Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

What happened to MB’s farm in Florida? Didn’t he own it or still owns it?

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You are correct but it is possible that it’s not unusual for MB to carry a gun (his own on his own property) clearly if he took RC gun instead of his own, that is not legal. My point was maybe he’s used to having a gun on him and really didn’t think about which gun he may have (or may not have) grabbed.

Hard to speculate what would happen for sure…but if It were a game of chess playing for keeps, I’d be sure of my check before my checkmate.

But then again as someone said above, probably not coachable.

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Looking forward to hearing if any forensics were done on the ring camera. Specifically if there were any videos deleted from 1:47pm on the 7th. I would imagine there would be a record of deleted items.


I don’t know. I find it hard to believe MB is so broke he has to stay in jail. Weren’t several of his horses sold which were valued in combination a million plus (per defense)? He owns the FL farm outright (can’t remember who testified to this, maybe MH) and I wouldn’t think MB’s lawyer is acting pro bono and if he couldn’t afford his attorney, a state appointed attorney would have been appointed.

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Oh, so the fentanyl was administered after the comments were made, but before Heymer wrote up the report on 8/11.

Court TV discussion of LK and RG cross-examination:

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Without going back to double check, I seem to recall that it sounded as if the episode with the truck happened a little bit before the last few days before the incident. Maybe the previous week? Didn’t they say they had just put up the cameras within a day or two before the altercation?

And it seems like quite a remarkable coincidence that RG decided to turn off the camera virtually moments before MB showed up at the house, if there was a record of RG getting a notification from the camera at 1:45 PM or whatever it was, just 15 minutes or so before MB arrived. :thinking:


Which underscores the importance of the impression witnesses make while testifying


I missed the part about MB spitting on LK, was it actual spitting or a say it don’t spray it thing?


As seen in CO, where EMTs administered Ketamine to Elijah McLain …
I can’t imagine who thinks this is ever a good idea


That seems super crazy to me. (Not your explanation, just the whole concept.)

Considering that the jury members are not allowed to take notes, and the amount of contradictory information we have seen just in the first week, I don’t see how the jury could be expected to remember all of it accurately in the first place, much less at the end of a three or four week trial when it’s time to deliberate on the case.


Thank you for saying that.

All week I’ve been getting flashbacks to the last song in the first act of Hamilton, every time someone in the courtroom says:

:musical_note:“Call your next witness.”:musical_note:


According to LK under oath on the witness stand, it’s all “just social media.”

So there’s that.


Definitely a say it don’t spray it. ‘He was yelling so hard in my face he was spitting’. He didn’t hork one out on her.


His farm in FL is… Well in FL, so I’m not sure he would be allowed to leave the state of NJ to go live there pre-trial?

As for his finances, I have no idea.
But that his ties are primarily in NJ and FL, sadly in close proximity to LK, RG and JKs… Yeah, that’s not where I would want to be if I were him.


I could be remembering this wrong, but from what I recall, he still owns the property and JH conducts part of his business there.


Plus so far we have only seen what the prosecution has set forth. If one side looks this bad after the prosecution case, what will they look like in another week or two?


Nothing so far would surprise me in this case :laughing:

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This!! Its a profile of a very dysfunctional family resulting in a narcissistic child who never grows up. Its really quite sad.