Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m not sure she does much of anything except give her horses treats and get on and ride in lessons. He does everything else based on his testimony.


Except she couldn’t even bother to show up for lessons, according to MH and JH.


I write left handed, and do basically everything else right handed, including shoot.


Does anyone know anything about the defense attorney? Is he appointed or did MB engage him? The prosecutor does seem much more organised and well-spoken.


To my knowledge he is not court appointed. I don’t believe anyone has ever claimed MB is indigent.

As for the prosecutor, he is presenting his case in chief. He has organized the whole thing so far. While I agree he is very composed, there’s still the whole other side to go.


I left to go watch Bill Maher?

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He is very highly rated and quite successful regardless of what we see in Taylor’s courtroom.



Has anyone else noticed the body language going on in the courtroom so far?

For being present with a man who is accused of shooting them, neither LK or RG appeared to be fearful of MB.

MB, on the other hand, was absolutely distraught, especially when RG was testifying. MB appears to be hanging on by a thread at times.

Just something to consider!


La-LaPopRider is trolling this forum at this very moment, probably looking for tips for her next performance.


I keep noticing that the judge tends to cross his arms over his chest when he stands up. Not sure what that signifies.


You and I must not be reading the same threads. Over the last 2+ years what I have read is people occasionally not believing what she posts is true or simply believing an alternative source of information. Then she insists what she posts is always 100% true and demands everyone believe only what she posts and threatens them if they don’t. Then people say, alright, if it’s all true explain these inconsistencies. And then she denies any inconsistencies and challenges anyone to show any proof that she has ever lied ever in the history of the world. And then someone shows proof. At that point she goes silent or she ‘corrects’ what she said while still not acknowledging that it was, as originally written, not true.

Then, on the witness stand two things happen: (i) she admits she lies on SM posts; and (ii) she is shown to be lying by comparing various sources of her own statements (SM post, sworn statements, interrogatories, police reports, texts, PMs, etc.).

That is a far more accurate description of what has transpired than what you assert above. To use your own statement above: she demands her words be ‘taken literally and honestly’ when it suits her (on here and FB, etc. for the last however many years) but then testifies ‘to be lying’ when it suits her (on the stand in order to, among others, explain an inconsistency between when she said on FB that she got cameras and when she said she got them in sworn statements).

You see the issue.


Indeed, 90% of the malarkey she posts about me as FACT is fantasy in her mind. That’s why I no longer take her nasty posts and respond to all the lies in them. It just isn’t worth it. The people I know who actually care, know the truth.

There’s Lauren’s truth and then there’s reality. You have to decide what you want to believe.


To me, it seems LK is held to a different standard. Anything she does or posts on SM is wrong. Anything anyone else posts is ok regardless if it’s a lie or mean so long as it is in support of MB or against LK. Some of the things said about her are as awful as the worst she has said. There seems to be a small hard core group that eggs each other on to come up with more accusations.

Creative scenarios based on no evidence are presented.

Then it gets even weirder when the defense attorney starts changing his defense from insanity and self defense to some of the more creative alternative realities proffered here. It’s as though he is drowning and trying to stay afloat by clutching at social media noise.

Nothing presented by the defense has shown a defense. Just saying people were mean does not justify shooting them.

Maybe there will be some big, grandiose reveal at some point in the trial but I doubt it. It looks like it will be more pathetic blowing smoke and hoping the men in the jury will all blame her instead of wondering why a successful business man would put himself in that position and then, once in it, not follow the NJ eviction procedures.


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you are talking about a person who has an attitude when you explain to her how the quote function on the forum works.
You have heard her say it under oath: she does not care about the truth. Why would you believe her SM posts then?
I mean, there is this conundrum: Did she lie when she said she lied on SM? Or did she speak the truth? She clearly does not think she will be held responsible for her actions or words.

And she has her defenders and apologists.


The defense hasn’t presented anything, just cross examined the prosecution witnesses.

And people are taken at their word. Lk has said you can’t believe everything she puts into the world. Which makes it hard to know which, if any, of her statements to believe. Honestly, when someone says that, it’s easier to not believe what that person says until you can verify it from another source.


Yeah that’s the pesky thing about threatening, lying and bullying people.

Gives ya bad karma. And we know how that goes.


Arms crossed over the chest: This gesture is used to create a barrier between the person who is crossing their arms and something or someone that they do not like . This is a universal gesture for almost any culture and situation that can be identified as something defensive or negative.


Uh oh. Now I’ll be tempted to go back and see exactly when he does it. Lol.