for MB and try to “ruin his life,” which seemed to be their overall goal.

Which could certainly make the jury wonder if they did the same thing a couple of days later.


If you go to Law & Crime and Court TV website, I believe they are listed there.

Omg. Think how much money in billable hours/legal fees anyone could save by using him and not having to explain the whole background situation with LK.



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Imagine a class-action lawsuit against Team Kanarek. I wonder how many plaintiffs could be lined up for that.