Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I will just point out that I did not actually say the words “drug addict.”


No, you did not.

I believe both LK and RG admitted to having a drug problem while on the stand, so I do not think I am brining up something that is new.


A random thought here…. It has repeatedly been stated by numerous people that LK often didn’t show up for lessons, scratched rides at shows, etc. I don’t understand why she keeps buying more horses. I can understand having maybe two in training; different levels, a back up in case one became lame, etc.; however why the need or desire for 4, 5 or 6? It doesn’t make sense, when she’s not that dedicated anyway, and we all know how expensive that is. (Unless you get the sweet deal she suspposedly have with MB)


I would guess it has a ton to do with status. Having X number of horses in full time training with a big name pro = I have money and status and you do not because you only have X-1 horses in training.
Add a lack of impulse control to that, and heck, we all know horses are like potato chips, you can’t have just one…
If I could afford it, I am sure I would have more horses than I could ride too. Darn it, I saw one just the other day that I wanted. Oh well, no money.


I wonder how contentious her lack of dedication was, for bothering sides of the arrangement.
If MB expected serious students who took lessons, paid for training rides and did their homework in between, that may have added to the tension. Especially if putting someone else on the horses, to school them, might ruffle her feathers, even though it was being dine to keep the horses tuned up for if/when she would hopefully show up.
Then that further bubbles over to her being contentious with the people put on her horse to keep them tuned up for her; a working student, or JH, or MHG perhaps?


I’m not saying that LK is this way, but people can be totally irrational with the number of horses that they have. I know a few people in my area with the means (or sometimes not) to have multiple horses, so they do. They don’t ride them, hardly ever see them, and take them out of their Stall once in a blue moon. Sometimes they’re really into it at first (ooh Shiney new horse) and then the interest fades.

Some people have the time and money, and each horse serves a different purpose to them, and they actually ride/interact with them.

People have all sorts of reasons (sometimes hoarding, but not in this case) for having multiple horses. Sometimes it makes no sense to anyone else.


Some people are horse collectors. I know someone who has 10. She does not have a trust fund. She was just kicked off the last property she was boarding them on. Pretty sure it’s related to mental illness: lack of impulse control, delusions of grandeur, hoarding mentality to fill emotional need. Might be similar in Lauren’s case.


Plus were they all full scale competition horses?

Maybe there were one or two that were most likely to show, and the others were older or younger or not so sound or practice horses, or whatever. Just a guess.

Obviously they still had to be fed, whatever their purpose was.


My guess is an attention thing.

There’s only so many horses a trainer can ride in a day, so if you own six of them, the expectation that you are the top of the pile in terms of the trainer’s attention is possible.

Of course, you’ll quickly learn the owner of the trainer’s top horse or horses will always supercede you on the totem pole.

Just a guess that was part of the problem.


I would be surprised if @Inigo-montoya is pleased with how things went last week. His confident I-know-things-you-don’t-know posts putting posters in their places if they dared predict anything that wasn’t positive for @La-LaPopRider seem a bit limp in hindsight.

I can’t wait to see him on the Defense witness stand next week. Will his performance be as contradictory as LK’s and RG’s? He’s much more deft than the other two and he’s experienced in saying nothing but projecting great knowledge. Remember he knows everything and everyone.

I hope the three are indicted when this trial is over.

I’m anxious to get all those crow pies baked and ready to serve, hopefully next week!


I still chuckle at two grown adults, in tbeir 40’s no less, one of whom is renovating a house and owed $50,000 (per Lauren Kanarek) and yet apparently didn’t know how to UNPLUG A DRYER.


Or even ask someone else to do it; they seem otherwise pretty good at that.


But knew how to summon the Fire Marshal and a building inspector. So subtle. Grand master chess move there. /s


I’m confused about this part. Wasn’t he in the courtroom for part of the testimony this past week? I thought witnesses were not allowed to be in the courtroom until after they were done testifying in a case.


Yet the “renovator” was prohibited from presenting his bill! Didn’t La-La say the older couple involved in one of her law suits said they acknowledged the debt was owed and would pay? But wait, she also said they “begged” them to stay on the property. Sure they did.


An unlicensed one. I suspect the lack of permits on top of his lack of licensing would also have been of intereet to the building inspector.


Without knowing anything about them or their circumstances, I feel extremely sorry for the older couple who got dragged into this mess just by owning the property.


I agree - I can see a scenario where LK was “downgraded” to JH simply because she was not showing up for lessons with enough regularity to keep holding spots in MB’s schedule.

Plus, I know it was a status thing for her, but JH has been with MB for 15+ years. He’s plenty capable of leading the training of a mid-level, not particularly talented amateur with commitment issues.


I have had wondered for a long time why Daddy-O didn’t get fed up with someone mooching off his daughter (and him - since he apparently held the purse strings). I would have done everything in my power (legally of course) to get the guy gone unless he could become - and stay - gainfully employed.


But didn’t she brag last year that she was training with another Olympian who was all too happy to have her as a client? I remember some commenting that people couldn’t imagine any Olympian taking her in after “the incident” but others pointed out that there are numerous Olympians in Wellington who may have never heard of her or the incident (some people do not follow SM or the news), or may have believed she was truly an innocent victim.