Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

As I said upthread, I am (genuinely) not familiar with guns.

Does anyone know the size of the gun that was used? Especially compared to the other guns in the safe? Maybe it seemed like a better idea to carry a smaller weapon that would be unobtrusive and out of sight unless it was actually needed.

If, in fact, that’s how the gun arrived at the scene. Which could still be open to debate.


I recall JH saying the same thing. And I believe MHG may have been the one who said MB owns the Florida property free and clear.

Also, as far as owning expensive horses that were sold, it’s not at all uncommon for riders to have horses that are owned with partners or syndicates, etc. So even if the horses are sold for a good price, that does not necessarily mean all that money goes back to the rider after the sale.


Not his original utterances of “I had a good life”. He received drugs in the trauma center.

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Or if he did bring the gun to the scene for whatever reason, perhaps he grabbed it instead of the others because he knew RC had recently used it, such that it was in working order (cleaned, etc) and his own guns, through lack of use, were not?


Well, up until recently that appears to have been the case.


Also very possible.

Didn’t it turn out that one or two of the other guns were not functional, according to the gun expert? Although I still don’t remember hearing anyone in court actually say that those were the other guns from the safe.


Also, many thanks to those who are posting links to the Court TV type discussions. Much appreciated!


I’m planning to rewatch the parts I was distracted during or missed completely after son goes back to college tomorrow. I missed most of the gun experts testimony.

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I do not know what the regs are in NJ, but there was recently a case in a state where EMTs give Ketamine at the request of LEOs to subdue individuals that are being arrested. The kid they gave it to died. And he was guilty of nothing.


Little… mostly used by people with smaller hands, which Ruth said she had searched to find that particular one online because she has smaller hands and wanted something she could handle for target shooting. If you look at the pic here, the slide is open. When that’s closed, it wouldn’t look as long on top.

Nancy Jaffer | Nancy Jaffer - Equestrian Sports


Just to point out, about the boyfriend’s possible military history/record. It’s also likely he was in the Marines, but got kicked out as a result of those drug charges. Just because you are in the military doesn’t mean you can’t get arrested and charged. It can explain the vagueness about how much he actually did.


He could sell his assets and have money to live is my point. I don’t think the reason he is in jail still is because he is flat broke.

That’s right, thanks. So maybe that gun would more easily fit in a pocket, out of sight unless it was needed.

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Elijah McClain


I don’t either.

RG really comes across as a defiant, bratty child in the videos with the way he slouches in the chair, mumbles, and refuses to make eye contact. And really, all he needed to do was get up there and be respectful and straightforward. Regardless of the verdict, it says a lot about these people that they can’t even manage to be on their best behavior for a couple hours.


Maybe that was their best behavior. :thinking:


Good point! I suppose I should’ve said “act like grownups.”


I could barely make it through a few minutes watching LK or RG online; I felt all kinds of unhappy feelings due to their demeanor. I can only imagine how MB must feel, seeing & listening to them in person. I wouldn’t be surprised if the trial is invoking PTSD symptoms for him. And to think he may have to go through this all over again if LK moves forward with suing him.


Good point. Or he may have tested positive for drugs and was therefore given an administrative discharge (like Hunter Biden was after testing positive for cocaine).