Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Agree. I think only certain categories of paramedics are allowed to carry and administer health duty narcotics like fentanyl. I can’t imagine police officers have the training or permission to do so. He may have been able to give some kind of painkiller but I’d be surprised if it were fentanyl. Or maybe things are really different in NJ.


This part of your post made me laugh. This case has proven that lots of things are very different in NJ.


Some states allow it and some do not - the overall EMS protocol does define use cases for intranasal, IM, and IV fentanyl. The context is prehospital setting, though, giving it to someone and releasing them on the scene or to be taken to jail would be a very unusual occurrence.


It reminds me of the line in Hamilton: “Everything is legal in Jersey.” :rofl:


Are EMTs/paramedics authorized to administer fentanyl on their own discretion? Doesn’t it have to be prescribed by an MD or DO? (Asking because I really don’t know…)

Are you saying we should all get restraining orders? :scream:


Not in all states. This would be very state specific. California, I believe, doesn’t allow it at all.


You would have thought the super international A-team of lawyers (whatever words she used) would have prepped their clients before cross. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Seriously, I thought rehearsals were de rigeur.

What a hot mess the prosecution is. Team Kanarek wasted their money.


Well, the person bringing the case is the state, so she didn’t get to choose these lawyers. Presumably those she’s referring to are the civil case, because these lawyers chose her, such as it were.


I honestly don’t think LK and RG are coachable.


Someone else correct me if I’m wrong, but the case is the State of NJ vs. Barisone, NOT Karanek vs. Barisone. A criminal case is brought by the jurisdiction, not an individual. So the prosecuting attorneys are NJ government employees, NOT private counsel paid for by the alleged victims.

In the civil case, if it ever gets to that, yes, Kanarek will hire his own Plaintiff’s counsel.

ETA: soloudinhere typed faster than I did.


Not at all but rather don’t post wildly inappropriate things

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True dat…but if you wreck your credibility in the criminal case how do you expect to win the civil?


Court TV discussion of the trial seems sympathetic to MB.
Court TV: 4/1/22 13th Juror: Do You Think Barisone is Trying to Make Himself Look Insane?.


Also consider that he may (probably) has no place to go, no way of making a livelihood, no way of paying rent or utilities or for food, etc., etc. He is currently being supported by the taxpayers of NJ. And if he gets remanded to a mental health facility, he will still be supported by the taxpayers of NJ. He will have no freedom but he will also not have to worry about keeping a roof over his head or wonder where his next meal will come from. Terrible travesty - he shouldn’t be the one who ended up in a mental institution.

Edited to add that he may feel safer in jail/prison/etc.


In NJ, it is my understanding, that on your own property (residence or business) you are permitted to “carry” a LEGAL firearm.

Just thought that should be mentioned here. Although the gun laws are very strict in NJ there are people who regularly carry on their “owned” properties. Farmers would be a good example of someone who might do this.


Well a lot more flies in a civil case, but the civil case is under stay until the criminal proceedings conclude.

I can’t really say more, I don’t know what all parties have but a lot of this recording/breaking and entering/general terrorizing would on its face make a good counterclaim if he’s got the funding to do it.


I am not sure RC’s firearm had been legally brought into the state. Isn’t that why she had weapons charges leveled against her and then dropped as a plea deal if she would testify for the prosecution in this trial?

And even if it had been legally brought into the state, would MB have been legally allowed to carry it (since it wasn’t his)?

Dunno - appealing to the experts here for insight.

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I don’t think the Blink was up and running until the day before the shooting. And then the seed planted by Blinkas that RG shut it off on purpose to not record when MB came to the house when the shooting occurred.

I’m not understanding why the dog evidence is not permitted—is that not relevant to a self defense argument? (sorry if that has been addressed somewhere else in the 3000 posts)

Anyone else feel irritated when RG said he put the cameras up to protect ‘my house’? Because, you know, it wasn’t ‘your’ house.


Yeah, I said way back before LK testified that I thought she would have been cocktailed and coached so would present as - ahem - “the very paragon of virtue.”

I was really trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but as someone already stated - “a leopard doesn’t change its spots.” And bumbling as Bilinkas seems to act at times, he is managing to get her and RG to out themselves.

I am praying that the jurors are astute enough to catch on to what is going on (or whether, what was going on).