Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

My daughter had a multidecade heroin addiction, and only after 10 years after finally kicking it, is she fairly normal to deal with, but oh boy, just like LK. Pretending she can’t remember, trying to find an advantage in every encounter, gaslighting. And the twitchiness. So nice to have her normal now, but it took a long time after REALLY kickin it and kicking the suboxone before she was able to come off the drug brain of sacrificing people around her to make an advantage. Very much like these two.


I’m so glad to hear your daughter has that behind her. It must be so challenging for everyone involved. How wonderful that she got through it and past it. And well done, mama, as I’m sure your support was a huge factor in her success.


Thank you, in the end it was, but initially, she was cut off completely for years, but when she was ready, and she needed to leave the area with all the friends and triggers, so I brought her to my new town, albany, NY and she was able to create a new lifestyle, without known haunts and people, which really helped. Still took years to get rid of the habits of seeking out people and situations to fill perceived needs, but once she was clean, she began more and more to just not want that type of life, and she’s now a business manager and project manager for an architect firm, and bought her own house in Philly. Very proud of her.


Did RG commit perjury?


What a fantastic outcome. I’m proud of her, too, and I don’t even know her. Very well done, having built a sober life, developed her career, and is a home owner. Brava to both of you and everyone involved. I think choosing not to enable an adult child in that situation must be heartbreaking and the hardest thing you could have to do. So glad you were there when she was ready to help her to her success!


If COTH goes down there is always Reddit


Any specific term to google? I’m not familiar with how to find specific discussions over there.

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I don’t use it much (maybe twice, I find it awkward) but it SEEMS like a possibility. Join and start a thread - I think.


I agree. I’m just not sure how much it matters since they aren’t the ones on trial. Does any of their testimony help prove that MB meets the legal standard for insanity or self defence? I don’t think so but that may change when it’s the defense’s turn to present its case.


For me the issue was that their stories (i) didn’t match each other; (ii) didn’t match what they each told the police at various times; and (iii) didn’t match what has been repeated here for 2+ years. They also were revealed to have lied many times and the gamesmanship on the stand came across as dishonest/shifty and left an overall impression that their recall and version of events was not trustworthy.

Because of that, many people across the various platforms started to say things like, “Did he even shoot her?” [NB: I’m not saying he did or didn’t; just reporting the reactions to esp RG’s testimony] Even though they are not on trial, as you note, their version of events is THE version and, if it falls apart - or even if it just creates room for reasonable doubt - then the whole case starts to fall apart. I’m particularly disturbed by no forensics on the gun - no finger prints or DNA analysis. If I’m a juror, that’s a HUGE hole for me. Show me evidence that MB every held that gun.

Even if I want the defendant to go down and I’m convinced he’s guilty as sin, I cannot put the gun in his hand other than from the testimony of two people who were proven to lie (i.e., said under oath that they lie plus where shown to have given differing accounts of many things at different times though different media, not just their accounts of the incident), one of whom was belligerent, arrogant, and disrespectful of the court and jurors, and both of whom were VERY evasive on the stand. Add the illegal drug stuff, the vow to ‘destroy’ people, the SM posts, etc., never was there a better use of the phrase,“not a good look”.

And that’s without the defence even having their go yet. So I do think that what @Danvers notes could ultimately matter. There was a clip going around of an on-line crime show doing an analysis of the testimony and they said those two witnesses left a very bad impression and they even thought that RG looked most likely to be the bully in the situation given his aggressive obstructionist schtick on the stand and his open contempt for the proceedings and everyone’s time.

One thing that was actually quite touching: RG couldn’t be bothered to prepare even so much as to bring his glasses (though he did so the day before for the prosecution, hmmmm) and that failure was causing delays as he used huge amounts of everyone’s time for totally avoidable nonsense. He was shockingly aggressive, evasive, and rude to Mr. Bilinkas. And yet, when RG couldn’t read due to his own failure, Mr. Bilinkas removed his own glasses and readily offered them to this guy who is just being a complete jerk to him. It really humanised Mr. Bilinkas for me. I saw him as a gracious person able to separate himself from the adversarial process and show RG such kindness when RG couldn’t even show him the minimum respect one would expect in a courtroom. It set up such a contrast in behaviour and character between the two men.


I admit I went to Reddit. There is a thread on this on the court tv sub. One of our old (banned) friends is already there, however.

@Fiesta01 >>>


Doesn’t mean a new thread can’t be started. I don’t know how thread administration is handled, how to ban posters or how to ward off posters.

Every moderator is different - some are more liberal and hands off, some are heavy with the ban hammer. You can block users, just like here. Starting a thread really depends on the sub’s rules.

And I’m sure there’s some discussion on Twitter, if people really get brave :joy: I’m not even going to go there.

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That COTH had delivered to her COTH forum members identities.
That subpoenas were on their way to those members.

Two Whoppers she told.


(Trying to catch up on all the overnight postings.)

Regarding LK beating MB for 7 minutes vs a few seconds. I can’t imagine how someone could manage to sustain a 7 minute physical attack on someone else after having just been shot twice in the chest with lung damage and bleeding so profusely she couldn’t open her phone. Although adrenaline can provide an astonishing burst of energy after a physical trauma, it seems she would have very quickly lost stamina to continue an attack for more than a few seconds.

Also, if her phone was so slippery from blood that she couldn’t open it, how would she have managed to keep hold of it for a 7-minute “beating”?

And no, this doesn’t really alter my opinion that she and her pack are vile people who set out to intentionally destroy MB, but as far as the length of time the “beating” went on, I think she was exaggerating and/or boasting (as she is want to do).


Leopards, spots, etc.


To add…because @FitzE’s post sums up my reaction as well…Mr. Bilinkas has proved himself not to be the bumbling Columbo that LK, her entourage AND Judge Taylor had hoped to portray him.


A friend asked me this morning if there was anything positive I could say about LK. After thinking a few seconds, two positives came to mind: she (or has someone) takes exceptional care of her horses, and, she taught my daughter to be extremely selective in what clients she takes on.


Didn’t Columbo usually win in the end?


Which is where Reasonable Doubt lives.