Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

At this point, I’m very unclear on the sequence of events between MB showing up, the shooting, and the arrival of the PD. Rob was either inside, or on the porch, LK was either approaching MB or back on the porch, or kneeling on the patio, and had either one or two phones. She may or may not have been able to stand and walk… the dog may have been just barking and nipping, or bit down near MB’s genitals… it’s so all over the place. Numerous proven lies for RG and LK. I think the jury is going to have a very hard time knowing exactly what happened.


I’m sure I remember, to the best of my knowledge and belief :wink:, LK posting on one of these threads that she had audio recordings of RC and MB planning her murder, because I thought it was just so far fetched. Maybe that’s the “bomb shell” that she’s going to drop next week - though it seems as though pretty much all of the audio and video recordings that were claimed by LK have now gone missing …


I think in that whole list, the dog bites are probably the most likely thing to be true, since presumably they left a physical mark that was noted by a doctor.

Otherwise I would imagine someone would have denied it happened. Or it would not have been brought up in the first place without some sort of medical documentation.

Besides that? Total mishmash.


If that’s the case, I think it has to happen Monday morning before the prosecution rests and the defense gets started. I am not exactly holding my breath on that one.

But we should know soon. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:

Now I’m trying to decide if Bombshell would be a good name for a horse. :thinking:


I wonder if all the customers at the current barn have started checking everywhere for bugs yet.


I recall that, also. But if the prosecution had such a recording, wouldn’t he have already presented it?


Surely it wouldn’t have been a lie? Who would make such an outrageous suggestion in writing? Oh, right.


It would be a good name for a horse, or a cocktail. As would Sidebar.


Sidebar would only work on a horse that always wants to slow things down.


I could easily be wrong but I thought preponderance was used in civil matters and reasonable doubt in criminal matters.


All it needs to be is big enough to get a 4 (or 5) horse trailer out of the driveway onto the highway out of New Jersy, with LK and RG in the front of the truck, and her ponies in the back.


Can someone tell me the story about the farrier? I missed that testimony, and don’t know the story. I gleaned that there is a pissed off farrier?


That is not how I read it.

It is not just that LK/RB are vile, it is that they are not honest. They are the only witnesses of what went on that day, and they seem to be unable to say anything that is truthful.
Why would anyone want to convict someone else on the word of two people who are not honest?


Interestingly so, they seem purposefully not honest. As thought they have no reason to be honest. Its just wierd. You would think they would want to come across as forthright people. They both seem to purposefully be gigglingly lying.


Do we know there is nothing else with bullet holes?
RB went in the house.
There are several vehicles there that were not searched.
There could be any number of random evidence items that were never picked up because those places were not searched and the police were not looking for evidence of anything but what they wanted to believe.


Very well said.

Plus it’s been said that RG and LK’s father returned to the literal scene of the crime the following day when nobody else was there to see what they did on the scene.

The way the police processed the crime scene left a hole for a pretty good sized rig to drive through, from the sound of things.


I don’t think the farrier was the one who was pissed off. Or not at first, anyway.

From the sound of things, MB had told the farrier not to shoe LK‘s horses anymore, and when RG heard about that, he had an altercation with the farrier at the barn on the morning of the shooting.

Then apparently he texted back and forth with LK about it, and the texts included threats against MB, according to the defense.

So it will be interesting to see if they call the farrier as a witness for the defense to verify or elaborate on what happened that morning, just a few hours before the shooting took place.

I had been very curious to hear about what happened with the farrier, only because it seemed like the prosecution and LK and RG had tried pretty hard to avoid the subject.

Here on the BB after that testimony, we wondered about the farrier arrangement, and if it was something where MB paid all the shoeing bills directly to the farrier on the spot and then billed the customers afterwards for those services in order to be reimbursed for the shoeing bills.

Which would explain why MB might not care to front the money to shoe those horses at that point in time.

That’s the farrier story in a pretty big nutshell.


How shall I put this?

I think there are some people with a certain set of life experiences who tend to behave in a manner that makes absolutely no sense to other people who have not had a similar set of life experiences.

That statement could probably apply in a lot of directions, now that I think about it.

For example, how much sense does it make to a non-horse person when they hear about things that horse people might think of as totally normal? It probably would make no sense whatsoever to the average non-horse person, even though the horse people might not think twice about it.

The same thing could apply to people with a different life experience, or a different life experience combined with horse experience.


It is hard to imagine a life style that intentionally not being honest on a regular basis, all while screaming and threatening people who dare imply you are not honest, is considered ok and normal.

Now, if you are saying it is pretty typical for a drug addict to not be honest, that is very true.