Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yup. LK and RG both got up and testified under oath that they are drug addicts who consistently lie, harass, bully, and shtpost on social media. They got caught lying in testimony. I have to say I honestly thought they’d put a better face on things in court. But no, they really displayed in full Technicolor all the things we’d gathered from their online presence here.

I had long ago concluded that nothing LK said on SM could be taken as true without independent corroboration, except perhaps her desire to cause chaos and frighten people. The court testimony confirmed that.

I’m someone with no stake in the case, who has been following things out of curiosity since the start. My impression of LK was built up from her own copious posting here, and completely confirmed by watching the court live stream this week.

It’s pretty obvious that total strangers watching her have reached the same conclusions about her character. I don’t think there’s anyone out there beyond family that can genuinely be thinking well of her after this performance.



This is an interesting comment. It occurs to me few people on this forum have seen Lauren live and animated. Is she what you expected?

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Honest question: can you give an example of this? Just a link to the posts you’re thinking of or even a reference. I ask because I have not seen anything like that here. On the live stream chat, yes, there were very nasty comments about appearance, addiction, etc. But I’ve not seen anything like that here at all.

And, even the stuff on the live stream chat could not hold a candle to, for instance, the stuff said to Girl Joey which, to me, is ‘the worst she has said’. So I’m genuinely interested if you think people on here have said anything that even approaches that level of vulgarity and viciousness. I thought I’d been following along pretty well but I have not seen anything like that.


Food for thought: Had LK not come here and done her thing, COTH would have been very likely full of people supporting her in far higher numbers than now.


LK projects everything she has ever done, and ever will do, via SM. The fact is, most normal people don’t think that way, and so they miss it or explain it away. I have not heard a single thing so far that I haven’t already gotten from LK’s posts. I just don’t know what is in the defenses’ trove of evidence and what can actually be used to show MB’s innocence.

You are mistaken that the defense is drowning and grasping at the theories offered here. He obviously has emails, texts, recordings, and social media from LK, RG, and JK, as well as the full accounts of the events from the people who haven’t talked, and the evidence. I promise you, everything she did to MB and the others probably has an attached paper trail somewhere. It really more that some of us had a better ability to understand the psychology behind LK, RG, and JK in the first place in which to offer an analysis of what happened than the defense is relying on us to put together his case theory.

There is something else about this psychological profile that I understand from first hand experience, but I don’t think I’ll put it here…none of you would understand it.




And I would have sworn that @hut-ho78 was a male. But the in-depth knowledge of female sanitary hygiene products and how to clean menstrual blood might make me re-think that. :grin:


I don’t understand psychological profile or anything like that, however the bombshell for me was that JK was sending templates for LK to use. Up until now most have felt sorry for her family and banning her from their home and wondering about daddy baling her out all the time.

It now seems to me that lawyers see the world differently to most, the same as Accountants do. I have only known Accountants who try to do good. Like doctors who on TV take the oath to do no harm. Do Lawyers have to do no harm?

It seems like LK has been trained by hate by her father for her whole life. She has become what he has trained. People who hate hurt themselves, which shows from LK being shot. Every post is full of hate. She needs to blame her father for her being shot.

LK needs to get away from her father and turn her life around. Even if that means cutting him and his money off. Before she does anything, post on SM, write, speak to anyone, interact with anyone, interact with her horses, keep a piece of paper to look at before she does anything - which reads ALWAYS CHOOSE TO BE KIND.

I see no other way for her to come back from this and the disdain people feel for her.

With her money she could have been a philanthropist, not what we see in front of us.

For the first time I have felt sadness for LK.

That said with the defence not being able to use the knowledge that their was a plot to destroy MB, can he sue them for that? Or do anything about it.


I believe MHG said that.

I predict no hands.

It was in the cop’s testimony. I think Heymer’s, but could be wrong on which one.


It would be more helpful for the jurors if it could be stated more clearly. Between LK and RG, with all their meandering around and “I don’t recall,” if I were a juror, I would be trying to figure out exactly what it all meant.

Is a defense attorney, upon reading back a previous sworn statement to show it contradicts the current sworn statement, not allowed to say something to the effect of “So, you lied in your previous statement?”


That’s been my reasoning too. RC brought the gun illegally into the state for protection during her long drive, MB found out she’s got the gun on the premises where there are minors etc, and asks for the gun so he can lock it away - which is very sensible. What happens with it, and who has access to it, after he locks it in the safe in his office where LK brags she now can pretty much do anything she wants to because she’s got full access to everything, is what’s open for debate IMHO.


I also felt for her family, how humiliating it would be to have all this exposed, the drugs, the SM vendettas, the lack of careers or even jobs, the admissions under oath of wanting to destroy people and all they hold dear like some supervillain in a bad comic. So, I agree that the heavy involvement of the father was a bombshell for me. I also thought that, as an attorney and a parent and a grown up, he would have been above all this. I cannot imagine my mother watching me and my husband give those performances, admit those things, get caught in so many lies for all the world to see. And my father would no sooner participate in such sordid goings on as he would fly through the air.

I also felt some pity that this is how these people move through life with such aggression, entitlement, anger, hatred, and vengeance. But, one thing brought me up short on the pity party: the almost pathological lack of self-awareness and empathy of any kind.

They both admitted under oath to extensive illegal drug use, yet LK couldn’t resist on the stand calling the very poised and professional JH an alcoholic. She also, among other repulsive things, told Girl Joey to ‘overdose’. Talk about glass houses! I think the comments about LK’/RG’s physical appearances on the live chat and twitter are unacceptable, but then I think about them following a stranger through Walmart and filming her to mock her appearance and then uploading that video onto SM.

The complete lack of common decency, let alone grace and understanding based up one’s own less-than-ideal life choices, is breathtaking.


Liars lie, and if he could bother to sit up straight and at least pretend to show some respect for the judge and court, instead of slouching and sneering like a petulant toddler, his “recollections” might be slightly more believable.


My question: Since they (at least LK and IM) are apparently reviewing comments here and elsewhere, if Bilinkas calls them during the defense case, will they change their demeanor or their answers?


And LK’s testimony proves that your social class doesn’t mean you have class.


:grinning: You forgot the /s.

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Yes every post and action seems to be full of hate. It must be a terrible life to live and affects all she sees.

She has a choice, always choose to be kind. I don’t know if she could do that. She has been trained to hate from birth at a guess.


I will need to see the templates before really passing judgement on the fathers role. Very often it’s just one child in a family that goes off the rails. You’d expect if that was 100 per cent due to parents all the children would be the same. It’s not always clear where things like sociopaths and drug addictions come from. I do agree that parents can end up enabling.


Honestly I expected her to present better. I wasn’t expecting such obvious addict twitch and such blatant lies.

I live in a city with a big long term heroin problem and out of self preservation you develop a good radar for addicts and general cray cray because you don’t want that chaos anywhere near your life. Of course these are all poor people. It’s very interesting to me to think about a trust fund addict who can buy their way into situations, which then of course unroll into the same kind of chaos.

If I found a woman in the lobby of my building with the twitch, the vague can’t remember stories, and the fake junkie ingratiatingness, I’d be calling the police immediately. Well, unless of course she was an actual neighbor in which case I’d give her a wide berth, lock my doors, and wait for the inevitable bustup.